Quick Wear: Transform Your Life

Chapter 141 The Farming Old Lady 25

Chapter 141 The Farming Old Lady 25
Siyuan and Sihao's mobile stall opened. With Sihao's sharp tongue, the fruit on their cart gradually decreased, and the money in their pockets also increased. Sihao and Siyuan The more smiles on your face.

But when they saw the good-quality fruits left on the cart, the two of them sighed at the same time. They didn't expect that all the fruits with different quality were sold at about the same level, and the rest were good.

Thinking of the two varieties of fruit they bought this time, both of them had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, in the remaining few days, every time the remaining ones were of good quality, Sihao insisted not to sell them at first, but the fruits could not be stored for a long time, and if they were not sold in time, they would only go bad.

Later, they had no choice but to sell the fruit at a reduced price. Even if the price was reduced, the sales situation was not as good as before. The two of them did not come back for lunch every day, and tried to find various ways to sell the fruit in their hands.

In the end, the voices of both of them became hoarse, and they finally sold all the fruits.

After breakfast the next day, Siyuan and Sihao were in the main room with cash and accounting books.

Lan Xi came in and watched the two of them sitting on the sofa in the living room with their heads downcast. In front of them was the income of the past few days, scattered on the table, and beside it was a densely recorded account book.

"What's the matter, you're not happy after buying all the fruits?" Lan Xi asked intentionally.

"Grandma, don't mention it, the fruits are sold out, but after the calculation, let's not talk about making money, but put money in it, alas..." Sihao had a bitter face.

"If it was so easy to make money, everyone in our village would have set up stalls, and it would be your turn.

But you sold all the fruits in your hands for the first time, which is not bad. "Lan Xi gave them some encouragement appropriately.

Lan Xi sat across from the two of them, and took the simple account book filled with writing. Speaking of which, although the two were doing business for the first time, they remembered the account book clearly.

Moreover, the two of them haven't invested all the money yet, and the remaining part is used as working capital, which is really impressive.

This time, their main problem is purchasing goods. Although the life in the village is getting better, the habit of frugality cannot be changed for a while. In addition, the people who buy things are basically the elderly and women, and they can save as much as they can.

They buy fruits with high prices, and then sell them at a reduced price, even lower than the purchase price, so they will naturally compensate some. In addition, the fruit damage caused by intermediate storage and transportation, transportation fees, etc., so this business is obviously at a disadvantage. state of loss.

However, it did not lose too much, which is acceptable.

"Grandma, do you think there is a clever way to make our two brothers get rich quickly? We are poor now, and if the northwest wind does not blow, we will starve to death." Sihao looked at Lan Xi pitifully, and Lian Siyuan They all looked at Lan Xi expectantly.

"If I have a method, you think I will use it to grow greenhouses and put away your unrealistic fantasies. You also know why you lost money this time. You sell the rest while summarizing. There is no one line that is easy to do. .

But in the future, you can try to let customers place orders in advance, not limited to any kind of fruit, and then you will deliver them to your door, plus a little discount, maybe it will make your business better. "

After hearing this, Siyuan frowned and thought, and after Sihao thought for a while, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help clapping his hands.
"In this way, the loss in the middle will be reduced, and customers will be stabilized, and the quantity of each purchase can be determined according to their needs. At that time, a part of the profit will naturally be made, and the road of small profits but high sales will not only allow buyers It feels cheap, and we can make money again.”

The more Sihao thought about it, the clearer his thinking became, "And I can also create a group online, and then I can place orders online."

This matter also has the nature of express delivery, but this matter is not easy to handle. First of all, you have to let people trust you, and daily delivery is not an easy task.

Siyuan finally came to his senses, looked at Sihao with great interest, and thought of the huge amount of money in the future, a silly smile appeared on his silly face.

Speaking of which, Siyuan's desire for money is definitely stronger than Sihao's. The supplementary tuition fees taken from Lanxi this year are still the usual living expenses. Although grandma earned it from her previous work, Siyuan knows that It's just an excuse for grandma.

Although his grandma gave him the money, he knew that he borrowed it from himself, and he would have to pay it back to grandma in the future. After all, grandma is getting old and it is not easy to earn money, and she has to learn to drive at an early age.

Moreover, the tuition fees for going to college have not yet been paid, and Siyuan has no hope that his parents will pay for his tuition fees. Although he can borrow from his grandmother, Sihao does not want to do this. After all, he is an adult and wants to rely on his own money. Earn money with both hands.

And as long as you earn the money you need in the early stage, you will have more opportunities to earn your own living expenses and tuition fees when you go to college.

So Siyuan's desire for money is extremely strong, and he is even more eager to earn enough for his tuition through this summer vacation.

Lan Xi gave some small suggestions of her own, as well as the situation in the surrounding villages, so she no longer cared about it, leaving Siyuan and Sihao to discuss intensely.

By the time the two of them had almost discussed, their stomachs had already sang empty city plans, and when they looked up, it was 01:30 in the afternoon, and it was past lunch time.

Lan Xi looked at the two amusedly, and asked them to bring out the food she had left in the pot and eat it by themselves. I had already eaten it before. Seeing how focused they were at the time, Lan Xi didn't bother me, and I ate it first. .

The next day, these two people returned to their initial state of full blood and were actively preparing. This time, they planned to start from their own village. They knocked on the door one by one to ask, even though most people did not have any needs, and some even felt that they would give The fruit sent might be bad, so I refused it directly.

But after a day, there are still some gains. After all, not only is the price cheaper, but it can also be delivered to the door. After all, they ordered about [-] catties this time.

This was a good start. They didn't go to other villages. After all, they were not familiar with them. No one would trust a stranger. They wanted to wait until they had some reputation, so in other villages they were still going to sell small tricycles.

This time, they also chose fruits with relatively affordable prices and not very good appearance. After all, this kind of fruit sells better.

As for those who make reservations, they are even more meticulous. Not only do they give them a half discount on the price, but they also don’t miss out on the weight.

As for why the price is so cheap, they also thought about it, and said that the first time they opened, it would be half the price, and it would not be so much cheaper next time.

Sure enough, when the first batch of fruits arrived, Siyuan and Sihao delivered them to them non-stop, and the distance was not too far, and it was over in an hour.

Those who placed an order saw that the fruit was full of fruit, and the price was half the price. They all happily gave the money and said that they would place an order next time.

(End of this chapter)

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