Chapter 22
In the middle, the two mages just exchanged a wave of blood.

Lin Xiang came out in time, ready to harvest the enemy Zhuge Liang.

2 skills: secret skill · shadow eclipse, the shadow dagger accurately hits Zhuge Liang.

Taking advantage of Zhuge Liang's deceleration effect, the 3 skills: Secret Skill·Ambush, rushed towards Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang also reacted quickly, and hurriedly moved back to avoid the deadly move, but was still slashed by Lin Xiang's 1 skill: Secret Skill · Clone.

While Zhuge Liang was stunned, Lin Xiang decisively used beheading (finishing).

"Hahaha, I'm not dead!"

With only a trace of blood left, Zhuge Liang laughed and retreated, not forgetting to show off to his teammates: "See, the two on the opposite side can't kill me, awesome!"

Concubine Yu: "Tch, this King of Lanling is a dish in the first place, but he has been wretched all the time, and he doesn't dare to take his head off!"

Cai Wenji: "Look at what equipment King Lanling produced. It would be a strange thing if he killed him!"

Zhuge Liang mischievously said: "La la la, I don't care, anyway, King Lanling didn't cut me to death..."

While talking, he went back to the city.

At the same time, he turned on the full frequency and typed: "Prince Lanling, are you angry?"


Zhuge Liang's screen turned gray, and he cursed angrily: "Little Luban, you are going to die!"

The audience laughed: "The handsome Zhuge Liang of the Three Seconds series."

Zhuge Liang exclaimed angrily: "Speechless, Lu Ban's cannon is really amazing!"


In the live broadcast room, more than 5000 viewers saw Lin Xiangzhong Road Nabo with their own eyes.

"Can't this be killed?"

"What's the situation, did you switch players?"

"I heard from my roommate that the King of Lanling is so awesome that I came to see it. Hey, is this technology good enough to start a live broadcast?"

"Anchor, does your face hurt? You even broadcast this scene live, what happened?"

Many new viewers who came here for the name, sneered at Lin Xiang's operation.

Even the audience who watched Lin Xiang's "Li Bai's Wonderful Solo Show" in the previous game couldn't help but have some doubts about Lin Xiang's Lanling King.

"It's no wonder that the King of Lanling who forced the king was the first. It's normal to make mistakes."

"That's right. I also like to play King Lanling. There's nothing wrong with Wang Wang's operation just now. It's just that the opponent is under the tower and he doesn't want to change."

"Auxiliary equipment really doesn't do any harm, otherwise Zhuge Liang would definitely die."

"Fortunately, little Luban's shot was accurate. It seems that the young lady is modest..."

When the fans were discussing, Mengmeng didn't say anything.

In my heart, I was thinking carefully and fearing extremely!
Including their own teammates, they all recalled the words Lin Xiang said ten seconds ago: Little Luban, fire a cannon at the second tower in the middle of them in 10 seconds.

Is it a precise budget?
Or pure luck?
no one knows.

Mengmeng couldn't make a statement, so she specially pulled up the chat message box to the sentence Lin Xiang said, read it to the fans, and even took a screenshot.

There was a brief silence in the live broadcast room.

Maybe everyone realized something, and was shocked and speechless for a while.

After a short silence, "666" was written neatly in the comment area.

Countless fans double-clicked to like it at the same time.

Fans of local tyrants decisively rewarded!

Because of that sentence, it fully proves that everyone guessed wrong. Lin Xiang didn't make a mistake, nor did he want to exchange blood, but he was fulfilling his previous promise: to assist the fan Xiaoluban Chaoshen.

Yes, he's intentionally killing people from a distance! !
He even made a plan 10 seconds ago, and completed a precise budget under the enemy's defensive tower, forcing Zhuge Liang to retreat to the second tower and return to the city... Everything is under his control!

Thinking hard!
Those who say that King Lanling is no good, all shut up!
No matter how hard you are, you can't beat this wave!
What is more noteworthy is that Lin Xiang, who brought such a wonderful performance, did not say a word when faced with Zhuge Liang's ridicule and his teammates' doubts. That "lucky fan" Miss Lu Ban.

"Hold the grass, I love it, I love it, if you force the king to assist me, it will be a matter of minutes for the king!"

"Why do I feel that when he is silent, he is even more pretentious..."

"Sister Mengmeng, can you play with me, I really want to be his ADC, woo woo woo, please~"

"Go away! The King of Kings belongs to everyone!"

"10000 sound waves, please force the king to add friends!"

Seeing this, Mengmeng didn't hesitate: "Deal!"

Mengmeng's heart is extremely proud.

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room has stabilized at more than 6000, it's hot!

She is very fortunate now that she has dug up Lin Xiang, a treasure boy, no matter what the price is, she must let Lin Xiang live with her as a partner.


After 10 minutes, Luban No. 7's record: 0-4-[-], went super well.

But Lin Xiang's Lanling King is even worse, with a record of 0-6-12, and he will be super ghost if he sends it again.

But his image in the hearts of fans has grown invisible!

Because he could have retreated unscathed every time, but rushed forward to save little Luban without hesitation.

Little Luban looked like a novice no matter how he operated or moved, but he had never died once under the protection of King Lanling.

Therefore, Lin Xiang's glory does not lie in his own achievements, but in Miss Lu Ban!

The most rare thing is that Ms. Lu Ban has performed many novice operations, and even fans are anxious to see it, but Lin Xiang has never complained even a word, and she keeps silent and guards silently!

Head, here you are.

Death, here I come!
This kind of game experience that is treated as a baby is so happy just thinking about it...

Even Mengmeng really wants to experience it once.

"Brother, do you have a girlfriend?"

Mengmeng couldn't help asking, nominally at the request of fans, but in fact she also wanted to know.


Lin Xiang said honestly.

Mengmeng instantly became happy.

Ha, finally let her catch the handle!
She immediately exposed Lin Xiang's background in the live broadcast room with joy.

"Everyone, don't be infatuated with him. This guy is a scumbag. Yesterday he was in a double row with his girlfriend, but today he opened his eyes and told nonsense that he was single!"

"Hmph, sure enough, the scumbag is good at everything, but he is not specific!"

"So please, ladies and gentlemen, be on guard against him, and don't be fooled by his game charm!"

But unfortunately, Mengmeng's words did not have any effect.

The fans and sisters firmly said: "Even if he is a scumbag, I still love him!"

Mengmeng is very angry.

Why don't you listen to advice!

Even she didn't realize that the room was full of vinegar smell.

Why!What a great little brother, if it's just a game cp, it's perfect, why does he have a girlfriend...


At this time, Lin Xiang became uninterested after checking the platinum eggs rewarded by the "mission of this game".

This easter egg is a standard unlucky egg with only two skins inside.

One is Nako Lulu's "Wanying" epic skin, worth 888 points.

The other is Luban No. [-]'s "Starry Sky Dream" glory collection skin, the value of which is not specified.

Lin Xiang gave it without hesitation.

"I'll give you a skin later, remember to check it when you're done."

(End of this chapter)

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