Quick Wear: Transform Your Life

Chapter 122 The Farming Old Lady 6

Chapter 122 The Farming Old Lady 6
Lan Xi also thought about asking Wang Zhicai to pay for his pension.

The key is Wang Zhicai's unscrupulous appearance. Even if he makes a fuss, he may not be able to get the money, but he will be angry at that time.

Now I am not sure how to deal with Wang Zhicai submissively, so I still need to wait.

"Sister-in-law, I still have money. If not, I will definitely find you. As for that white-eyed wolf, I will pretend that I never gave birth to him."

"That's right, if you don't have this nasty thing to make you angry in the future, you can live a few more years in peace." Aunt Yang comforted her.

Sister-in-law Yang saw Lan Xi's mobile phone box on the back of the car with keen eyes, and joked with a smile: "Hey, you have changed your mobile phone, it seems that you can still access the Internet."

Lan Xi directly reached out to take the phone box, opened the box, and took out a new phone, "I bought a smart phone, and I can surf the Internet and watch videos in the future. Look, click this to watch."

As Lan Xi spoke, she demonstrated the operation to Mrs. Yang.

"Big sister, you've even learned this, you're really amazing." Aunt Yang couldn't help giving Lan Xi a thumbs up.

Although Mrs. Yang is relatively wealthy, the mobile phone in her hand is also an old-fashioned ordinary mobile phone, and she is still very unfamiliar with smart phones.

"Sister-in-law, I'm learning and selling now. I went to buy a mobile phone before, and the shopkeeper gave it to me." Lan Xi explained.

"That's amazing, big sister doesn't have to be modest." Aunt Yang looked at Lan Xi enviously.

Lan Xi rolled her eyes, "Sister-in-law, if you want to learn, I can teach you too. In the future, we will all have smartphones, and we can also make video calls without spending money. In the future, you and your son can make phone calls. I can see his face too."

Mrs. Yang was even more moved after hearing this. Both of her sons are working outside, and they are usually busy and rarely make phone calls. If she learns it, she will be able to see her sons from time to time.

"Then I'll buy one too?" Auntie Yang's voice was questioning, but she could hear her heartbeat.

"Sister-in-law, we can also learn from each other in the future, and strive to be an old lady who can keep up with the trend." Lan Xi said with a smile.

"Okay, where did you buy this mobile phone? I'll go and have a look when the time comes. Let's all buy the same one, so we can learn together." Mrs. Yang finally nodded decisively.

Lan Xi told Mrs. Yang the address, and Mrs. Yang took it down.

"By the way, it just rained, and I don't know that the wheat in the field is easy to get sick. Do you still use spraying medicine on your wheat?" Aunt Yang reminded.

Lan Xi thought about going to see it, and the distance between Sister Yang's house and Sister Yang's was not too far away. Lan Xi didn't go home, so she drove Sister Yang directly, and the two went to the field.

Sure enough, the wheat does have some problems, and the leaves have some white spots, especially the lower leaves.

Although the original owner did a good job in the field before, some diseases are unavoidable, just like the original owner used pesticides from time to time.

The wheat in Mrs. Yang's family also has the same problem. The situation of the two families is similar, and the condition is similar.

Come on, you don't have to go home anymore, go to the pesticide store first and buy the medicine.

Although Lan Xi had the memory of the original owner, she was a little uncomfortable for a while, and couldn't handle the current situation well.

Fortunately, Mrs. Yang has rich experience and is very familiar with this situation. Lan Xi feels that she is following in Mrs. Yang's footsteps.

Basically, there are one or two of these pesticide shops in every village, and Mrs. Yang directly brought Lan Xi to one of them.

Seeing Mrs. Yang greeting and joking with the shop owner familiarly, and finally when paying the money, Mrs. Yang really used her three-inch tongue.

He directly cut the price to the lowest, and even asked the shopkeeper to put up two packets of vegetable seeds, which made the shopkeeper say that he would lose money. Of course, Lan Xi knew that the other party was joking.

Lan Xi just followed Mrs. Yang to pay.

It happened that when the two arrived home, it was around six o'clock, and it was still dark, so they parted ways and went home to cook.

As a result, before Lan Xi could prepare the meal, the two grandsons of the original owner ran over.

Both children go to school in the county, and they usually come back once a week, and they don't have to pick them up every time, they are directly sent to the village by car.

The eldest Wang Siyuan is 14 years old and is currently in the second grade of junior high school. The younger Wang Sihao is 11 years old and is in the fifth grade of elementary school.

Looking at the two carrying a big schoolbag and carrying a bag in their hands, it seems that they didn't go to Wang Zhicai's side, but came here directly.

That's right, the two children used to eat and sleep with the original owner, but now the three sleeping rooms in the yard are where the grandparents and grandchildren sleep.

Speaking of which, Lan Xi didn't know what attitude to take to face these two children. Lan Xi estimated that although the original owner was completely disappointed with his son, the original owner still had some feelings for these two grandchildren.

It is right to be indifferent to them, considering the original owner, Lan Xi can't do it, and they are still children after all.

But treat it like the original owner in the past, Lan Xi doesn't want to help Wang Zhicai relieve pressure like this, let alone raise two more 'Wang Zhicai'.

The two children were very happy when they saw Lan Xi, "Grandma, I'm hungry, when is the meal ready?"

Wang Sihao spoke first, and Wang Siyuan nodded beside him.

Lan Xi didn't put on an indifferent face, "Your parents are back, you can follow them to eat, you go back to find them first."

The two children were a little confused, didn't they always eat at grandma's house before?Why are you still cooking at home?

Neither of them doubted Lan Xi's words, "Grandma, then I'll put my clothes and schoolbag here and go eat first."

"Take all the things to your home, don't put them here." Lan Xi waved at the two of them.

The two children were even more confused after hearing this, and the older Siyuan felt an unusual atmosphere, and asked cautiously: "Grandma, did you quarrel with my dad?"

Lan Xi looked at the simple and honest Wang Siyuan and the clever Wang Sihao, and after thinking about it, she decided to tell them part of the situation.

"No, from now on, your parents and I will eat separately, and you will eat and live with your parents in the future. From now on, you can also ask your father for your monthly living expenses."

Lan Xi didn't say much else, Wang Siyuan and Wang Sihao nodded, not knowing what to say, and finally said goodbye to Lan Xi, "Grandma, let's go first and come back tomorrow."

It's not too far from here to Wang Zhicai's house, and it's not too dark now, and they have walked this road many times before, so Lan Xi didn't see them off.

After eating dinner alone, Lan Xi took out her new mobile phone and fiddled with it by herself. This is similar to the mobile phone in the modern world where she was before, so Lan Xi can also get started quickly.

After connecting to the wireless network, I searched for some books on agriculture and some related videos. Lan Xi took notes while watching them.

After not looking at it for half an hour, Lan Xi relaxed her eyes, there was no way, as she got older, she had to pay more attention to protection.

When it was around ten o'clock, Lan Xi turned off the lights, ready to meditate and practice Zhengyuan Xinfa, and strive to cultivate a ray of internal strength as soon as possible.

With Lan Xi's persistence, Lan Xi can feel her progress, and it seems that the cultivation of internal strength is just around the corner.

(End of this chapter)

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