Quick Wear: Transform Your Life

Chapter 188 The Cultivating Family Girl 9

Chapter 188 The Cultivating Family Girl 9
After the last battle, Lan Xi realized the sword energy, but it was not stable yet.

After several battles, the ability to control the sword energy can be like an arm and a finger.

Then there will be the Xuantianzong preliminary disciple assessment, which will be faced with whether to enter the inner sect or the outer sect.

During this period of time, many preparatory disciples have been working hard to prepare. Lan Xi often sees other preparatory disciples when receiving or handing in tasks.

Sometimes her body was bloodstained, and her face was always in a hurry when she walked, so Lan Xi often turned in tasks with her whole body wounded, and did not attract much attention. This is the normal state of many disciples.

The preparatory disciple assessment will take place in three days. There are 270 preparatory disciples participating in the assessment. Finally, the top [-] will be selected to enter the inner sect, and the remaining disciples will enter the outer sect.

At the same time, if he performed well this time, he might fall into the eyes of some Jindan Daoist or Yuanying Zhenjun, and be accepted as a disciple, which can be said to be a step up to the sky.

This kind of thing happens every time the pre-disciple assessment, so everyone tries to show their strongest side.

This assessment is also very simple. It is a group arena battle. The opponent is determined by drawing lots. Each person has only one chance. The winner advances to the two-two match, and the loser exits. It is simple and rude. Go directly to the outer door.

Therefore, not only must there be strong strength, but at the same time, luck must not be too bad.

Master Yueqing summoned Lan Xi, first encouraged him, and then took out the magic weapon and elixir prepared for Lan Xi.

But Lan Xi refused, now that his net worth is not low, the Qingfeng sword is enough for the offensive magic weapon, the defensive magic weapon was broken before, the Linglong Umbrella has been repaired many times, and it has long been unusable, and the golden silk soft armor is also It was completely damaged in the battle with the Exploding Tiger, and there was no chance of repairing it.

However, I have enough spirit stones on my body, and I can buy another one, which is more than enough. I am not short of healing elixir, and I always keep storage bags.

As for talismans and the like, although their use is not prohibited, second-tier talismans must not be used. Otherwise, a second-tier talisman from the opponent will blow up and be blown into scum. After all, second-tier talismans can cause damage to the foundation-building period.

The patriarch Yueqing saw Lan Xi's resolute expression, so he didn't insist any more. He only said that with the support of his family, he didn't need to be too depressed on weekdays.

He also knew what Lan Xi had done in the past year. Although his temperament was still as dull as before, he had matured a lot after practicing outside all day, and his body was also stretched, but he was even thinner.

Lan Xi responded with a smile.


The assessment has begun. The first round of grouping will be carried out first. They will be divided into twelve groups, with [-] disciples in each group, and the top ten will be selected.

Then enter the second round, 120 disciples will compete for the last [-] places to enter the inner sect.

Master Yueqing told Lan Xi before that not many of these disciples entered the late stage of Qi training, not more than a hundred. If there were no accidents, according to their cultivation base, Lan Xi would have no problem entering the next round.

The reason why Daoist Yueqing pays so much attention is that on the one hand, he cares about his juniors. If he can enter the inner sect, compared with the outer sect, it can be said that there is a huge difference, and it will not be worse in the future.

The second reason is that when Daoist Yueqing joined Xuantianzong, he did not enter the inner sect when he was preparing for the disciple assessment, but entered the inner sect through advanced foundation building, which also counted as his wish for many years.

It is not that no one from the Shu family has entered the Xuantian Sect over the years, but no one has been able to enter the inner sect from the preparatory disciples, and they are all in the outer sect.

This vigorous competition of preparatory disciples kicked off, and the sect used Jianjian Peak as the arena for the competition.

Nuoda’s arena is divided into 72 round platforms, and each group competes separately and at the same time.

There are many audience stands around for other disciples to watch. Every time the pre-disciple assessment, there are many people watching to see who can stand out and who can be accepted as a disciple by which power.

This time the favorites to win the championship are Fu Zibi, Jing Xiaohui, and Shen Dianqing.

Both Fu Zibi and Jing Xiaohui came from big families with deep influence behind them, while Shen Dianqing came from ordinary backgrounds, but possessed a mutated wind spirit root, and his strength had already reached the ninth level of Qi training.

Now we know that Fu Zibi, Jing Xiaohui and Shen Dianqing are at the ninth level of Qi training, so they are the favorite candidates to win the championship. As for whether there will be a dark horse, it depends on the next competition.

On the first day of the assessment, just after dawn, Lan Xi came to Broken Sword Peak. At this time, there was already a sea of ​​people, and the auditorium was even full of people.

The disciples who were preparing to compete stood at the side of the ring and waited. After a while, a Jindan real person flew from the east with a flying sword on his feet.

This Jindan real person was wearing a blue sleeve robe of the sect, and looked middle-aged on the outside, with only a simple jasper hairpin on his head.

Daoist Jin Dan stopped above the ring, his eyes swept around, Lan Xi felt some slight pressure, and the scene of some commotion suddenly fell silent.

At this time, Jindan Daoist said, "Xuantianzong has upheld... since the founding of the sect, the 563rd session of the pre-disciple assessment begins now."

Then with a flick of the sleeve, a huge water mirror flashed in the air for a year, and the names of 270 two preparatory disciples were displayed on it.

At this time, the mirror changed into twelve small mirrors. The names of the disciples had been divided into twelve groups, and there were also the ring numbers assigned to each group.

At this time Jindan Daoist said, "Disciples find their own groups and go to find their respective arenas. The referee will then arrange the next match."

Lan Xi found her name in the ninth group, each group has six arenas, and the ninth group's arenas are Shen [-] to Shen [-].

At this time, there were already six Foundation Establishment cultivators standing on the six arenas, and there was someone beside them who was in charge of registration.

At this time, the names of their group in the sky changed again.

"Liu Sheng vs. Tan Qin, apply for a ring."

"Qin Xuan will fight Lin Donghai, and apply for a ring."


"Lin Chengyan will fight Liu Yuanbo, and apply for the second ring."


"Shu Lanxi fights against Wu Que and applies for the fourth ring."


Lan Xi saw her opponent's name and the ring, and then the first pair of opponents in each ring stepped forward in order.

I am in the Shen No. [-] ring, the fifth group, and it will probably be in the afternoon.

Lan Xi didn't go back either, she stood aside and waited quietly while observing her opponent.

After half an hour, the battle on Shen No. [-]'s ring had ended. In the aerial mirror, the winner's name remained on it, while the loser's name disappeared.

After a while, the battles in several arenas were almost over, and the next group of opponents stepped forward to fight, and the group battles proceeded in an orderly manner.

Lan Xi watched the battle below. Most of the disciples were in the middle stage of Qi training. Generally speaking, they competed in terms of spiritual power reserves and fighting methods.

The higher the cultivation base, the more dominant it is, but there is no example of the weak defeating the strong.

It's like a player who has practiced the fifth level of Qi and defeated the sixth level of Qi training, relying on formations, first to show the enemy's weakness, and then quietly deploy the formations, when the formation is completed, the opponent will naturally be in a hurry, and then take advantage of it. Prepare, attack the opponent, knock the opponent off the ring, and win this victory.

(End of this chapter)

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