Chapter 110 - God

The sky seemed to be a little dark, and the clouds gradually gathered.

Two Susans, one big and one small, stood in the desert. The white complete Susan and even the armored wings behind him were inserted into the clouds!

"who are you?!!"

The thin yellow Susan in the fourth form stood unsteadily in front of Lu Chuan, and the long-haired Uchiha who was bleeding from seven orifices stood in the pentagonal cockpit and roared.

Lu Chuan didn't answer what he meant, he controlled his Susan, and raised the long knife in Susan's hand expressionlessly.

He looked at the long-haired Uchiha who seemed to be retreating, and a black stick gradually extended from the palm of the other hand, which seemed to be cut off obliquely.

The long-haired Uchiha saw that Lu Chuan had no intention of answering, so he subconsciously glanced sideways.

hiss--! !

He took a sharp breath, the injury on his body that was oppressed just now greatly affected his state.

Severe pain came one after another, making him basically unable to think, and he couldn't even think about why the other party would use Susanoo.

Obviously this is the supreme power of the Uchiha clan!

He endured the pain, his eyes had begun to blur, but it could still support him to maintain Susan.

The hatred and pupil power produced by months of torture made his kaleidoscope extremely bearable.

no!If you continue to fight, you will only die! !
Must retreat!

The long-haired Uchiha scanned the surrounding environment with a slightly unwilling and flustered expression, and immediately planned to run away!

He didn't want to die in such a shameless place without even taking revenge! !
At least, at least let him...

call out--! !


The sound of a sharp weapon piercing his flesh came from his abdominal cavity!The corner of his mouth was uncontrollable, and a large stream of blood suddenly spilled out, and the sweet smell of blood hit his senses:


The long-haired Uchiha coughed violently twice, and a chill spread from the ruptured abdominal cavity.

He lowered his head with trembling hands, and was horrified to find a black obliquely cut stick inserted into his abdomen!
He showed fear, and subconsciously prepared to use Chakra to escape.

The next moment, he raised his head even more desperately, and looked at Lu Chuan who was standing opposite him with his hands raised.

And the pentagonal Xusa Meixin gemstone that he shattered.

Both of them looked at each other from a distance between the eyebrows of their respective Susan.

Just now, Lu Chuan shot his Yin Yang Dun black stick at the long-haired Uchiha, and the sharp black stick directly penetrated his Susan.

Straight into the long-haired Uchiha's body!

At this moment, the chakra and pupil power in the long-haired Uchiha's body seemed to be frozen and could not be used at all.

Not to mention running away, he can't even move his body now!
An aura called despair gradually enveloped him, and every slight movement of his breath would open the wound in his abdomen.

He staggered against Susan's eyebrows, and his Susan also began to lean back, his huge body gradually dissipating in mid-air.

The temperature of his body gradually disappeared along with the blood flow in his abdomen, and he could feel that his skin and flesh seemed to have loosened all his bones, without any strength at all.

Are you going to die like this...

His pupils gradually dilated.

Revenge... can't you take revenge...

The trembling of the fingers subsided.

I'm sorry... I insulted Uchiha's glory...

In his dazed mind, he thought of his companions from the elite team...

Driven by hatred, he even once wanted to avenge his teammates who abandoned him.


A teardrop unconsciously flowed from the corner of his eye, everything in front of him became dim, and the excessive blood loss caused him to become weaker and weaker.

And this feeling of physical weakness made his spirit stronger! !
thump! !

The heart is still beating!

Eyes can still see! !
Do not!I can't just die here! !

The long-haired Uchiha's cloudy eyes suddenly lit up, and he recalled his despair in the sea of ​​fire last time.

Since at that time, he could awaken such a powerful force.

So now, why can't I awaken a power as terrifying as that guy? ! !

There is still hope for everything!

If I die!
Who else can defeat this hateful guy in front of him? !

"I am!! Uchiha!!!"

He roared angrily, the blood flowing from his abdomen gradually stopped due to muscle pressure, and his mind gradually became clearer!
The gradually shattering yellow Susan wrapped around the body stopped shattering on its own!He even started to connect with the scattered pupil power fragments, extending his body in mid-air!

Thinking of this, the long-haired Uchiha glared fiercely at Lu Chuan, and gradually recovered his original belief in his heart.


far away.

A black head suddenly appeared on the ground, and he grinned strangely as he looked at the half-body yellow Susan who had fallen from mid-air and was constantly reorganizing in mid-air.

"That's right... that's it... push your eyes to the extreme!!"

His voice suddenly became low:

"Then... I will take this ripe fruit..."

After talking to himself, the head sank slowly into the ground, as if swimming into water.


above the desert.

Seeing his resolute face, Lu Chuan seemed to nod his head in admiration.

Then put your hands together and seal silently.

The thick milky white pupil power keeps rising into the sky.

The pure white and flawless Tengu Susan slowly let go of the long knife in his hand.

The weapon turned into a white light spot and dissipated in the air, and the wings behind Susan slowly opened!

Lu Chuan's Xu Zuo soared into the air, his hands were slightly opened, and the power of his pupils was constantly overflowing around.

The white waves visible to the naked eye spread towards the surroundings.

The long-haired Uchiha also fell to the ground at this moment, and he maintained the half-length Susan.

He covered the wound on his abdomen and the black stick with a grim expression.

Because of this black stick, his entire torso and even parts of his limbs could not move!

He cautiously looked up at the white Susan floating in the air, which almost occupied his entire field of vision.

Then, turn around and run!
Do not hesitate!The yellow mustache pulled the ground and slid quickly in the desert!
At this time, a dull pop sound came from behind him!
He turned his head subconsciously and took a look!
At this moment, he completely regretted it!

A terrified expression quickly covered his face, and his already injured body was even more unable to stand. He stared straight at the sky:

With a "bang" sound, the originally dark and heavy sky quickly spread out around the white winged Susano!

The blue sky, the golden sunlight casts down, and the white Susan against the background is so divine!
A huge black circle appeared behind White Susan's head!

far away.

Hashirama stared blankly at the huge meteorite popping out of the clouds behind the white Susan, and lost the ability to think.

(End of this chapter)

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