I picked up Easter eggs in the glory of the king

Chapter 253 Team Battles Caused by Recruitment Standards

Chapter 253 Team Battles Caused by Recruitment Standards

Tonight, doomed to sleepless.

From last night to now, in just one day, the first test facing the Soul Club has come!

——Inside, the heart is not in harmony!
The nominal owner of the Fighting Soul Club is Mo Qiuyu.

But Mo Qiuyu kept his promise, and after accepting Lin Xiang's 500 million deposit, he already regarded Lin Xiang as the largest shareholder.

According to her work habits, any decision-making matters in the club will be discussed with the partners.

Therefore, the news has been ringing non-stop since nine o'clock in the morning.

At that time, Lin Xiang just went out, and his "WeChat" was left at home, so there was no time to reply to the message.

Not replying to messages for a day made Mo Qiuyu's teeth itch!
If it was another situation, Mo Qiuyu would understand.

But Lin Xiang just became a shareholder of the team last night and became the largest shareholder, arguably the highest decision-maker, but he disappeared again this morning.

What do you make Mo Qiuyu think?
In Mo Qiufeng's words: "Brother, I admit that I don't understand the world of local tyrants very well, but you spent 500 million yuan on the front foot and disappeared on the back foot. What happened? My sister was so angry that my aunt was ahead of schedule, and she was so busy There is no time to buy that, have you considered my feelings!"

Seeing this sentence, Lin Xiang realized that something had happened.

Because Lin Xiang made it very clear last night that he was only responsible for paying the money and the competition, and Mo Qiuyu was in charge of other matters.

And Mo Qiuyu can't decide what to do...

No need to guess, you know that something went wrong when "recruiting players"!


It took more than ten minutes to quickly "scan" all unread messages, and Lin Xiang figured out the problem.

It all started with Mo Qiuyu's recruitment advertisement.

The criteria for recruiting candidates for the Soul Club are:

1. At least 17 years old.

2. The king has more than 80 stars in a single row.

This condition is not without harshness.

And that's the candidate criteria.

The problem is that point 2 alone is tantamount to shutting out all interviewees!
Those who submitted their resumes to apply for the job were almost wiped out.

The only two people who met the standard, Mo Qiuyu gave them three rounds of performance opportunities in the second round of actual combat.

But in the end, both of them were passed by Mo Qiuyu!

So, these people started spraying.

You must know that players at this level are already quite skilled.

Many are bloggers, or are engaged in e-sports related industries.

In the era of public display, these people have accumulated some fans by relying on hard-core game technology.

And after they lost the election, they spread the matter through their own influence.

Someone said: "The spirit of war is gone?"

Then match it with a recruitment poster for the spirit of war.

The following are full of melon-eating fans, who specifically searched for Battle Spirit and this recruitment poster to compare with other teams.

After a comparison, it is clear.

"Hahaha, it's pretty cool, a notorious hot chicken team, the requirements are so strict?"

"You call this strict? It's obviously brain C, okay?"

"Is the boss of Battle Soul thinking of farting? A master who can meet this requirement, can he take a fancy to your Battle Soul?"

"80 stars in a single row, are you sure it's not a joke? Tell me, no matter how awesome the technology is, can you beat 1 with 9? Who the hell is so awesome, labor and management immediately swallowed the phone!"

"Battle Soul Shabi, the appraisal is complete!"


Content like this, and comments, swept the fan circles of many small and medium-sized anchors for a while.

Fighting Soul's move was ridiculed and attacked by these fan groups.

Some conspiracy theorists suspect that this is a propaganda strategy by the new boss of War Soul.

After all, he just acquired the Battle Soul Club, so there will definitely be big moves, and scolding is also a way of publicity.

At least let many people completely remember the spirit of war, right?

Although the previous battle spirits had a bad reputation, they were not as loud!

Now it's all right, it's smelly and loud!

Soon, Xiaoxie, Lone Eagle, Li Guo, Mengmeng and others started to fight back!

They were pulled into the group by Lin Xiang last night, and learned that Lin Xiang had bought 80% of the shares in the Soul Club.

It is equivalent to saying that the boss of Battle Soul who was called a fool is actually Lin Xiang.

So, these anchors helped Lin Xiang to fight against those people!

"KPL professional players stand at the top of "Looking at the Glory". If the threshold is set too low, can they still be called professional players?"

"This information is authentic and reliable. It can be seen that more than 200 people submitted their resumes in half a day. This is on the premise that there is no vigorous publicity, and two of them have reached the standard.

Based on this ratio, everyone can calculate that if the 'Spirit of War Club' is recruiting aggressively, it may need to rent a square as a training ground... Personally, I am quite looking forward to that scene. /smile"

"The development model of Soul of War in recent years is understood by everyone in the circle (manually funny), and it is rare that someone is willing to take over Soul of War and make a difference. I think this is a 'feat' for maintaining the e-sports ecosystem. As an ordinary King player, I support Battle Soul this wave; and as a streamer...wait everyone, I'll go get a courier first."

(The following fan commented: "Hello, Shunfeng Express, your blade package has been delivered.)
The above is a more rational and objective analysis method, and it supports the Soul Club.

The content is clear and straightforward, and is supported and recognized by most fans.

Coupled with the fact that Xiaoxie and the others have a large fan base, online public opinion is naturally biased toward the Soul of War club.

At this time, many bloggers who had nothing to do with this matter also jumped out to catch the heat:

"Are the conditions harsh? Not harsh! Many teams just haven't announced their recruitment criteria.

As far as I know, according to the second standard, the requirements of many top teams can reach 2 stars.

The reason why everyone complains about the Soul of War is nothing more than the poor performance of the Soul of War in the past, but as long as the people who eat melons dig a little deeper, they will find that this Soul of War club is not simple...

Follow me, the next video will take you through the history of Soul of War! "

As for the grumpy bloggers, they directly clashed with the group of brain-c trolls at the beginning.

The remarks are as follows:
"The recruitment standards set by others, what's your business? You can do it, you can't do it, NO beep beep!

A group of idiots swearing without thinking when they are full!

Can you be called a professional player if you are not strict?

Which team member is not a bloody way out of thousands of troops?
Use your amateur perspective to measure professional standards, saying you idiots is considered light!

Idiots have brains anyway, but you don't even have brains!

What's even more ridiculous is the group of hot chickens who failed the interview!

Fighting spirit is not good, why are you submitting resumes?
Soul of War is a trash can, and you are a group of garbage that desperately wants to be recycled!
It's ridiculous, you don't even have the qualifications to come in, calling you garbage is an insult to garbage!

If you fail the interview, you start to slander, instigate a group of brain C fans to take the rhythm, and even bite the battle spirit to gain popularity. With your little traffic, 10 yuan of labor and capital can get you 32 times! "

This blogger is not rough.

The irritable and hateful mode is deeply loved by elementary school students and has gained a lot of fans.

Originally, he still had a lot to say.

However, at this time, the shopping guide in the supermarket asked him "Is it for daily use or for night use?" His face turned red all of a sudden, and he explained: "I don't use it, no, no, no, I don't use it..."


There happened to be two beautiful young ladies nearby, and they couldn't help but chuckle.

Mo Qiufeng died of embarrassment.

Who would have imagined that the violent blogger who is one person on the Internet who hates all the heroes is actually messed up by two packs of sanitary napkins...

(End of this chapter)

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