Chapter 148 Lawyer Zhou

Lin Xiang looked at the terrifying amount of news, and suddenly felt a sense of fear of being dominated by interpersonal relationships.

In the end, it was Chen Xiang who helped him solve his troubles.

Chen Xiang's solution is to post on Moments and tell them that he is very busy.

Then the first day was a little harder, replying to messages one by one.

In this way, as friends, we should all understand each other and not be rude.

So Lin Xiang complied.

The effect is not generally good.

As soon as the circle of friends sent it out, many friends liked and replied.

The content of the reply was mostly an expression of understanding and congratulations on his overnight popularity on the Internet.

Some units that used to work part-time even approached him to discuss cooperation such as endorsement.

These days, cross-border e-commerce has just emerged, and many people see business opportunities and join this industry one after another, making short videos, making short videos, and live streaming with goods...

After all, traffic is still the foundation.

With Lin Xiang's current popularity, acquaintances will naturally come to him.

For this, Lin Xiang didn't even bother to refuse.

Because of those WeChat accounts, Lin Xiang just didn't bother to delete them, including contacts who had part-time flyers.

They never took the initiative to contact Lin Xiang before, but now that Lin Xiang became popular, they all flocked to him.

To be honest, it's kind of annoying.

The most abominable thing is that someone actually posted the photos of his part-time job on the Internet without his permission, and he hasn't made a mosaic yet!
These behaviors made Lin Xiang feel angry!
He asked the other party to deal with it immediately after seeing it.

As a result, the other party smiled and made friends with him and invited him to cooperate, as if they didn't listen to what he said at all, and only cared about their own interests.

Lin Xiang became very angry and directly contacted Zhang Dongyang to introduce his lawyer.

The current Lin Xiang is no longer the soft and sticky guy who was obsequious everywhere just for a cheap part-time job!


For friends with a relatively pure relationship, Lin Xiang will still reply politely, as always, without any airs.

On the contrary, when he replied to the message, those friends became cautious.

For example, Wang Xiwen, who used to be an iron brother like a brother, is obviously a bit unfamiliar now. I don't know what attitude to use to make friends with the current Lin Xiang.

What made Lin Xiang feel most at ease was Xu Yang, Xie Zhengkai, and Da Mao who met by chance and were not very close friends.

Perhaps friends like them who always keep some distance are relatively "pure" friends.

Of course.

This is actually a very real problem.

It's not that Wang Xiwen isn't pure enough.

But, in all fairness, one day a close friend of yours becomes a billionaire, do you dare to say that you won't have the slightest idea?

And if you are not very familiar with this billionaire in the first place, and you don’t have other thoughts in your heart, then the attitude you show is relatively real.

These changes in the relationship between friends around him were unexpected by Lin Xiang.

Many previous lies, such as "Aunt Mengmeng", no longer need to be explained. The roommates naturally knew Lin Xiang's real source of income, and then learned that the so-called "Auntie" turned out to be a beautiful and lovely lolita anchor.


Of course, Lin Xiang has no time to think about these issues, to maintain, to explain, or to do anything else.

He is very busy.

In the past few days, Tian Feifei has been brought to court.

According to the procedures, the court will probably start in a few months, but in fact, when the lawyer's letter was officially handed over to Tian Feifei, Tian Feifei panicked.

With green tea like Tian Feifei, if you confront her verbally, she can completely subvert your three views and lower limits.

But the lawyer's letter made her submit obediently, without even daring to breathe.

Just kidding, national laws are child's play.

Whoever tells you about those useless things will go directly to legal procedures.

Tian Feifei, who had never experienced such a battle before, was frightened and stupid at the time, and hurriedly used her contacts to try to contact Lin Xiang, admitting her mistake and begging for mercy.

And Lin Xiang wanted this effect!
After letting Tian Feifei hang out for a week, the woman was completely frightened, and finally got 10 yuan from somewhere, and reached a private settlement with the lawyer.

It has to be said that the middle-aged lawyer introduced by Zhang Dongyang is very capable. In addition to taking money to handle affairs, he will also provide Lin Xiang with a lot of professional advice.

For example, at the beginning, Lin Xiang only wanted Tian Feifei to pay tens of thousands of yuan, and it would be over if he taught her a lesson. However, the lawyer suggested that he could increase the amount of compensation, such as property damage or spiritual damage, on the premise that the defendant did violate the law. loss.

For these so-called damages, especially mental damages, the injured party can ask for a lot of money.

Of course, it is hard to guarantee how the law will judge in the end.

But it will definitely scare the other party.

Then, when the other party is not sure of winning the lawsuit, they usually try their best to settle out of court.

Then the proposed compensation fee is equivalent to an asking price.

On the basis of this price, since the other party offered to settle, they can't cut too much, right?
This is to seize the initiative as much as possible.

From the moment the lawsuit is filed, it has been "general"!
To put it simply, this is venue bargaining.

The asking price is 100 million, do you have the nerve to counter-offer 10?

And if you have to buy this thing, if the consequences of not buying it are very serious, losing the initiative means losing money.

Therefore, the lawyer only drafted a litigation agreement, and Lin Xiang achieved results beyond expectations, and Tian Feifei was also very grateful to Lin Xiang...

From Lin Xiang's point of view, Tian Feifei has borne the high legal fees.

By the way, Tian Feifei finally begged Yu Wanqing, Yu Wanqing contacted many high school classmates, and finally got Lin Xiang to agree to stop.

After this operation, Tian Feifei was taught not only economically, but also psychologically. She would not dare to provoke Lin Xiang again if she provoked anyone in the future.

Because she has clearly realized that she has no capital to provoke Lin Xiang!
This incident can only show that the lawyer is very good in the professional field.

But what really made Lin Xiang admire this lawyer was the way he handled Lin Xiang's portrait rights infringement by many people!
When Lin Xiang found a lawyer and told him that he was going to sue these people, the lawyer asked Lin Xiang a question: "Mr. Lin, what is your ultimate goal? Is it to get the corresponding compensation or to protect your portrait rights?"

Lin Xiang immediately replied: "I don't care about money, of course I want to protect my portrait rights."

The lawyer smiled: "Then I suggest you ignore it, or even find another group of people to invade yourself."

Lin Xiang was puzzled: "Why?"

The lawyer said: "Your video, your portrait, has been circulated on the Internet, and rights protection is completely fine, but it is obviously unrealistic to prevent them from continuing to spread.

Then, the best way to stop it from spreading is to deny its authenticity!
Mr. Lin, let me put it this way, because you are a celebrity now, so everyone will spread gossip.

But if it is confirmed that the person in the video is not you, everyone will stop spreading it. "

Lin Xiang seemed to understand: "You mean, tell the netizens that it's fake?"

The lawyer nodded: "Of course, you don't need to come forward in person, you just need to keep silent.

Or if you want to deal with it quickly, just spend some money to convince netizens that it is fake as soon as possible, and your silent attitude will completely convince netizens that it is not you.

Since it's not you, it's just a passerby, or someone who deliberately pretends to be you, who would spread it mindlessly?For example, I am not famous, even if it is posted on the Internet, no one will repost my photos. "

Lin Xiang frowned and said, "But my appearance will be known sooner or later..."

The lawyer shrugged: "Do you mind when you want to be exposed?"

Lin Xiang suddenly realized, and said sincerely: "Lawyer Zhou, you are really amazing! Why didn't I think of it in advance!"

Lawyer Zhou adjusted his rimless glasses and smiled reservedly: "I won't give you a discount on the consulting fee."

(End of this chapter)

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