A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

91 Chapter 91. Recruiting the Hulk

91 Chapter 91. Recruiting the Hulk

Next, Stern seemed to resign himself to his fate. According to his previous idea, he let Bruce lie on a fixed table, and after fixing his hands and feet, he began to debug various instruments and load the detoxification serum at the same time.

Nansen is now pretending to be his assistant, and he is also busy beside him, and everything is ready soon.

"This will be an unprecedented experience, let's start." Dr. Stern operated the instrument with excitement on his face, and he had already fully devoted himself to work.

At the same time, he continued, "Next, the dialysis will allow the detoxification serum to mix with your blood, and when the mixing is complete, it will be injected into your body."

After finishing everything, Dr. Stern took out something like an electrode, and it crackled against Bruce's temple.

At this time, Nansen had quietly moved to the window, and he always felt that Dr. Stern was jumping on the edge of the cliff, dancing on his own grave.

Everyone present couldn't help but start to panic. Bruce was in severe pain, and a green patch appeared on his body from time to time. Dr. Stern was also a little frightened at this time.

He knew that Mr. Green was a monster, but he never expected that he could be so green.

Finally Hulk came out, the fixed platform was a joke to him, Elizabeth hurriedly climbed on Hulk's chest and comforted him, hoping to stabilize him.

And Dr. Stern has already started to inject the detox serum in a hurry, Nansen just stared at Hulk like this, if he is really out of control, he will slip away immediately, there is no need to do this.

Fortunately, the worst thing did not happen. With the injection of detoxification serum, Hulk finally stared and was sealed again, leaving only the weak Bruce lying on the fixed platform, looking exhausted.

"Bruce? Bruce?" Elizabeth was still riding on him shaking his face, her face full of panic.

"Hey, Dr. Ross, if you continue like this, Hulk will be fine, but Bruce will definitely be killed by you." Nansen said to Elizabeth.

Bruce also coughed twice at this time, and gradually recovered his thinking.

Then he was lifted off the fixed platform, and the four sat face to face. Elizabeth frowned and said, "Do you two have any explanation for what happened just now?"

Stern looked at Nansen next to him, and just as he was about to speak, Nansen said first, "Dr. Ross, to tell you very simply, we don't have a better deduction for Bruce's current situation.

From the current point of view, it can be regarded as suppressing the appearance of Hulk, but whether this appearance is permanent or short-lived, no one knows.

And I personally prefer that this kind of suppression is short-lived, which means that Hulk may appear at any time. "

Dr. Stern gave Nansen an approving look. He never thought that Nansen could be so professional.

Elizabeth looked at Bruce beside her, and asked aloud, "So what do you think we should do?"

As for how to solve the problem of Bruce's transformation, besides Bruce himself, the most urgent person is Elizabeth.

After all, couples should always live in harmony when they are together, but it would be a headache for Bruce to transform himself when he gets excited.

Although thicker, bigger, and stronger may be more attractive to girls, but there must be a limit. Once Hulk comes out, he will definitely be able to pierce Elizabeth through.

And Nansen was waiting for her question here, and said with a smile: "So I think you can form a research room to work together, and at the same time, you can solve your transformation problem together.

Besides, it will be more helpful to solve your transformation situation when the research room gradually has more staff. "

When Nansen said Bruceton in this way, he became alert, and asked with a sullen face, "Are you sure you don't want to use me for research?"

Elizabeth also realized that this situation was not right at all. Everything seemed to be premeditated, and asked Dr. Stern directly: "He is not your graduate assistant, who is he?"

Stern can only spread his hands over this, saying that I am also very helpless.

Regarding Bruce's words, Nansen said with a smile, "I don't need to lie to you."

While Nansen was speaking, he directly compressed the air into his fist properly, and then punched out at the storage room here. The violent fist wind formed a substantial strangulation.

With one punch, the storage room was in a mess, and the blood samples were broken and fell to the ground.

Immediately, Nansen held his left hand empty, and a huge blood cell gathered in Nansen's palm.

At the same time, Nansen said: "Because you are never the only monster in the world, as for these, just take it as a favor for you.

But I know that even if this is the case, you will not agree, but it doesn't matter, everything that follows will change your mind.

At the same time, I would like to remind you that there is not much time left for you, and I will continue to appear in the future. "

After finishing speaking, Nansen disappeared directly in front of them, and then with a crisp sound of glass, Nansen completely disappeared in this room.

He recently discovered that he can use [Dustless Land] to achieve the effect of optical invisibility, which is also a good little skill.

Nansen didn't waste those Hulk's blood. After finding some bags and putting them in his backpack, they were all good things.

However, he deliberately left a can of high-concentration Bruce's blood on the scene, and that can is also of great use.

Now Bruce looked very annoyed, and asked Dr. Stern directly: "Who is that man? What is the blood he took away?"

Dr. Stern could only explain again and again, "I don't know, but he recruited me into his research institute, otherwise there would be big trouble.

And those blood samples are the blood samples you sent, because the samples you gave were too few, so I concentrated them and mixed them with other blood to facilitate my multiple experiments. "

Bruce finally gritted his teeth and said jerk, then asked, "So how did he scare you into big trouble?"

"He said that our previous contact had been intercepted by the S.H.I.E.L.D., which I don't know, and that the military would come over soon, and you are a wanted criminal by the military.

If I want not to be implicated by you, I must promise him to go to his research institute, otherwise I will be in big trouble. Stern said in conclusion.

Elizabeth was already panicking at this moment, and she was about to leave here while pulling Bruce's arm. Bruce couldn't help but cursed twice, and then hurriedly started to leave.

But it was already too late. An anesthesia bullet hit his back in the next second, and his whole body softened immediately.

Stern stared blankly at Bruce falling in front of him, feeling that what Nansen said was right, and he seemed to have no other choice at all.

At this time, Bronski, who had not yet transformed into abomination, had already kicked in the door. He was defeated by Hulk several times, and after injecting a large amount of serum into his body, he came to take revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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