Chapter 466

The game continues.

However, Lin Xiang no longer has much interest in watching.

In his opinion, there is no suspense in this level of competition, just like a movie that knows the ending, it seems boring.

"You study more, do more research, I'll go outside for a walk."

"it is good!"

Mo Qiuyu suddenly realized: "Go outside?"

Lin Xiang refers to the outside, outside the arena.

Walking out of this huge building, the ears are immediately clean. The too noisy and exciting game scene is indeed not suitable for his half-house idea, just like he has always found it difficult to accept the environment of the performing arts bar, preferring a quiet place.

As for the rest of the game, let Mo Qiuyu worry about it.

Anyway, Roaring Brother and Xiao Ran have already proved their strength with their records, and Mo Qiuyu should not interfere with their style of play.

Walking out of the venue, Lin Xiang called Chen Xiang.

In the past few days in Shanghai, I planned to travel with Chen Xiang to enhance our relationship, but I have never had time to realize it.

Taking advantage of the fact that everyone is paying attention to the game today, Lin Xiang decided to fulfill his promise and take her to some tourist attractions.

"Lin Xiang, are you done?"

"Well, where are you, I'll find you."


Chen Xiang's tone became twitchy, and Lin Xiang could even imagine her lying with twinkling eyes.

After the phone was quiet for a while, Lin Xiang heard the announcement from the airport, and asked in surprise, "What are you doing at the airport?"

Chen Xiang sighed: "I didn't hide you on purpose, it's just that the situation is urgent and you are busy, so I..."

"Did you buy the plane ticket?"

"Just ordered."

"How long does it take to take off?"

"This flight is full and I'm the last ticket."

"Don't worry about it, what time is the flight?"

"11 o'clock..."

"Okay, wait for me, let's meet and talk."

Lin Xiang went back to the hotel right away, took a taxi and headed to the airport with only his documents.

On the way, he used his hacking skills to directly find Chen Xiang's seat, and then falsified the identity card of the customer who booked the ticket next to Chen Xiang.

In this way, that person would not be able to pass through the ticket check, and he would naturally be able to get that seat.

Of course, the team was still competing, but Lin Xiang, the boss, left as soon as he said it, which seemed a bit irresponsible.

But Lin Xiang doesn't care about that much, the sky is big and the earth is big, his wife is the biggest. His mission to come to Shanghai this time has been completed, and he just wants to spend time with Chen Xiang.

Besides, he is the owner of the Battle Soul Club, not a manager, a coach, nor a member. In fact, there is no need to be present in person at all.

Even the Battle Soul Club was just an investment on his whim.

To do this step, he is already very interesting.

To put it bluntly, from his standpoint, he was not very concerned about the final outcome of the game.

It's good for War Spirit to win the championship, but even if he is eliminated in the preliminary round, he won't be too sad.

Taking a step back, this is just an investment of tens of millions.

He has given War Soul financial support and given his friends a platform to play, which is very interesting indeed.

For him, the rest is not as important as being with Chen Xiang.

Moreover, Chen Xiang left in a hurry this time without even saying hello, so there must be something wrong again, right?

The last time Chen Xiang was fed poisonous chicken soup, Lin Xiang couldn't help feeling scared when he thought about it now.

So this time, there must be no mistakes!

Hurriedly rushed to the airport.

Lin Xiang was dressed lightly, quickly passed the security check, and found Chen Xiang in the rest area for registration.

He strode over, pretending to be unhappy and said, "What's the matter, let me let you go!"


Hearing Lin Xiang's voice, Chen Xiang raised her head and said in shame, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, it's just that you have a competition today, I don't want to distract you..."

"Okay, what's the matter?"

Lin Xiang was very concerned about this.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that my family is coming to the city, and it will be the day after tomorrow. I have to go back in advance to prepare..."


Lin Xiang had strange eyes: "Are you going to move?"

Chen Xiang was silent for a while, then nodded, her face was full of worries, but her eyes did not dare to look directly at Lin Xiang.

Lin Xiang also suddenly fell silent.

I don't know how to speak.

Chen Xiang's intention was obvious, that she didn't want her parents to know about Lin Xiang for the time being.

To put it bluntly, Chen Xiang thinks that they haven't reached the point where they can meet their parents.

Although she had already met Lin Xiang's father, she was not ready to tell her parents about Lin Xiang.


Lin Xiang asked a question.


Chen Xiang was puzzled.

"I said, why do you want to move? Wouldn't it be good to just take your parents to the villa? There are many vacant rooms at home, so you can live there."

"How dare I!"

Chen Xiang struggled, gritted his teeth and said, "It's all Chen Bo's fault. He was gossiping in front of his relatives recently, and they came to arrest me!"

"Chen Bo? Catch you? Tell me well, I'm a little confused..."

Chen Xiang went through a lot of inner struggles before she chose to tell the whole story.

For her, this matter is a bit difficult to talk about!
Because of some things, the taste changes when you say it, especially for a sensitive person like Chen Xiang.

It turned out that it was like this:
Chen Xiang is 21 years old this year. At this age in their local area, relatives who have already had good affairs began to come to the door to talk about matchmaking.

Her parents are relatively open-minded, and they never whispered these things in her ears. When dealing with those matchmakers, they also said that their daughter is still young, and they will talk about it after she works hard in the city...

After several rejections, the matchmakers stopped bothering them.

Until recently, when the Chinese New Year was approaching, many young people in the village who went out to work returned home one after another, and the matchmakers were full and had nothing to do, so they helped their relatives.

You can annoy Chen Xiang's parents!

Then one weekend, this kid Chen Bo knelt for a few qualifying matches, and finally got on Xingyao I, but he was about to fall back to diamond again, and he was so angry that his mind exploded.

There was still chatter in the living room outside, so he ran out to curse people on the spot.

"I said you are annoying! Come every day, every day, do you have to force us to say it clearly, my sister looks down on your relatives!"

As soon as the words came out.

Sure enough, Chen Bo was severely taught by his parents.

Chen Bo had a bad mentality after losing the qualifying match, and he was hanged and beaten in front of his relatives and neighbors. Does he not want to lose face?

So he carried Lin Xiang's brother-in-law out on the spot, slapped those people in the face, boasted how good Lin Xiang was, how generous he was, and made several relatives and neighbors dumbfounded.

In the end, Chen Bo got angry, but Chen Xiang was out of luck!
According to Chen Bo, Chen Xiang has already lived with her boyfriend, and the raw rice is cooked. The three high-end mobile phones brought back last time were not given by Chen Xiang, but bought by the "brother-in-law" he said!
Chen Xiang's parents were anxious about this, and asked Chen Xiang every day if this happened.

Due to some communication barriers, what Chen Xiang expressed was different from what her parents received.

For example, her parents asked her, what kind of work does the young man do, and what is his financial situation like.

Chen Xiang thought to herself, since she wanted to get her parents to recognize Lin Xiang, she had to make a better statement, say that she started a company and was quite rich.

As a result, to her parents' ears, it sounded like a sugar daddy, thinking that there is no such young rich man, either the rich second generation in the city, or an old man who is a round older than her.

Therefore, Chen Bo was tortured again to extract a confession!

There are many similar misunderstandings, mainly caused by the generation gap between the two generations.

In addition, after being rejected many times, those neighbors gossip behind their backs, making Chen Xiang's parents very uneasy.

In the end, the two elders decided to come and investigate for themselves.

By the way, he also brought that boy Chen Bo along, it can be said that the whole family is dispatched!

As for Chen Xiang, she felt that under such circumstances, it was better not to let Lin Xiang appear.

After all, she knew that her parents came here with anger, and with Lin Xiang's temper, she might not be able to bear it.

It happened that Lin Xiang was busy with business, so she decided to sneak away, go back to deal with her parents, and tell Lin Xiang later.

After learning the ins and outs of the incident, Lin Xiangyi was filled with indignation: "Damn it! I knew that kid Chen Bo was unreliable! Fortunately, I even gave him a few limited skins!"

"That's right, when I go back this time, I must beat him hard!"

Chen Xiang is not gentle to his younger brother at all...

"Yes, beat him!"

Lin Xiang was angry on his face, but burst into laughter in his heart, and he liked Chen Bo 32 times!

It happened that Lin Xiang wanted to meet with Chen Xiang's parents during this period of time to settle their affairs, and this kid Chen Bo came to help him with Boshen's help.

(End of this chapter)

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