Lu Chuan nodded.

Got the approval of Lord Cthulhu! !
very good!

Feizang's face was full of excitement, he stood at the door and couldn't help but want to raise his mouth.

On his back was the blood-red scythe that he took out from home.

He now had some ideas for his scythe.

If I have the immortal body and the secret method of death given by the evil god, I will use the blood!

Then, this sickle is not suitable for performing secret arts.

Hmm... how to modify it?

Fei Zang touched the handle of the sickle on his back, feeling very excited.

Lu Chuan was thinking.

In this way, the daimyo sent people to steal the scrolls that recorded the evil gods in order to understand the teachings and sacrifice methods.

Then spread it widely?

In that case, it is very simple to solve the problem of the cult of evil spirits.

Lu Chuan turned his head, looked at the daimyo, yawned, and said lazily:

"You, come to power tomorrow and say that evil gods don't exist, and ask the citizens to stop offering sacrifices to evil gods."

Hearing this, the first person to react was not the daimyo who was controlled, had no self-consciousness, but only mechanical consciousness.

It was Fei Zang behind Lu Chuan.

Feizang was puzzled, he looked at the back of Lord Xie Shen in disbelief, and tried to say something.

"No, no, no, Lord Cthulhu, why did you do this?"

Feizang shook his head sadly, spread his hands, and frowned, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable in his heart.

Most of the first members of the Cult of the Heretic God were from the same family as him.

But now, most people in the family have sacrificed themselves to Lord Evil God, leaving only myself alone.

However, when Lord Heretic God appeared in front of him for the first time, he was actually a little apprehensive.

He didn't know if he could restore the glory of the family, and he didn't know if he could make the Cult of the Heretic God flourish.

After practicing with the two seniors, Maitzai and Meitene, Feizang had just made up his mind to carry forward the family and the Cult of the Evil God.

He heard the words of the evil god he believed in.

He knelt on the ground with some powerlessness, and lowered his head. What the believers fear most is the collapse of faith.

At this moment, he fell into an ice cellar.

Lu Chuan turned his head and glanced at Fei Zang, whose eyes were full of helplessness.

He was a little helpless, and then he made up a random reason in his heart, adjusted his tone, and stared at Fei Zang with hatred:

"Why are you downcast?! Are you willing to live in a small country of soup for the rest of your life?!"

Feizang raised his head, his red eyes widened in a daze, as if he was a little puzzled.

He stood up supporting his body with a sickle, felt the trembling calf, and asked falteringly:

"Then...that, Mr. Evil God, you are..."

Before Lu Chuan could answer Fei Zang, Tang Zhiguo's daimyo broke the conversation between the two first:
"Doing this will not make the cult of the current scale disappear."

"Now there are many loyal believers, and people's faith will not be shaken by one or two words."

"As long as those people exist, the cult's group will grow bigger and bigger."

Lu Chuan took a surprise look at the famous name, who was trying to pretend to be calm.

But Lu Chuan knew that he had escaped from the illusion.

This was Lu Chuan's plan. He only used an illusion on the daimyo, which can be easily solved by a ninja. This technique will dissipate in a few minutes or so.

And when this daimyo heard Fei Zang call his title "evil god", the daimyo must also know Fei Zang and know the identity and personality of the other party.

In this way, the daimyo knows that the evil god exists, and this "evil god" does not want to expand his followers.

After he left, he didn't need to use illusion anymore, he would spontaneously clean up the remaining believers.

Lu Chuan glanced at the daimyo who showed off his feet. Having been bored in the hot spring these days, he had already guessed that there would be more loyal believers. He asked daimyo directly:

"How many loyal believers are there?"

With that said, Lu Chuan walked to the open courtyard door, and looked at the moon in the sky with his hands behind his back.

"Probably, there are nearly a hundred people." Daimyo's voice began to tremble a little, and the expression on his face was almost unstoppable, he replied like this.

Lu Chuan stared at the moon shining in the sky, and called Fei Zang's name without looking back:
"Fei Zang!"

"I'm here! Lord Cthulhu!!"

Feizang took a deep breath and adjusted his state. He felt extremely ashamed of his fragility!
"Tomorrow, call the believers you think are loyal to Zai's house."

Lu Chuan turned his head slightly, and glanced at Fei Zang, who had re-tied his scythe with one eye, and his face was thoughtful:

"I believe you can do it."

Feizang's pale and thin face was flushed with naked eyes, his face was full of excitement, and the hand holding the sickle turned white:
"Yes!! Lord Evil God!!!"


Daming House.

main interior.

Lu Chuan and Fei Zang had already left.

Daimyo sat on the ground profusely with sweat, he was breathing rapidly, his face was covered with cold sweat.

What did he hear? !

Cthulhu?That fellow Feizang actually called this person an evil god? ! !
The evil god wants to cancel the evil god religion? !

And nest in the small country of soup...

Are you looking down on my place?
The daimyo clenched his fist, but after looking at the guards who were all down on the ground outside, he was helplessly discouraged.

"Then...tomorrow we can only erase the existence of the Cult of the Evil God..."

"What to do... How to face the impending war...!"

In Daimyo's view, Senju Uchiha's alliance must be purposeful, and at that time there will definitely be an alliance of major ninja clans to fight against Uchiha and Senju.

He lay on the ground, heart ashes.


The next day.

early morning.

The streets to the west of Yuno Country are gathering places for loyal believers.

Although they usually don't agree with Fei Zang, a sinister looking guy who doesn't go out all the year round, they still choose to trust him at critical moments.

Because he is the original believer.

A crowd of people gathered at the end of West Street, in front of Mattzai's house.

Fei Zang was standing in front of everyone, explaining something to them.

Obviously, the daimyo had already done what Lu Chuan ordered him to do, so these people followed Fei Zang's command in confusion.

Lu Chuan kicked the door open, and he came out with dark circles under his eyes.

Obviously, he didn't sleep well last night.

In his hand, he also held a green hook jade exuding a strong breath of life.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the chattering and disorderly crowd.

Lu Chuan rubbed his temples.

Then suddenly opened the purple eyes of reincarnation!

The pupil power that turned into substance lashed at everyone, directly shocking them!
At this time, Feizang was excited, he was holding the blood-red sickle, and was about to shout something.

But it was stopped by Lu Chuan.

Holding the green Gouyu, Lu Chuan gestured for Fei Zang to come over.

(End of this chapter)

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