Chapter 285
The two girls stood in front of Lin Xiang.

The girl in the red round hat on the left bowed slightly and asked politely, "Hello, is this Mr. Lin?"

Lin Xiang nodded: "Well, I'm Lin Xiang, you are Maria's friends, right?"

The girl with bangs on the right covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "Mr. Lin, why did you still have a tone when you said her name?"

The girl's laughter was sweet, and the appropriate jokes eased the tension.

They sat down naturally, one said "Sorry for being late", and the other said "Why haven't they arrived yet, making Mr. Lin wait so long".

Then one asked several other sisters in the group, and the other chatted with Lin Xiang.

Lin Xiang had a very good impression of them.

Based on their temperament, appearance, figure, and the social skills they showed within a minute, Lin Xiang was willing to pay a high price to lure them to the company.

the reason is simple.

They will come!

This is the basic skill that an excellent anchor should possess!
That's right, being an entertainment anchor nowadays is not only about good looks.

These days, there is a flood of handsome men and beautiful women on the Internet, and netizens are experiencing aesthetic fatigue. If you want to stand out from many competitors, you must have unique highlights.

Being ugly to the extreme, beautiful to the extreme, having a skill, being able to chat, etc. are all highlights!
An anchor with a high EQ and a knack for making things happen is usually not too popular.

On the contrary, it is difficult for this kind of anchor to become popular if they only have a good-looking skin and do not know how to chat and create topics.

And these two girls need to be good-looking, good-looking, good-looking, with a familiar personality, and they can find topics and chat. In the live broadcast, even if they don't have talents, they can absorb them just by interacting with the audience in front of the camera. A lot of fans!

If Lin Xiang were to rate them, at least an 8 could be scored!
If he had to use a peer as a comparison, he thought they should be at the same level as Li Guo.


After chatting for about 10 minutes, Maria and two other girls came.

At a glance, Lin Xiang was surrounded by five glamorous and stunning beauties, envious of others!
The waiter at the cafe bar and the staff in the billiard room next to him sneaked a peek over from time to time.

It is estimated that they rarely see a man dating so many beauties at the same time.

And all of them are excellent!
Maria whispered to Lin Xiang through WeChat: "They are all the targets of our company, and they cannot easily change jobs. I brought them to you. Whether you can chat well is up to you!"

This is not the same as agreed.

But Maria cannot be blamed either.

At first, she thought that Lin Xiang had the courage to recruit her, a big anchor with 500 million fans, and it should be a relatively mature and well-known company.

Who knows, it's just a company still under renovation.

She can jump to help Lin Xiang for the sake of the handle and money.

As for her sisters, no matter how eloquent she is, she has no confidence to persuade them.

What Maria means is, I've made an appointment with you, and you can't blame me if the conversation falls apart!

Lin Xiang nodded, expressing his understanding.

Then he quickly looked at the four girls again.

He was very optimistic about Little Red Riding Hood and Qi Liuhai who arrived first.

The other two girls who came with Maria... To be honest, Lin Xiang felt that they were slightly inferior in terms of their appearance and conversation.

Then, Lin Xiang asked Maria in private chat about their treatment in the company.

Maria first briefly introduced her company.

This company is called "Yi Xiang", which focuses on the webcast business, and has more anchors than Deep Blue Entertainment.

In terms of the overall influence of the local webcast, it even surpassed Deep Blue.

The two companies can only say that the direction of development is different.

Deep Blue Entertainment mainly focuses on cultivating potential Internet celebrities, and tailors a set of development plans with higher ceilings for them, such as those who are capable, have the opportunity to enter the film and television industry, accept game advertising endorsements, and so on.

Yixiang Media's development path is similar to Lin Xiang's plan, only doing webcast business.

Due to its focus and concentrated capital investment, Yixiang has developed rapidly in the past two years, and its anchors have developed well on all major platforms.

And the four girls in front of him are the best of them.

To Lin Xiang's deep surprise, these four girls, Little Red Riding Hood and Qi Liuhai, only had A-level contracts.

On the contrary, Lin Xiang felt that the two girls who came with Maria got the S lottery because he thought it was a good idea.

Out of curiosity, Lin Xiang asked Maria.

Maria snorted self-deprecatingly, and replied, "Ask knowingly!"

Lin Xiang: "Is it also relying on the boss?"

Maria: "This is private, I can't tell you!"

Lin Xiang understood.

Doesn't that mean it's the default?

No wonder she has a relatively close relationship with Maria, and it turned out that they all "rely on the boss" to take the top position.

Knowing this, Lin Xiang changed his original plan.

Originally, anyone who wanted to come was accepted.

At this moment, in comparison, he wants Little Red Riding Hood and Qi Liuhai more.

At this time, a girl with a pointed chin next to Maria got impatient and said, "Boss Lin, please make an offer."

When Lin Xiang first heard it, he almost thought she was going to sell herself: "Oh, then I'll get straight to the point."

After coughing twice, he took a sip of his coffee, and Lin Xiang brewed it for a while.

"Sister Ma told me about your situation. They are all top talents in your company. Since I asked you to come and help me, I can't be too stingy..."

Lin Xiang smiled politely, and pondered: "The company still has half a month to open, and I will formulate the contract standards for employees by referring to Deep Blue Entertainment.

If you come here, you will be exempted from interviews and will directly sign an A-level contract.

The one-month trial period reaches the standard and is directly referred to the S level.

Unlike Deep Blue, our company's regular assessment time is not on a quarterly basis, but on a yearly basis. "

Little Red Riding Hood and Qi Liuhai looked at each other with emotion in their eyes.

Deep Blue Entertainment is a leading company in the city's entertainment industry. Its salary and benefits are better than those of its peers. Employees have three insurances and one housing fund.

Especially the annual assessment can greatly reduce the work pressure of the anchor.

It means that as long as they meet the S-level standard, they can enjoy the S-level treatment throughout the year, without worrying about the risk of contract downgrade every quarter.

Therefore, the remuneration offered by Lin Xiang can almost be called the highest standard in the industry in this city.

The pointed-chin girl seemed dissatisfied, discussed with her companions, frowned and said, "A-level only? We are S-level in our old club!

Besides, do you recruit people without information? Each level of contract enjoys corresponding treatment. You just say it, how do we know? "

Another girl was also dissatisfied and said, "That's right, you didn't even prepare the recruitment notice, did you? If we resign and you go back on your word, wouldn't we lose both ways?"

Lin Xiang smiled and said, "There is no recruitment notice yet, I'll post a copy of Deep Blue Entertainment's as a reference."

Seeing that Lin Xiang was about to post it, Little Red Riding Hood reminded: "Boss Lin, this contract above A level is usually kept confidential, you use the dark blue template, if it gets known..."

"It's okay, this thing is not that highly confidential, I believe you also have it." Lin Xiang smiled.

"Well, Sister Ma posted it in the group." Qi Liuhai said.

Lin Xiang raised his eyebrows and glanced at Qi Liuhai appreciatively.

Because of the title "Sister Ma".

Out of politeness, he called Maria "Sister Ma" just now, this detail was obviously caught by Qi Liuhai, and he also changed the address to Maria.

This kind of behavior lowered his posture invisibly, and moistened things with subtle politeness.

Otherwise, Lin Xiang called Ma Ruiya "Sister Ma", and they called her by her first name, or "Little Ma" or "Xiaoya", wouldn't that seem to be a taller attitude than Lin Xiang?

Although it is a very detailed thing, it just proves Qi Liuhai's care and self-cultivation.

This is like clinking glasses at a wine table. A humble and polite person usually lowers the glass and silently tells the other party: You are the elder brother, I am the younger brother...

(End of this chapter)

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