Chapter 300
For a dinner, people who eat have different thoughts.

After eating almost, Liu Cuie wiped the corner of her mouth with a handkerchief, and then cleared her throat.

Everyone in the second room received the signal, Chang Wenwu swallowed the last mouthful of rice, wiped his mouth with his hand, Chang Erhai hugged Chang Linger on his lap, and stopped eating, Chang Linger still had a mouthful of rice in his mouth He opened his eyes and looked at Chang Erhai in confusion.

Lan Xi even "accidentally" dropped the chopsticks in her hand to the ground, her face wrinkled into a bun, her head was covered in her hands, and she began to cry out in pain.

Liu Cui'e took Lan Xi into her arms and started her performance, "Damn, what's wrong with you, how did you touch your head when you were fine, and left so much blood, you almost died, Maybe there will be sequelae in the future, how can this make my mother live, and my mother can still count on you to test her as a scholar."

Liu Cui'e's tearful and heart-piercing performance obviously made everyone at the dinner table change their faces. No, Dafang was still expressionless as usual, but when he heard that Chang Wenxuan was taking the talent test, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching. I really think highly of him.

Chang Zhongcheng felt that his molars were hurting again, and he knew that it would not get better today. He had no way to deal with this naughty second daughter-in-law. At first, he could use his majesty as a father-in-law to deter him, but then it gradually failed. .

As for the reason, it wasn't because Liu Cuie felt that she was at a disadvantage. Her father-in-law was obviously in favor of the eldest family. If she hadn't been more aggressive, the family would have been occupied by the eldest and the third.

As for Mrs. Zhu, facing Liu Cuie's thick skin, he was even more helpless. Before, he was able to join hands with Mrs. Zhu to fight against the enemy, but now Mrs. Zhu dared not say a word, and Mrs. Zhu was obviously short of breath by himself.

In the end, Mrs. Zhu said angrily, "Okay, Mrs. Liu, I'm not dead yet, so there's no need for you to cry for me."

"Mother, you didn't die, but my eldest son almost died. I can't stop crying just thinking about it." Liu Cui'e's ability to climb up the pole is so good that she doesn't care about Zhu's words at all. Cynicism.

On the contrary, Mrs. Zhu was furious. In this family, Mrs. Liu can usually restrain herself, but now that her eldest son is so seriously injured, she was still injured by Sanfang. If you don't look at it, even the two old ones, then don't blame her for tearing off the roof of Chang's house.

Chang Zhongzhong knew that it was Sanfang who did something wrong, so when faced with Liu Cuie's sarcasm, he was not as confident as before. He glared at Chang Sanhai. I also knew that he had to speak, after all, Sanfang caused this matter.

"Second sister-in-law, it's Xiao Zhu's fault for the elder nephew. She doesn't care about the seriousness of what she did. For the sake of her pregnancy, please forgive her. I just bought two pieces of high-quality material for the elder nephew. clothing."

Hearing Chang Sanhai take the initiative to apologize, it's very good, it's not in vain for her to perform so hard, the good show can begin.

She saw Liu Cuie stop crying, let go of Lan Xi, slammed the table with her right hand, jingled the dishes and chopsticks on the table, and then stood up.

Pointing to Chang Sanhai's nose, "Third son, the second sister-in-law has to say that you two, you can't just do something to my son just because you don't have a son, don't even think about it, if your daughter-in-law gives birth to something useless, why not?" How can you ask your nephew to forgive you now that your eldest nephew will die for you?"

Very good, this is the curse of Sanfang having no children. This is the flaw of Sanfang. They have been married for five years and only have a two-year-old daughter. This is also the reason why Xiao Zhu has never had much confidence in the Chang family.

Lan Xi saw that the handkerchief on Little Zhu's hands was already crushed in anger, and she looked at Liu Cui'e wishing to tear her off.

But before she could speak, Liu Cuie's mouth was like a machine gun, "Besides, your eldest nephew is still a child, how can he forgive an adult, children are ignorant, and she is a woman in her 20s. It's all because of your daughter-in-law, if she wasn't a gossip, how could she push your eldest nephew ruthlessly?

So what if I'm pregnant, who hasn't been pregnant yet? When I was pregnant with my eldest, I still went to work in the fields after eight months. She's only four months old, and she just does it. Who knows what will happen in the future? How to do it, this time you pushed your eldest nephew, next time you want to push your father and mother. "

Liu Cui'e spoke so much in one breath without stopping at all, and she spoke without any scruples, and finally brought the old man and the old lady into it.

Little Zhu couldn't sit still at all. How could she have been so wronged and scolded by someone pointing her nose at her.

Immediately, he burst into a rage, "Mr. Liu, you poisonous woman, not only cursing my child, but also cursing my parents, you really have no rules."

Chang Sanhai had been blocking Xiao Zhu's before, but this time he was forced to break free by Xiao Zhu, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this time let the second sister-in-law say a few words, just get angry, this time It can almost be uncovered, and even if the second sister-in-law makes trouble again later, she will be unreasonable, and the parents will naturally stand on the side of the third bedroom.

Seeing Little Zhu standing up, Liu Cui'e sneered in her heart, the fish was finally hooked, otherwise what's the point of singing a one-man show by herself.

Lan Xi made an assist at this time, "Third Aunt, you call my mother's name. Which family's rule is this? It can't be the rule of your Zhu family, right?"

After finishing speaking, she cautiously glanced at Mrs. Zhu, who was immediately choked by Lan Xi's words, and glared at Lan Xi. Speaking of which, although the original owner was the eldest grandson of the Chang family, Chang Zhongzhong and Mrs. Zhu treated him too much before. There is favoritism, but with the rise of the eldest family in the family, Chang Wenqing has some talent for reading, Chang Zhongzhong originally favored the eldest family's heart, and naturally favored the eldest family's children.

As for Mrs. Zhu, because there are not too many grandchildren in the family, and Mrs. Zhu is pregnant, the original owner is not like before, and naturally she is more inclined to the third bedroom.

Mrs. Zhu snorted coldly, "My Zhu family is not an unruly family."

At this time, Mrs. Zhu was also blaming little Mrs. Zhu in her heart, because of her, her most beloved young son humiliated to the second room, and looked at her pleadingly, which made her feel uncomfortable, so she simply turned her head and said no more. Take care of the second and third rooms.

Liu Cuie gave Lan Xi a well-done look, turned around and pointed the cannon fire at Xiao Zhu, "Little Zhu, you still have the face to criticize me, don't look at what kind of bastard you are, don't want any face, almost hurt me How can you kill your eldest nephew?"

Little Zhu's anger was aroused at this time, and he said without hesitation, "Your youngest son tore up the book, and the eldest son contradicted the elder. What happened to me as an elder who taught him a lesson?"

(End of this chapter)

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