Chapter 425 You Are Everywhere


After half an hour.

Lin Xiang walked out of the hall with a very ugly expression on his face!
When the people around saw him, they automatically stayed away.

Everyone could see that this young man was simmering with fire, burning with rage!

The bodyguard following behind looked around in the crowd.

He and Lin Xiang walked out together, but at first glance, they were not the same way.

He searched for an imposing figure in the crowd and walked straight over.

From a professional point of view, although the bodyguard is not as angry as Lin Xiang, it gives people a more dangerous feeling.

As the saying goes, people don't talk harshly!

The person locked by him was Chen Xuan.

This kid Chen Xuan has indeed become very tolerant.

If it were him in the past, if someone punched him in front of the audience, he would either retaliate immediately, or put down the harsh words viciously and leave on the spot.

But now he is not so childish.

At this moment, there was no expression of anger on his face.

Like most guests, be polite and strike up conversations with people you know.

There are three people around.

One is Liu Shize, he was invited by Liu Shize, and he found Liu Shize as soon as something happened.

Liu Shize just patted him on the shoulder, and said calmly: "Don't worry, my friend, if you do something like this, the one who loses face is not the victim, but the perpetrator. You don't have to be angry for a person who doesn't care about quality..."

These words had a certain consoling effect.

The two big figures in the business world next to him also comforted Chen Xuan one after another, and even used a metaphor in a teasing way.

"Yes, it's not your fault, why should you care?"

"Many men feel that their wives are cheating. He feels ashamed and angry about it. In fact, he doesn't need it at all, because it's his wife who doesn't obey women's morals. It's his wife who is wrong. Why should he feel ashamed? Isn't that the truth, young man?"

Chen Xuan really wanted to beat up this idiot!
Your fucking wife is cheating, all your wives are cheating!
Even though everyone was watching his jokes, he still held back his apologies and responded repeatedly.

Then he acted nonchalantly, and continued to chat with a few people who looked at him with clown eyes.

Try to convince yourself: If you want to climb up, you must be patient!When I have enough strength, you bastards, all go to hell!

In this way, Chen Xuan even followed the three big shots with a bit of shamelessness, because he could get to know more big shots through them.

Isn't the biggest benefit of this kind of banquet for Chen Xuan is to expand his network?

When you meet for the first time, you don't need to do much, just get familiar, try to let people remember you, and make a good impression, that's enough!

That bastard Lin Xiang beat him up in public!
How does this Nima let him expand his network?

The look in the eyes of others is "Hey, it's that kid who doesn't want to be beaten".

When others think of him, the most curious thing is "why is he beaten".

As for Liu Shize and the two bosses comforting him...

Chen Xuan knew in his heart that those were standing up and talking without pain in his back, so he was making fun of him!

endure!endure!Must be patient!
at last.

Half an hour later, Chen Xuan's patience paid off.

The big boss who teased him about "his wife cheating" casually invited him to join him to say hello to another big boss who just arrived.

When Chen Xuan heard it, his heart blossomed with joy!
The big guy who just arrived?

I, Cao, dare to be late for the banquet organized by the old man of the Liu family, so I must be a big shot!
Then, Chen Xuan followed them out.

At this time, many people were already standing outside, and it seemed that they all came to welcome this "late" boss!
What a big deal...

I sigh in my heart.

However, he didn't expect that after 1 minute, his cards were bigger than anyone else's!


The bodyguard locked onto Chen Xuan and walked straight over.

Da da!

He patted Chen Xuan's back lightly.

"Hello, is this Mr. Chen Xuan?"

"Well, it's me!"

When Chen Xuan saw this guy with Lin Xiang just now, he felt faintly uneasy.


The bodyguard finished speaking with a blank expression.

Fly Chen Xuan with one kick!
It really flew!
Chen Xuan was kicked directly down the steps by this force, and rolled several times on the red carpet.

There was an uproar all around!
Most of the screams were women's screams, while the men were relatively calm, looking at the venue suspiciously, and asked the female companions beside them to keep quiet.

Chen Xuan wiped the red from the corner of his mouth, tried his best to stand up calmly, looked up at the bodyguard: "What are you doing!"

The bodyguard was condescending, still expressionless: "You are Chen Xuan, then you are right, it is you I want to fuck!"

"Why! I'm an invited guest!"

"Because no one invited you, please leave!"

"Fart! I..."

Chen Xuan looked at Liu Shize.

He was invited by Liu Shize.

But Liu Shize shook his head slowly, his eyes seemed to say, don't resist.

Chen Xuan understood.

The person who ordered him to be beaten was of a higher rank than Liu Shize.

Even Liu Shize didn't dare to offend that person, so he couldn't protect him!
He was obviously invited, but he can only acquiesce, he is a shameless person who sneaked in!
Self-esteem is trampled!
The public is regarded as a fool!
He is completely ruined!
And he could only silently admit it.

Because if he dared to tell the truth, even Liu Shize would deal with him!

For a moment, Chen Xuan just wanted to laugh, laugh angrily!

This TM is the sorrow of the little people!

This group of big shots can play with him however they want!

And he has no ability to resist at all!

Even... staying one minute longer and saying one more word is a luxury...

Because the bodyguard spoke again.

"Please leave, or we call the police."

At this time.

Two men and a woman stepped out of an ordinary private car.

The woman is in her early twenties, and the two men are middle-aged. Judging by their temperament, they seem to be on business.

Seeing them, Lin Xiang was a little curious, why did Liu Yitong and Liao Yuming come?

They were in civilian clothes and did not drive a police car.

But it stands to reason that the two little policemen are not eligible to be invited to a party of this level.

And what is the identity of the middle-aged man who was walking with them, so that so many big men came to greet him?
Liu Yitong was still in the car when she saw the bodyguard beating someone, so impatient, she opened the car door and ran over on the spot.

When the bodyguard said to call the police, she almost blurted out subconsciously: "I am—"

Liao Yuming grabbed her in time, with complicated eyes, he shook his head, signaling her not to meddle in her own business!
She doesn't understand why it doesn't matter!
But when he saw that the important people accompanying them didn't speak, Liu Yitong could only hold back his temper and backed away.

Chen Xuan endured his anger and humiliation and left, passing the three of them.

The bodyguard straightened his collar and walked up to Lin Xiang: "The boss will do what he says, you understand."

Lin Xiang didn't answer.

He knew what Liu Laosan meant.

Let the bodyguard beat Chen Xuan because he beat Chen Xuan.

If the beating was a guest, it would have an impact on Lin Xiang's identity and thus the Liu family's reputation.

But if he beat up a liar who sneaked into the banquet, then others would at most say that Lin Xiang had a violent personality.

So, compared to Lin Xiang's reputation, what is Chen Xuan in the eyes of the Liu family?

This is not something that Lin Xiang can control, he doesn't even have the right to speak!

In his understanding, it was more like Liu Laosan was using practical actions to prove one thing to him - it was too easy for the Liu family to destroy a person.

Even if it is a guest who is qualified to attend the banquet, sending a bodyguard can make this person lose face!

Perhaps this is what Liu Laosan really wanted to convey.

And this moment.

The most troublesome thing for Lin Xiang is Liu Yitong's questioning eyes!

Really, he can probably guess what Liu Yitong is thinking.

you again!you again!
You are everywhere!If you don't cause trouble for a day, you will die! !

Lin Xiang was very helpless.

The key is that it has nothing to do with her!

Nima, it's so unfair to say...

(End of this chapter)

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