164 The Plan Has Changed

the next day.

Lin Xiang slept until noon.

In the kitchen, there is Chen Xiang's hot breakfast for him, and a small note: Remember to eat breakfast, (love).

Although this was not the first time, Lin Xiang was still moved.

Sometimes I even feel that it is good to have a light bulb at home. This kind of sneaky love is quite exciting~

Although Lin Xiang didn't tell Chen Xiang about the troubles he encountered recently, the careful Chen Xiang saw that he had something on his mind, so he didn't ask or disturb him.

For this alone, many girls are not as sensible as Chen Xiang.

After breakfast, Lin Xiang called Zhang Dongyang's number again, but the phone was still turned off, which made Lin Xiang a little worried.

Then Lin Xiang chatted with friends on WeChat and played games as usual, and the time passed.

In the evening, he came to the hotel, chatted with the mouse, and secretly used the "eye of true sight" to check the "loyalty" of the mouse.

Of course, Mouse was not half loyal to him.

Including several other gangsters, they all helped Lin Xiang for the sake of money.

After all, earning 10 yuan in a few days is a great temptation for gangsters!

Lin Xiang also paid them high labor costs on time every day.

Spend money to eliminate disasters?

Do not!
Lin Xiang didn't intend to lose a penny from the very beginning!

"Xiao Si, tell Yuan Hao that I won't be free tomorrow night, so I won't be going to the Hongmen Banquet."

Knowing that Lin Xiang planned to release the pigeons, several people were stunned.

Mouse: "Brother Lin, isn't this against the rules?"

Xiaosi wept bitterly: "I guess I will be scolded to death by Yuan Hao..."

Lin Xiang jokingly said: "Who said yesterday that Yuan Hao was a badass? Don't worry, I have no other intentions. I just want to deliberately hang them for a few days."

Several people: "How many days?!"

"Yeah, let's hang it for four, five or six days first, depending on your mood."

Lin Xiang said casually while playing with his mobile phone.

A few people couldn't figure out what he was thinking at all.

Yesterday he said to speed up the progress and make an appointment to meet, but today he deliberately hangs on to him. Do you really think that his fourth master is so good-tempered?

The mouse wanted to cry but said without tears: "Brother Lin, you are not intentionally messing with Tian Feifei and Wang Qiang, are you?"

"No, I just want to pay you a few more days' wages."

Lin Xiang's words are not without reason.

According to Lin Xiang's daily allowance of 50, after four, five or six days, the number will definitely exceed [-].

Several people exchanged glances and chose to shut up.

Who can't get along with money?



"What did you say, no appointment?"

Yuan Hao's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he shouted into the phone: "Tell him, don't be too arrogant!"

Xiao Si replied: "Our brothers have persuaded him, but he insisted on seeing Fourth Master and said you agreed..."

Yuan Hao smiled angrily: "He should write, can't you hear that what I said at the train station is a scene!"

Xiaosi suddenly lowered his voice and said hastily: "Hang up Brother Hao first, he's here, he's here."

"Hey, are you him..."

Before Yuan Hao could finish cursing, the phone was hung up.

Mood, very irritable!

At first Lin Xiang asked Xiao Si to tell him, and he promised well.

As a result, in less than a day, he suddenly changed his mind, and whoever would be disappointed!

Besides, Yuan Hao has other plans...

Now, the plan is all messed up!
About half an hour later, Xiao Si called Yuan Hao again and whispered, "Brother Hao, he is free the day after tomorrow!"

"Okay! Then the night after tomorrow!"

After Yuan Hao finished speaking, he realized something was wrong.

Why does it feel like labor and management are trying to curry favor with him?

After hanging up the phone irritably, Yuan Hao didn't know what to say to Fourth Master.

If you tell the truth, fourth master will definitely be upset!
So he simply lied and said: "Si Ye, Chen Xuan has something to do tomorrow night, the plan may have to be postponed."

Fourth Master: "It's okay, you can see that it's done, you don't need to report to me, I can trust you."

Yuan Hao's expression became complicated.

But after looking at the text message that the bank card received 20 yuan, his expression gradually turned cold.


Another day.

Yuan Hao received a text message from Xiao Si: "Brother Hao, the plan has changed!"

Yuan Hao's heart skipped a beat: "Has he changed again?!"

Xiao Si: "He's starting to doubt me!"

"Huh?" Yuan Hao quickly calmed down, and replied: "Don't reveal it, take the initiative to give him a suggestion, and postpone the appointment for a few days."

Xiaosi's face was bright, and he patted his legs and said: "Brother Lin, you are so amazing, you even know what he replied!"

Lin Xiang was playing the game, and said: "No matter what he says, don't agree, say that you don't want to take any more risks and want to run away."

Xiao Si: "Uh, why? He hasn't replied to me yet."

Lin Xiang: "No matter what he answers, you answer him like this!"

Two minutes later, Xiao Si received a message from Yuan Hao: "Postponed for three days, next Monday night, even if you tie him up this time, you will tie him up to labor and management, understand!"

Xiao Si replied verbatim according to Lin Xiang's words: "No, I don't want to take any more risks, I want to run away..."

Yuan Hao: "Let's go to your MB, and help labor and management keep an eye on him. After the matter is done, the benefits will be indispensable to you!"

Xiaosi asked Lin Xiang in a naive manner: "Brother Lin, how should I reply to this?"

Lin Xiang glanced at Yuan Hao's message, and said, "You just reply: the last three days, if it doesn't work this time, I won't do it!"

Xiao Si complied.

Yuan Hao replied after half an hour: "Tell him, Fourth Master agrees with him! If he is not at ease, he can decide the place to eat. In addition, you can talk to him again, and satisfy him no matter what request he has, understand? !"

Xiao Si put this information in front of Lin Xiang.

Lin Xiang glanced at it, and said with satisfaction: "It's done! Work!"

After finishing this game, Lin Xiang happened to be healthy for a limited time.

He stood up and stretched, let out a long breath, and said, "Mouse, Monday is on schedule, you can arrange it."

The mouse licked his dry lips and nodded helplessly.

Sure enough, everything was as Lin Xiang expected, and he really wanted to reach that point...

This money is so hot! !



Monday, noon.

The gate of No.[-] Middle School.

Mouse was squatting on the side of the road smoking a cigarette, his eyes glanced at the school gate from time to time, and he stared carefully at every person who entered or exited.

In my mind, I can't help but plan my life after tonight.

If all goes well, after tonight, he can get more than 20 yuan.

This amount of money is enough for him to stand up straight in front of his mother-in-law.

Then take my girlfriend to get the certificate and go back to the county to live a good life.

Rivers and lakes, never mix again.

Although his girlfriend betrayed the mouse, he has already convinced himself to choose to forgive.

In his mind, all behaviors before marriage can be forgiven.

I am a gangster who does not do business properly, it would be nice to have a beautiful girl who is willing to be with him, and no one should dislike anyone.

When he returned to the county seat and changed the environment, he believed that everything could start all over again.

The more I think about it, the more I look forward to it.

The mouse couldn't help but send a message to his girlfriend: "Baby, let's go back to the county after finishing the last vote. How much is the bride price your mother said last time?"

The girlfriend came back with a number: "6!"

The mouse sneered, and typed out a line of words: "6 is a der, and the labor and management will reward her with 5 8s directly, making it auspicious!"

Girlfriend: "Hehehe!"

The mouse was just about to type when the school bell rang.

He quickly put his phone back into his pocket, stood up, and waited for fourth master's daughter to leave school...

(End of this chapter)

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