Chapter 227 It's Him Again


Lin Xiang glanced at the speeding jeep strangely.

Seeing the license plate clearly from a distance, I remembered that this couple was the best.

The jeep that was smashed by the mouse and others was also repaired as before, and it should have cost a lot of money to repair it.

Followed by.

The man saw Lin Xiang running across the intersection and was running back.

He stepped on the accelerator and turned on escape mode again!

After the painful lesson last time, how dare he provoke Lin Xiang again!

Not to mention the embarrassment of being bullied, there is also the car repair fee, what a fucking waste of money!
Lin Xiang was about to catch up with them, but the other party drove away again.

He raised his hand and shouted, "Hey, give me a ride!"

As soon as she heard that it was Lin Xiang, the woman was also terrified, she grabbed the handrail and urged: "Drive faster, don't be recognized!"

Typical guilty conscience.

Just mocking Lin Xiang is evil, but Lin Xiang can't catch up.

Man: "What did he just shout? He won't recognize us!"

The woman said anxiously: "Whatever he shouts, just run!"

The man looked in the rearview mirror: "I'm an idiot, he's chasing the car!"


The woman was also frightened, she looked in the rearview mirror and said, "Oh my god! It's so fast!!"

Lin Xiang forgot to control the speed for a while, and the distance was close to the car!
Aware of this, he hurriedly stopped, stepped over the railing, and hid in the green area.


Lin Xiang smiled helplessly.

After testing, he has roughly understood the effect of "Riding the Wind".

If it can really move forward like the wind.

It didn't take much effort!
The overall experience is a bit like that of a master of qinggong in a martial arts movie, who is as light as a swallow and can walk swiftly against the wind!

But the problem is, it's troublesome to be seen or photographed.

Realizing this, Lin Xiang had no choice but to stop and call Didi.

While waiting for the car, there was an exclamation not far away.

He turned his head and saw a motorcycle speeding past.

A middle-aged woman fell on the side of the road, hissing loudly: "Catch the thief! My bag!!"

The situation is clear at a glance.

On the motorcycle, the two guys wearing helmets are robbers!

Lin Xiang looked around.

There is no surveillance on this section of the road, no wonder the two are so rampant.

Not caring much, he ran after the motorcycle that was galloping away!

Running speed, fast to the extreme!
"Damn it, it turns out that the speed can be increased!"

Lin Xiang found that he could run faster when the wind was down.

Riding the wind really lives up to its name!
Excitedly talking to himself, his mouth took a big breath.

Damn, I was choked by the wind!

Lin Xiang resisted the urge to laugh, opened his arms, and ran wildly!

Then, the arms are dragged by the wind and blown behind them.

Now he maintains the most coordinated posture at full speed, like a running Naruto!
Less than ten seconds.

The motorcycle came into Lin Xiang's field of vision again.

At a three-way intersection, the motorcycle turned a corner and drove into a dirt road.

The passing vehicles on the other two roads at the intersection felt dazzled when they saw Lin Xiang's voice from a distance.

"What the hell is that..."

"Huh? Are you dazzled..."

"Look Dad, Flash!"

"Where is it? Children can't lie!"

A startled glance.

In less than two seconds, Lin Xiang disappeared into the crop field.

The motorcycle drove onto the dirt road and gradually slowed down.

The thief sitting in the back began to count the contents of the bag and threw the worthless things on the ground.

"Damn, it looks rich, and the phone is so bad!"

"Idiot, you, look at the cash!"

"With a few handfuls of cash, I can't even make back the gas expenses!"

"Get out! You are blind!"

"Hey, it's about two or three thousand, I'll pick the right one bro!"

The two thieves finished counting the items in the bag while chatting.

Then the thief sitting behind, then dropped the bag in the corn field aside.

But something weird happened.

The bag that was thrown out went back and forth, and a lump of mud flew from behind and hit the guy on the back of the head.

Nearby, there are scattered houses.

That guy thought it was some child who was naughty, and turned around and scolded.

"Hold the grass and you—"

Lin Xiang kicked up and swept the guy out of the car.

The entire motorcycle shook a few times and fell to the side of the road.

"Who are you, who is he, report your name!"

The motorcycle driver got up, pointed at Lin Xiang and yelled aggressively.

"Brother, whoever he is, fuck it!"

The guy behind grabbed a stone and slapped Lin Xiang.

"Labor and management are rats! This area is the leader, you work on the labor and management site, have you asked the labor and management!"

Lin Xiang pretended to be a street walker, but his anger was not faked.

This kind of rotten bastard who only picks on women, he sees and does one for free.

"It takes a few, I've never heard of it!"

This guy patted his chest, raised his chin and said, "Laozi Leihu, this is my brother Leibao! If you dare to mess with us, don't ask for the names of the fathers first!"

"Thunder Tiger? Thunder Leopard?"

Lin Xiang remembered silently, and his face turned cold: "Okay, spit out the things, I don't have to care about you!"

"If you want something, first call Sound Blaster to listen to—"

The voice stopped abruptly.

Lei Bao was swept out of the car earlier, and he had some injuries on his body, but this kind of internal injury will not recur for the time being. Usually, when he wakes up from sleep, his bones will start to ache.

At this time, Lin Xiang grabbed the bag containing the mud and slapped Lei Bao on the back of the head.

It directly knocked Lei Bao unconscious.

Lin Xiang kicked Leibao and said to Leihu: "What are you looking at, pick up something!"

Wallets, cash, mobile phones and other valuables were scattered on the ground.

When Lei Hu saw that Lin Xiang had easily killed Lei Bao, he was a little scared.

Seeing his hesitation, Lin Xiang frowned: "Do you have to force me to do it?"

"I... I am really Thunder Tiger..."

Lei Hu said something dry, as if trying to save his dignity.

Then he squatted down obediently to pick up the things, and put them back into the bag.

Lin Xiang watched from above, and took out his mobile phone to send Si Ye a location and message, asking Si Ye to help treat the two of them.

This is the southern part of the city, and fourth master is considered to be an experienced person in this area.

It can be said that whether the punks can get a meal here depends on the permission of the fourth master.

Of course, Lin Xiang usually would not call the police for this kind of thing.

After all, he has a good relationship with fourth master now. It would be bad if he called the police and got someone from fourth master.

Moreover, since these two idiots dared to do this business, they must have thought about squatting in a house one day. Although they are afraid of the police, why don't they still do it?
The law does not impose much restraint on such gangsters.

Just like the rats and others in the past, if you don't violate the big law, but you will continue to do the small law, the detention is like going home. The police can be said to have a headache for this kind of old fritters.

Therefore, this kind of gangsters are afraid of white people, and they are even more afraid of those who are darker than them.

Being detained ten times may not be easy for Si Ye to say something.

After sending the message, Lin Xiang put the bag on his shoulders, feeling heavy.

I just remembered that when this idiot packed things, he didn't take out the lump of mud.

He laughed and scolded: "Are you really him, stupid!"

Lei Hu's face was red, but when he saw his brother was still lying down, he suppressed his temper and said, "Brother, let's forget about this matter, they are all out to mess around, give each other face!"

Lin Xiang kicked the motorcycle lightly: "Take me back."

Lei Hu blinked his eyes, very confused: "Send you back? Brother, you don't want to find the police, do you..."

"Hmph! Police? What you have committed is a criminal offense! Two batches of illiterates!"

Lin Xiang threatened, and urged: "Hurry up, don't let him dawdle!"

Lei Hu: "No, where is your car, why don't you just drive back by yourself?"

Lin Xiang kicked him hard: "Forcing me to be rough?"

Feeling the strength of Lin Xiang's kick, Lei Hu thought he couldn't beat Lin Xiang, so he could only obediently admit defeat.

It was not far from the robbery site, and it took only a few minutes to drive there.

But what puzzled Lei Hu was that he didn't notice a car following him along the way, nor did he see Lin Xiang's vehicle.

Could it be that this guy was chased on foot?

Lei Hu quickly shook his head, feeling that he was thinking too much.

After a few minutes.

The middle-aged woman is explaining the situation to the police.

Seeing a motorcycle approaching from a distance, he pointed and shouted: "It's them! It's them! I recognize that motorcycle even when it turns into ashes!"

Lei Hu yelled at me, labor and management didn't rob you of much money, as for this level you!
As soon as the car stopped, Lin Xiang jumped down and let Lei Hu run away without embarrassing him.

Seeing clearly that it was Lin Xiang who jumped out of the car, policewoman Liu Yitong immediately gave up her thoughts of chasing him.

It is him again!
Why is there him everywhere! !
(End of this chapter)

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