People are in Hokage, start dancing by grabbing Madara's neck

Chapter 169 - I hit the evil god in the face? !

Chapter 169 - I hit the evil god in the face? !
Rain hidden village minaret.

tower top.

inside a Japanese house,
The warm light illuminated Lu Chuan's side face, bringing some comfort to the dark and damp Yuyin Village.

Lu Chuandan sat at the table in front of Hanzo, drinking Hanzo's tea leisurely.

But he tapped his fingers on the table slightly, which showed that his heart was not so peaceful.

The two avatars were sitting opposite each other, playing rock-paper-scissors with each other boredly.

Lu Chuan glanced at the environment in the room, then raised his eyebrows and looked forward.

Wearing a gas mask, Hanzo's eyes were dull, and his body was sitting stiffly on the high platform.

Hanzo fell under Lu Chuan's illusion.

"This is something I didn't expect..."

Lu Chuan looked at the wooden sign on Hanzo's chest representing "Cthulite Cultist" and frowned.

He held a small teacup in one hand, and put the other hand on the table, tapping his fingers on the table.

Lu Chuan never thought that the believers he had stayed in various parts of the ninja world would later marry wives and have children, or marry as wives.

By the way, the relatives of his spouse were passed on as believers of the cult of evil spirits.

As things go on and on, in the current Yuyin Village, no, in the current ninja world, I am afraid that most people are aware of the existence of "evil gods".

It's just that there are not many people who really believe in "evil gods".


Lu Chuan put it on the teacup, and looked at the sluggish Hanzo with a resentful expression.

The latter was deeply immersed in Lu Chuan's illusion, unable to extricate himself at all.



"Master Hanzo! Master Hanzo!!"

The shouts of his subordinates echoed in his ears, and Hanzo struggled to open his heavy eyelids.

The goal is the familiar ceiling.

The yelling from his subordinates continued, Hanzo sat up impatiently, and looked sullenly at the door.

But it was his two guards, and a familiar ninja who was thrown on the ground in front of him.

"what happened?!"

Hanzo woke up instantly, his expression was serious, and he stood up from behind the table.

The wooden sign on his chest also shook violently.

After seeing the Konoha forehead guard on the forehead of the comatose ninja, he froze for a moment, then looked at his two guards and asked:
"Why did you capture Konoha's ninja?!"

And one of Hanzo's guards lowered his head wearing a gas mask, and a drop of nervous sweat involuntarily flowed from his forehead.

He knelt down halfway, and hastily explained to Hanzo who seemed about to get angry:

"When we found this Konoha ninja, he was swinging a knife at your clansmen!"

After finishing speaking, the guard quietly raised his head and glanced at Hanzo's expression.

Hearing this, Hanzo was stunned.

He looked at the unconscious Mu Yin who was thrown on the steps again.

Hanzo stepped forward a few steps, carefully looked at the unconscious Mu Yin, then waved his hand, and said decisively to the two guards:
"Wake him up! Drag him down for torture!"

"Yes! Lord Hanzo!"

While giving orders, Hanzo was also carefully sizing up his guards.

Although the appearance is indeed his guard, but he always feels that something is wrong.

No, it was a feeling that something wasn't right all around.

Hanzo looked around sharply, and touched his chin.

After the two dragged Lu Chuan's symbol in the illusion world out, Hanzo stared at the back of his guard for a long time.

In the end, he also walked out and came to the torture room.





Interrogation room.

"Water Escape·Water Column!"

Noisy! !

The captured Konoha ninja was tied to a chair by two guards, and then the latter slapped him on the head with a sip of water. He shuddered and woke up.

"Pffw!! This is...!"

He raised his head in horror and glanced left and right, and then accidentally caught a glimpse of Hanzo who was standing and looking here through a glass.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and he seemed to understand his current situation instantly.

The two guards turned their heads to look at Hanzo, and after getting the latter's permission, they looked at each other and nodded, and began the interrogation of Konoha Ninja.


A guard slapped Konoha Ninja on the face, and the latter shook his head in shock, as if he was still unconscious.


Another guard slapped him too.

"Who ordered you to come?!" The guard yelled at Konoha Ninja and swung his arms round again.


Swish is a slap.

"Say it!"

"What is your Konoha conspiracy?!"

The other guard agreed with a grim expression, and slapped him too.


"Rain Hidden Physique Profound Truth Dabidou!"




"Bastard! Say it!"

With anger on his face, the impatient guard shook his already sore palm with a growl, and slapped it with his backhand.


Hanzo folded his arms, and through a piece of glass, he looked at the Konoha ninja who had become a pig's head in the middle of the interrogation room.

Hanzo tilted his head, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

So, he frowned like this, and looked at the two guards who kept slapping their hands in a strange and puzzled manner.

After a long time, finally, Hanzo suddenly raised his head, and he suddenly realized what the problem was.

Lowering his arms, he shouted at the two guards in the interrogation room:
"Stop! Who told you to interrogate like this, didn't you learn how to interrogate when you were in school?!"

After finishing speaking, Hanzo pushed open the door of the interrogation room and walked in.

When he came to the dazed and delirious Konoha Ninja, he twisted his neck, took off the forehead guard on his face, turned his head and taught to his guard:

"Look, the interrogation is like this!"


As he said that, he slapped Konoha Ninja on the face, then put his hands on his hips, and a confident smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

That's right!The problem is that there is no one to join!

An interrogation without me, Mr. Hanzo, is not worthy of being called an interrogation!

Hanzo looked at Konoha Ninja who was almost fainting in front of him, and smiled contemptuously in his heart.

I don't know why, but drawing the Konoha ninja in front of me seems to give me a particularly refreshing feeling.

Thinking about it, Hanzo turned his head and looked at his guards, as if to let them imitate.

The two guards looked at Hanzo, then looked at each other, nodded half-understood, and then.




The three of them took turns, each slapping the already numb Konoha Ninja seamlessly.

Konoha Ninja's face was swollen and congested, and he didn't know when, his expression suddenly became calm and clear.

The squeezed squinted eyes showed a sharp cold light, fixedly staring at Hanzo who was happy to wave his arms.




The sound of slaps and slaps resounded in the interrogation room in an endless stream.




for a long time.


Hanzo lowered his head, rubbed his sore eyes, and with a happy smile on his face, he raised his head from the table drowsily.


Smiling subconsciously and shrugging his shoulders, as if he hadn't recovered from the illusion, he slowly raised his head.

The next moment, Hanzo's expression became sharply terrified.

Lu Chuan was squinting his eyes and smiling, his face almost pressed against Hanzo's.


Lu Chuan lightly patted Hanzo's astonished face.

"I had a good time playing just now, Hanzo."

The corners of Hanzo's mouth drooped unconsciously, his pupils constricted, and the motor in his brain spun wildly.

In an instant, he remembered.

Just now, in the dazed "dream", the person I beat up...

Seems long, and in front of this guy!

And... the portrait of the evil god in the records! !

It's exactly the same!
In an instant, Hanzo's face showed dead despair, and tears instantly welled up in the middle-aged tough guy's eyes.

"Xiexiexiexiexie is great..."


Lu Chuan smiled and gently pressed Hanzo's trembling hand:
"You are polite to me, you mlgb."

(End of this chapter)

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