Quick Wear: Transform Your Life

Chapter 497 8090 Years 52

Chapter 497 Eight Zero 90s52
At around 02:30 in the afternoon, Du Ruojie drove Lan Xi and Du Ruorou to the address given by Shen Jinshu.

They didn't bring anything, which also showed their attitude.

The three of them drove through wide alleys, and stopped in front of a small courtyard. Shen Jinshu was waiting anxiously at the door.

The three got out of the car, Du Ruorou greeted Shen Jinshu, Shen Jinshu smiled and took Du Ruorou's arm, and tried to pull Lan Xi with the other hand, but Lan Xi easily dodged it.

Shen Jinshu didn't care about these, and said with a smile, "Your grandpa and uncle are waiting here, let's go in first."

Shen Jinshu led Du Ruorou to the front, while Lan Xi and Du Ruojie walked behind side by side.

Pass through a small courtyard and walk into another courtyard, which is decorated with rockery and a pond, in which lotus flowers are graceful like fairies, and the breeze sends fragrance from afar.

Du Ruojie and Lan Xi looked at each other, no wonder Shen Jinshu said that the Shen family could help them, living in city B where every inch of land is expensive, and still have such a big yard, the layout is relatively elegant, and they are indeed capable.

Shen Jinshu introduced while walking, and when Shen Jinshu stopped talking, the three of Lan Xi arrived at the place, in a large lobby.

The mahogany gates and windows, together with the vermilion log pillars, and the two elderly people sitting inside, wearing mandarin jackets and cheongsams, once gave them the illusion of returning to the Republic of China period.

There were four people sitting on each side, they should be two middle-aged couples, and there were quite a few young people standing behind them. At a rough glance, there were more than ten people.

As the three of Lan Xi stepped into the living room, the four middle-aged couples stood up to greet them, and the dozen or so people in the back also looked at them in unison. The man with the cane kept staring at them.

Shen Jinshu excitedly introduced to the three of Lan Xi, "This is your grandpa and grandma."

The three of Lan Xi stood silently, Shen Jinshu looked a little embarrassed, and then turned her head to introduce the person next to them.

"This is your uncle and aunt, and here are your second uncle and aunt, standing behind are your cousins, and your cousins."

This time Shen Jinshu didn't pause, and introduced everyone directly, but the three of them remained silent, and the uncle and uncle's family sat down quietly again.

Lan Xi looked at a girl standing behind who was a little familiar. This was not a classmate from B University. She still remembered that Cheng Wenmin introduced to her that Xu Yiran, a dance major, was indeed very beautiful, not inferior to Du Ruorou.

Surnamed Xu, appeared here again, huh?
When Lan Xi looked at her, she also looked at Lan Xi, the two looked at each other, and the other showed a kind smile.

Faced with this embarrassing scene, when Shen Jinshu was a little flustered, the old lady above couldn't bear the tears, and immediately took out a handkerchief to wipe.

"If you want to complain, you can blame me, the old lady, I was the one who asked your mother to come back, and I was the one who stopped her from going back to you.

I saw my daughter, who was raised so tenderly, was tormented by the life there and was disheveled, walking around the stove all day, and my heart ached so much that I couldn't sleep all day.

But she loves you, and she has been thinking about you since she came back. I was the one who was cruel and threatened her with my body not to let her go back.

Ever since I found out you were in City B a year ago, I've been treating you carefully, and I want to compensate you..."

Standing in the middle of the living room, Shen Jinshu couldn't help but have red eyes.

The three of Lan Xi stood in the middle of the entrance of the hall, and the breeze did not blow their expressions. After their emotions eased a little, Du Ruojie spoke.

"Hello, the three of us, the three of us, have no resentment against anyone. We have grown up and have our own ideas and ways of judging.

The reason why we came here today is mainly because we think that our respective lives have been peaceful for more than ten years, and we don't want to break this tranquility, which is also the best result for everyone. "

Du Ruojie's clear voice passed through everyone's ears. Although he didn't say it clearly, he also said that they were not stupid and had their own judgment.

Suddenly there was a dull crash, "Hmph, I think you were ruined by that ignorant village woman, and a little sweet talk made you so confused.

Remember, the blood of the Shen family is flowing on your body, so you should have the blood of my Shen family, don't be trapped in that one-acre land. "

The old man's harsh words were ignored by Du Ruojie, "Whose blood is shed on our bodies is something we cannot decide, but we can choose our own lives. Our current life is the most comfortable state we are now."

As soon as Du Ruojie finished speaking, Du Ruorou suddenly said loudly, "Although the ignorant woman you mentioned is just an ordinary rural woman, she went to the doctor behind my back when I was sick.

It was she who bought me new clothes and pampered me when I was young. In my heart, she is much better than you standing here and saying some sarcastic words. "

Du Ruorou's words made Shen Jinshu's face turn pale, and she stood there at a loss, while Xu Yiran on the other side sighed inwardly, took the initiative to hold her hand, patted her shoulder, and took her aside.

The old man snorted coldly, "It doesn't make sense to you, your kindness is greater than heaven."

Du Ruorou said firmly, "We have never forgotten her gift of childbirth, and we are very grateful to her for bringing us into this world.

So we are willing to reconcile with her, and we are willing to fulfill our responsibilities as a child when she is old. When she is old, we will send money on time. "

"You don't need to show your filial piety, you can keep this money for yourself."

"We will definitely give what we should give, but we can't do anything else."

While speaking, the atmosphere in the hall dropped to freezing point again, even more embarrassing than it was at the beginning. The old lady kept wiping her tears, and Shen Jinshu bowed her head in silence.

Lan Xi was standing by the side, and hadn't spoken a word, because she knew that today was not just about meeting relatives, otherwise she wouldn't have come here while Du Ruojie was coming to City B.

Uncle Shen next to him spoke slowly, "These three children have lived so hard all these years, it's normal to have complaints, I've called you here today to recognize your relatives,

Speaking of now, there is still someone you don't know. "

"Xiao Ran, come here and meet your older brothers and sisters." He waved to Xu Yiran who was in the corner.

Xu Yiran looked embarrassed, and Shen Jinshu next to her looked at Uncle Shen pleadingly.

Uncle Shen still had a loving expression, "My good boy, come here quickly."

Du Ruorou turned her head to look at Xu Yiran, blinking, as if curious.

Xu Yiran walked over to the side of the three of them, and Uncle Shen said with a smile on his face, "This is your mother's sister, Xu Yiran, who graduated from University B at the age of 20 this year. Xiaoyu is a first-class alumnus, right?"

It seems that the Shen family has investigated them in advance, otherwise they would not be so familiar with them.

When Du Ruojie next to him heard this, his face was even colder. He was only two years younger than his younger sister, and then looked at Shen Jinshu with some disdain. Du Ruorou on the side also immediately had a frosty expression.

(End of this chapter)

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