Chapter 319 Check

After a while, the table was full.

A group of people smelled it so that an Adam's apple rolled, and they wanted to move their chopsticks immediately.

Finally, when Chen Xiang and Qin Xiaomei came home, they were amazed by the ceremonial table full of delicious dishes as soon as they entered the room.

"Wow! You did all this?"

Qin Xiaomei didn't even bother to change her shoes, she ran over and asked everyone to eat together.

Inadvertently glanced at the cage outside the kitchen.

Qin Xiaomei just remembered that incident: "By the way, Lin Xiang, my roommate went to rent a house outside. He was afraid that the landlord would not like pets, so he let us raise the rabbit for two days..."

Mengmeng and Lin Xiang were taken aback, and looked at Qin Xiaomei strangely.

"What are you looking at me for, rabbit?"

Mengmeng pointed at her: "In your mouth..."

Lin Xiang: "Cough! What happened to that sentence, the next one is better..."

Qin Xiaomei looked at the hard vegetable in front of her, then at the cage, and glared at Lin Xiang bitterly.

She is mad!

How do you explain this to your roommate!

What I originally said to my roommate was "she also likes small animals", but it turned out to be "you can't be less"...

Thinking like this, Qin Xiaomei picked another big piece of rabbit meat!

At this point, I can only say "sorry" to my roommate Kuang in my heart.

Woohoo, no way, it's so delicious!


After eating and drinking enough, Lin Xiang didn't give Qin Xiaomei a chance to turn her face, and dragged Dai Si out of the house in a hurry, saying that he had important things to do.


Entering the elevator, Lin Xiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Being stared at by Xiaomei's bitter and hateful eyes, I really feel uncomfortable.

He suddenly found that Dai Si was surprisingly calm when he was alone.

It's normal, but not normal.

Because after his appearance changed, even if he deliberately put on ugly makeup, it would be difficult to conceal the fact that he became handsome.

Judging from the facial contours, there are still some changes compared with before.

And Dai Si's mind was never focused on his change from the beginning to the end.

Dai Si is not blind, of course he can see this.

So it's not normal to behave plainly...


Sensing that Lin Xiang was watching her, Dai Si hesitated to speak.

The tone of voice is also strange.

Dai Si usually speaks in a dry, or decisive tone, with almost no ending sound, and the emotions contained in it can hardly be heard.

But with this claim, Lin Xiang could hear her hesitation and a little bit of confusion.

"Well, you have something to say."

Lin Xiang said as calmly as possible.

Dai Si stared at him with a strange gaze, and shook his head slightly to himself: "Master, I think you have a lot of secrets."

Lin Xiang's heart moved, and he asked tentatively, "For example?"

Dai Si frowned: "Don't you have any points in your heart?"

Perhaps in Dai Si's view, Lin Xiang's cautiousness is a kind of distrust.

Lin Xiang was about to explain something when the elevator opened.

A couple walked in with sad faces, and the few words they exchanged were about the hospital.

The elevator closed slowly, cutting off the couple's voices.

While Dai Si reached out to ask Lin Xiang for the car keys, Leng Ding said, "I hope a miracle will happen to my brother's illness."

Lin Xiang paused.

At this moment, he suddenly understood what Dai Si was thinking.

Although this girl is different from the world, her heart is still as sensitive as a little girl.

Guessing vaguely, or expecting, Lin Xiang suddenly proposed to visit her brother in order to let a miracle happen to her brother.

Yes, in her opinion, Lin Xianghui had too many things.

Live broadcast, games, cooking skills, etc., as well as unfathomable financial resources, and the calmness in the face of any trouble.

All of these have woven into a mysterious veil, making it impossible for people to see through Lin Xiang.

Unknown and mysterious are often associated with being powerful.

So Dai Si really wanted to know if Lin Xiang had a solution.

Also, what compensation does she need to pay.

Dai Si drove the car and didn't take the initiative to speak on the way.

Maybe she was afraid that Lin Xiang's answer would disappoint her.

Lin Xiang also remained silent.

Everything, wait until the hospital.


ten minutes later.

Affiliated hospital.

The two came to a standard hospital ward.

Dai Si's brother was sleeping by the window, motionless.

On the outside of the other window near the inside is an old man in his sixties who is in a trance.

The nurse was changing the water for the old man and instructed some precautions.

The old man was babbling and talking vaguely.

The son of the old man next to him was communicating with the nurse.

This scene is very common.

However, Lin Xiang was a little annoyed.

Because when they came in, they saw that the old man's son rolled over from brother Dai Si's hospital bed.

And when he saw that Dai Si was a family member of the patient, he just glanced lightly, without any apology or shame.

Dai Si didn't say anything, and silently helped his brother cover the quilt.

Lin Xiang touched it when he was helping, and the bed was very hot. It is not difficult to imagine that guy has been lying here watching TV for a long time just now.

To be honest, if Lin Xiang's relatives were to be hospitalized and encountered such a thing, he would definitely beat them up severely.

Damn, if you don't rub your own family's bed, go rubbing against someone else's. If you say it lightly, it's called lack of quality, if you say it seriously, it's called intentional bullying!

Anyone with a bit of common sense knows that when no one lives in a bed in a hospital ward, if there are relatives and friends living in this room, the empty bed next door can be used casually, and the hospital is acquiescing.

But Brother Dai Si has been staying in this bed, paying high monthly hospitalization fees, but because he is in a vegetable state, he cannot refuse any actions of others!

What annoyed Lin Xiang the most was that the nurse must have known this, but did nothing to stop her.

Even though Dai Si happened to see this scene, the nurse did not give any explanation, and even ignored Dai Si.

Lin Xiang frowned and asked, "Why don't you change to a separate ward?"

Dai Si shook his head: "The income is temporarily unstable, let's talk about it later."

Lin Xiang noticed that the nurse was looking at him, and returned a cold look.

And the nurse probably saw that Lin Xiang was handsome, so she took the initiative to say: "Your friend's relatives have been lying in bed for several years, and the chance of waking up is slim, so there is no need to waste money."

Lin Xiang didn't care about her, and waved his hand to signal Dai Si to let him go.

Just as she was about to check on her brother's condition, the middle-aged man next to her touched her arm.

"Get out of the way!"

Lin Xiang said unhappily.

Seeing that Lin Xiang's tone was not friendly, the big man replied, "The place is so small, where do you want me to go!"

He said so, but when Lin Xiang glared at him, he obediently stepped aside.

Dai Si winked at Lin Xiang, signaling him not to do so.

Indeed, she couldn't be with the hospital all the time. If she offended someone, it would be her brother who would suffer while she was away.

It has been several years, and Daisy is very experienced in this regard.

For example, if she reprimanded the middle-aged man just now, then after she left, the middle-aged man would slap her brother twice, even if the nurse saw it, most likely he would not tell her.

this is the truth!
Lin Xiang didn't say anything more, and focused on checking.

He first took the pulse and checked the characteristics of the pulse.

Then you pinched the upper side of Dai Si's shoulder muscles in a unique way.

Although it was the first time to examine someone, he had already mastered the medical skills, and the operation was quite professional.

"Hey, don't move around!"

The nurse hurried over to stop him.

Dai Si unconditionally chose to believe in Lin Xiang, stopped the nurse and said, "He is my friend!"

The nurse resolutely said: "This is a hospital, if he messes around, who will be responsible if something happens!"

Dai Si said with a sullen face, "Have you ever taken responsibility?"

"What did you say, we are not responsible, he died long ago!"

While the two were arguing, Lin Xiang had already checked Brother Dai Si's ear, nose and throat.

Since it was the first time to see a doctor, Lin Xiang checked carefully, otherwise it would not have taken so long.

Through the diagnosis, he learned a lot of information, and he couldn't help but sneered: "Your hospital is really responsible for the fuck!"

The nurse said angrily, "You did it on purpose, didn't you!"

After finishing speaking, she realized that she was weak and weak, so she hurried out of the ward and went to the doctor.

Lin Xiang said depressedly: "I don't know if the hospital charges are really expensive, or is it deliberately cheating money! Your brother..."

Lin Xiang stopped speaking slowly.

Forget it, it's better not to say it out to disturb Dai Si.

(End of this chapter)

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