Chapter 462

In the end, both sides lined up.

DMG team: Cao Cao, Gao Jianli, Hua Mulan, Taiyi Zhenzhen, Ju Youjing.

Battle Spirit team: Baili Shouyue, Yang Jian, Zhang Fei, Mai Shiranui, Bodhidharma.

When Wang Hao selected Gao Jianli, Roaring Brother decisively Zhang Fei and asked his teammates to choose a Bodhidharma to limit Gao Jianli's entry.

According to the information collected by Soul of War, Wang Hao is another strong player of DMG after Xiao Ran, so naturally he should pay more attention to it.

Although Xiao Ran can arbitrarily choose Baili to keep the contract, Brother Roar must take the overall situation into consideration.

At the beginning, Mo Qiuyu was worried that the opponent would not have a shooter, so he shortened the development cycle and wanted to use the crushing method to gain an advantage in the early stage.

But seeing Brother Roaring's lineup allocation, she heaved a long sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, these four heroes are very resistant to pressure and can play well together..."

At this time, Lin Xiang smiled and said, "DMG lost badly this time."


Mo Qiuyu was puzzled.

Lin Xiang smiled and said: "Look, although DMG is loud and loud, they are very conservative in lineup selection. Xiao Ran kept his promise for a hundred miles, and directly shocked the opponent from asking for a shooter, which shows that they all cherish their feathers. ..."

"How to say?"

"Don't you understand?"

The corner of Lin Xiang's mouth twitched: "On the other side, I'm not in the same mood!"

Mo Qiuyu's eyes lit up: "You mean, they are afraid of facing off against Xiao Ran, and they are afraid of being crushed too hard and lose face, so they don't use the shooter at all?"

"That's right! The DMG team used to be dominated by Xiao Ran, and the rest of the members were too eager to express themselves. In such an important game that is their first personal match, who wants to show their embarrassed side?"

Lin Xiang pointed at the screen and continued: "Look at us again, although everyone's personal skills are not good, but in terms of hero selection, it can be said to be steady. They will choose whatever Brother Roar asks them to choose. Give up the ego style and focus on the team.

This just makes up for Xiao Ran's individualism.

Let Xiao Ran pretend all by himself, Brother Roar and three teammates voluntarily pay the bill, this is the soul of this team! "

Mo Qiuyu frowned.

I don't know why, but after listening to Lin Xiang's words, and recalling the games that Zhanhun played during this time, she had a faint feeling.

This team is like a gun!

Xiao Ran is the bullet that kills people!

"However, according to the data, Xiao Ran doesn't know how to play Baili's contract at all! He chose so, it's too big!"

Mo Qiuyu was still worried.

"Do not."

Lin Xiang shook his head: "You seem to have made a mistake, whether you can play or not is always relative!
If Xingyao can bully Gold casually, can it be said that Xingyao knows how to play?

Xiao Ran chose a hero who rarely practiced, which was precisely his smartest move!
Think about it, Xiao Ran has been in DMG for three years, and during the three full years of daily training, they are familiar with each other's playing style and style, even including positioning and various details.

It can be said that understanding each other is like left and right hands.

Even without deliberate research, you can respond conditioned reflexes at critical moments!

As Xiao Ran is the core of the team, DMG members know every step of his steps!
The same is true for Xiao Ran to them!
Then, if you think about the mechanism of the hero Baili Shouyue, you will know how stable Xiao Ran is! "

Mo Qiuyu looked at Xiao Ran with deep eyes, and said nothing.

Lin Xiang smiled and said: "Trust my eyes now, Xiao Ran, although he is so proud that he doesn't accept anyone, but it doesn't prevent him from using his brain.

The fault of DMG in training him was that he underestimated his flexible and explosive power!
How could a Luna fully arouse the fierceness of this wild wolf? "

To be honest, Lin Xiang doesn't know much about tactics and doesn't have a lot of professional experience.

But he dares to say that no one knows Xiao Ran's great potential better than him!

This kind of talent and potential is difficult for a hard-working player like Dai Si to surpass.

Therefore, in this competition, Lin Xiang decisively chose Xiao Ran instead of Dai Si who is more comprehensive!

The game is underway.

Xiao Ran changed from her usual wild nature, and came to the development road with peace of mind.

He was even very cautious not to invade Ercao and sneak attack the enemy.

The entire Soul of War team performed very stably.

In the tugging battle of guarding the buff, harass and retreat, and don't give DMG any chance to face.

Generally speaking, the style of play is not only conservative, but extremely wretched!

On the development road, Xiao Ran's opponent is Cao Cao.

Every shot was dodged by Cao Cao in time.

It seems that Xiao Ran's Baili kept the contract really weak. Although the prediction was good, Cao Cao made full use of his reaction ability and displacement, and he was able to do a job with ease.

If he failed to suppress Cao Cao in the early stage, Baili would be very difficult to deal with.

Fans of Battle Soul not only have strong doubts about Xiao Ran.

"What's the matter, the players of this year's Soul of War are not as good as last year's!"

"What's the meaning of Xiao Ran, if you don't know how to play, you still choose Baili? I'm more accurate than him in saving [-] li!"

"Forget about the food, but I'm afraid it's not embarrassing enough to invite so many sailors to use barrage?"

"That's right, if you don't know how to play, you can still choose. Isn't this just to trick Lin Shen!"

"Don't talk about it, everyone, maybe this is the overall strategy of the battle spirit. Besides, the opponent is a DMG, so it should not be underestimated!"

"Well, the grievances between DMG and Xiao Ran are well known. Even banned heroes are specifically targeting him. He must be more stable."

"It's okay, it's okay, Baili's economy is still ahead of Cao Cao, isn't this a blood that hasn't been born yet, just watch quietly!"

These fans seem to be speaking for Xiao Ran.

In fact, it is also forcibly washing white.

After all, everyone can see Xiao Ran's hundred miles.

The guns fell short.

True Baili missed the appointment.

But fortunately, the professional-level awareness is still there. DMG has joined forces with GANK several times, and Xiao Ran has insight into them in advance and easily resolves them.

Even if the opponent's two tower jump attacks were made full use of passive details, he avoided them.

This at least proves that he didn't mean to be funny.

Although the shot was inaccurate, the details were so well handled that the trolls had nothing to say.

And after these several times of resistance, another characteristic of the Battle Spirit team is undoubtedly revealed!
Under Roaring Brother's command, the two lanes and the jungler have achieved considerable economic advantages!
Because after the enemy disappeared from view, Roaring Brother immediately made a judgment and told his teammates what to do as soon as possible.

Or take river crabs, or plunder enemy wild monsters, or continue to advance, or gather to take dragons!

Consciousness is awesome!
But it just won't go to support Xiao Ran.

In the eyes of others, this is giving up Xiao Ran.

Only those who have really fought against the spirit of war know that this is their absolute trust in Xiao Ran!

"This DMG is probably cold."

"Now it seems that DMG's morale is mighty, but it has actually entered the rhythm of the soul of war."

"Damn, it's this trick again! We have accumulated a lot of money!"

"The wandering position of the soul of war is not easy!"

"I don't know how Lin Shen brought these two bests together. One can fight, the other is stable, and the other three idiots can just be used as tool people..."

"That's right, if Xiao Ran and Roar do not make mistakes, randomly assign three obedient humans and machines, and they can all reach the professional level!"

"It's just this one, why does it feel like Xiao Ran is deliberately paddling?"

"When he hit us, I didn't see him being so gentle. Could it be some new tactic... Damn!"

"Nimma, I knew it!"

"I'm coming!"

"This guy finally woke up!"

Just when many team members were discussing Xiao Ran's anomaly.

On the field, a transparent detail ignored by the camera was keenly captured by many professional players!

It's Baili keeping the promise!
Just after being gank, Baili kept his promise with only half of his blood left, and entered the river along the grass behind the tower.

In stealth, take a sniper pose!

Into the soul!
Extreme distance!

Blindly spy on Diao Chan who took away Wang Hao!
First blood, born!
Brother Roar raised his mouth and said, "Hey, please have dinner!"

Xiao Ran snorted coldly: "It's as if you can kill him."

"Brother Ran, this is your fault, without us scaring him, you wouldn't be able to shoot him, right?"

"Go, go! Old rules, I often come to the middle road, you just don't die, this Diao Chan has something!"

"Don't worry, I'll guard the tower. As long as Diao Chan dares to forcefully kill him, I'll show him my life! No one is afraid of anyone!"

Xiao Ran rolled her eyes.

I really can't stand these three funny teammates.

(End of this chapter)

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