Chapter 180 - Fantastic

Jiu Xinna looked at the backs of everyone leaving with embarrassment, and said goodbye to several elders with an embarrassed smile, and then slowly sat back at the table in the living room, lying on her stomach as if falling asleep.

Lu Chuan slowly bypassed the table in front of him and stood behind Jiu Xinnai who was sitting on the chair. He connected his system in his mind and asked slowly:
"System, if the reward I get is a tailed beast, will this tailed beast have consciousness?"

After a while, it seemed that the system was considering multiple factors before slowly answering Lu Chuan's question:
"Ding, the rewards obtained by the host are all system improvements, unless certain conditions cannot be improved. Tailed beasts have no self-awareness after improvement, and can extract and use their chakra at will."

Lu Chuan paused for a moment with the hand that was intended to be placed on Jiu Xinnai's shoulder, and the system's answer was somewhat unexpected.

"Can we not improve it?" Lu Chuan asked tentatively.

"Ding, the system does not have this service, dear."


If the tailed beast he rewarded was unconscious, then he couldn't directly give Naruto the nine tails he rewarded.

This was Lu Chuan's original plan, to take the lines from Kushina, then reward the Kyuubi, and finally find an opportunity to seal his Kyuubi into Naruto's body on the day of Kushina's delivery.

As for the fact that he would die when the tailed beast was extracted, he had already thought of a countermeasure. In the original book, both Obito and Kushina held on for a while after the tailed beast was pulled out, which shows that a strong physique can die slowly.

And my pupil technique "Yujia Yuyan" happens to be able to continuously repair my body, but it only consumes pupil power, but the pupil power brought by the reincarnation eye and Bai Jue's body...

This little consumption doesn't seem to matter, besides, Lu Chuan will definitely get back his dirty body in the end.

After thinking about it, Lu Chuan continued to put his palm on Jiu Xinna, but Jiu Xinna didn't respond. She was extremely tired, and Lu Chuan just made her sleep better.

Then Lu Chuan scratched his face, recalled what Jiu Xinnai had said, coughed lightly and said slowly:
"Naruto, don't be picky eaters, eat more and grow up quickly."

The sleeping Jiu Xinna heard these murmured words vaguely, and her real body seemed to twitch intentionally or unintentionally, but Lu Chuan didn't care.

Lu Chuan let go of the hand on Jiu Xinnai's shoulder, because at this moment Minato has slowly walked out from another room, and his goal has been completed, now it's time...

The sound of the system interrupted Lu Chuan's slow sinking trend:
"Ding, snatch the character Nine-Tails Jinchuriki: Uzumaki Kushina's lines were successful, and the character's traits are being extracted...

If you draw successfully, you will get rewards:
The physique of the whirlpool family. (improved)"

Lu Chuan, who had only his head on the floor, didn't move. He felt a little miscalculated when he heard the voice from the system.

After all, even if he was lucky enough to draw him randomly before, he could basically get useful things.

Minato gradually came over, he slowly approached Kushina who was sleeping soundly, then looked down at his tired wife from the other side, and then prepared to go around her to make some dinner.

Suddenly, he saw a raised head on the ground staring at him strangely.


Lu Chuan rushed out of the ground at a speed that the water gate could not react in an instant, and then slapped him on the side of the neck, and then slammed his fist hard on his forehead.

A set of hypnosis (physics) + amnesia (physics) flows smoothly without stagnation.

Boom! !

Minato fell heavily to the ground, unconscious.

Single dog rage.

Lu Chuan squatted down and took a look at the unconscious Minato. After confirming that the other party was really unconscious, he stood up and walked back to Jiu Xinna, putting his hands on her shoulders again.

Kushina has a lot of lines, especially the long list he said to Naruto in the last words, but Lu Chuan can only remember one or two of them, so he recalled it carefully, and said quickly :

"Remember to take a bath on time every day, soak in the bath to warm up, and don't stay up late..."

After speaking, Lu Chuan let go of his hand. What he didn't notice was that Jiu Xinnai's body began to tremble slightly, as if he was about to wake up.

And the Nine-Tails in her body, nailed to a stone by several huge wooden thorns at the moment, is slowly exuding its own chakra.

At the same time, Minato, who was lying on the ground, twitched her fingers slightly.

After waiting for a while, Lu Chuan did not wait for the system's notification sound. When he was a little depressed, the system's voice sounded in his mind:

"Ding, capture the character Nine-Tails Chakra: Uzumaki Kushina's lines are successful, and the character's traits are extracted...

If you draw successfully, you will get rewards:
Nine Tails (improved.)”

At this time, Jiu Xinnai, who was lying on the table in front of Lu Chuan, slowly stood up, and strands of dark red chakra began to emerge on the surface of her body, gradually enveloping her body.

Lu Chuan was also very sensitive to hearing the system prompt that Kushina's character prefix had changed, from Jinchuriki to Nine-Tails Chakra.

And the next moment, a handful of kunai suddenly inserted into his body.


Following Kunai's contact, a yellow-haired figure flickered in front of his eyes, and the scene in front of him suddenly changed, from a warm lighted cabin to a dark wild forest at night.

Lu Chuan landed firmly on the ground. He raised his head and frowned at Minato in blue who staggered to his feet.

I just used a little bit of strength.

After looking at Minato who was barely standing, holding Kunai in his hand, and then turned his head to look at the chakra that was about to erupt in the distance behind him at this moment, Lu Chuan decided not to deal with Minato for now.

"Divine power!"

With a whirlpool of space folding, Lu Chuan's figure slowly disappeared on the grass under Mizumon's gaze.

Watergate home.

Kushina's consciousness was obviously a little fuzzy, but she was still trying to stop the Nine-Tails Chakra erupting in her body, and Lu Chuan slowly appeared in the vortex.

With a little apology, he directly raised his right hand, and then the purple irises in his eyes lit up slightly, and some pupil power flowed out of it:

"Hungry Ghost Road!"

call out--!
Strands of red nine-tailed chakra immediately separated from Kushina's body and were sucked into Lu Chuan's right arm.

And Kushina, who had absorbed some Nine-Tails Chakra, finally regained the dominance, stabilizing the Tailed Beast's seal at once.

At this time, a yellow figure flashed past, and Minato returned home, passing the flying thunder god Kunai who had been hanging at home.

Kushina closed one eye, bent over tiredly and gasped for breath, and the same was true for Mizumon beside him. The two of them faced Lu Chuan, who had purple reincarnation eyes, in a fighting posture.

Lu Chuan scratched his head, causing trouble.

Fortunately, I have reincarnation eyes.

At the same time, Uchiha Mikoto and Fuyue also rushed downstairs to Minato's house.

(End of this chapter)

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