A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 88. The crisis of mutants is coming

Chapter 88. The crisis of mutants is coming
"Received grudge sentiment 233 from Thaddeus E. Ross."

Seeing this, Nansen felt comfortable. He was not a soldier, so he had no reason to obey Rose's orders.

Can the generals of a country forcibly recruit civilians?It's funny.

If Nansen is upset, go to the relevant department to complain about him, and the Israeli army suppresses the people, and it is estimated that you can get some rewards.

After all, this country needs democracy and human rights.

So General Ross really had nothing to do with Nansen's sentence. After thinking about it, he sent another message, $[-]?

Nansen didn't talk to him at all about this. Ross came to him this time because he was definitely going to fight the Hulk. One hundred thousand dollars is nothing, and now that he has a big pocket and a lot of confidence, one hundred thousand dollars really doesn't count. one thing.

At this time, Nansen's door suddenly rang, and Wolverine Logan's voice came, "Nansen, Professor X is looking for us urgently, I know you are back, come out quickly." sound.

Nansen opened the door expressionlessly. Logan had just tied on his belt and was putting his coat on his body.

The dead woman beside him was still flushed, and she was embarrassed to see Nansen.

"Uncle Wolf, do you know that I'm not an adult yet?" Nansen said in his mouth.

After the dead girl regained her sanity, Logan started a frantic pursuit, and they had already reached the point of living together.

However, both of them have a lot of physical energy, and with the ability to heal quickly, they can be so excited when they play tricks. The sound insulation effect of the school room is good, but it is useless.

So it was hard for Nansen who lived next door to them.

Logan just smiled at this. He has an old face for hundreds of years, so why not be afraid, he dragged Nansen to Professor X's office. The professor called him very anxiously this time. Generally speaking, something big must have happened.

After Logan and Nansen arrived, they found that many people were present in the spacious office.

Qin Gray, Scott, Beast, Magneto, Mystique, etc., are all here, only Wolverine and Nansen are missing.

"Logan, it's not good to always make us wait for you." Scott said first.

He and Qin Grey also lived next door to Logan at the beginning, and the resentment in it was naturally bigger, much deeper than Nansen's resentment.

He didn't mention Nansen, because the professor can't invade Nansen's brain through spirit, so he said that sometimes Logan brought Nansen over, but it was always later, so naturally Logan was to blame.

Logan scratched his hair and laughed, and Magneto said aloud at this moment, "Everyone is here, so stop talking nonsense."

Professor X cooperated and said, "According to our informant, mass production of the X-gene immune vaccine has already begun.

In less than half a month, the army and even the police across the country will be equipped with this vaccine.

At the same time, the campaign for voluntary vaccination of mutants across the country has already begun, and even New York has already set up a demonstration site.

At this point, I think we should discuss, the next step is about the survival of us mutants. "

Magneto couldn't bear it at first, and said directly, "Charles, I think this is a provocation by human beings to us, and even wiped out the roots. We must resist and fight against them."

Professor X just shook his head when he heard him say this. Although Magneto is also living in the school now, the conflict of ideas between the two old men has never ended.

The reason why he came in was also because of Nansen's appearance. As the only suspected fifth-level stable mutant, Magneto didn't want to miss it.

As for putting Nansen here to receive Charles's education alone, he is actually not at ease. What if he gives a good seed to the indecisive education?
So now Magneto is actually the teacher on the bright side of this school, mainly teaching defensive courses on offensive abilities.

"Mr. Eric, I don't think we should go to war with humans. What if we win this kind of battle? Besides, it's very difficult for us to win." Scott retorted first.

Mystique Riven disagreed again, "Then what do you think we should do? Will any of those congressmen speak for mutants?
No, they are all blood-sucking worms of some capital, on this basis, the general public is the key point of their interests.

In other words, they don't use their feet to stand in line, they rely on their buttocks.We all know the high-sounding words they say.

What freedom, democracy, voluntary vaccination, etc. Even if we can't fight this battle, don't you think they will release those genetic drugs through food or water?
Then think about it, in five or ten years, what will happen to us mutants? "

The future that Ruiwen mentioned made everyone gasp. If that future really came, there would be no mutant children born, and the same group of older generations would become weaker and weaker day by day.

As for telling them not to eat or drink?This is simply impossible, even mutants are human beings, and everything must follow a basic law, even if they have supernatural powers, they cannot be physically sanctified.

So the two sides quarreled like this, it was completely a quarrel between the radicals and the peaceful faction, during which Magneto and Professor X did not say a word, these two real bosses naturally understood how serious the matter was, and this quarrel was actually does not solve the problem.

Wolverine Logan was not involved at the moment, he and Nansen were chatting aside, but Logan was mainly talking.

"Speaking of which, you are almost an adult, and you seem to have a girlfriend, well, you haven't clearly determined what the relationship is, but it doesn't matter.

I can teach you some things, and you can also learn more. Being proficient and mastering one hundred and eight postures is an extremely important thing for your life. " Logan was excited and noisy next to Nansen.

Nansen ignored him, he continued to blablabla······
What can Nansen do?I can't tell him, Uncle Wolf, don't compare blindly. When I was studying in depth, you were still lying in the folder of my computer, and the package was only a dozen G.

And my study materials properly occupy hundreds of G.

At this moment, Professor X suddenly said, "Silence! Why don't we listen to what Nansen has to say? I think he should have his own mature thoughts and opinions."

The scene suddenly calmed down, everyone looked at Nansen, and even Logan shut their mouths.

After the new year in his life, he is indeed very active, but he can still tell the time.

It was a little embarrassing for Nansen to be stared at suddenly by these people, but this embarrassment soon passed. He had his own thoughts in his heart, and he said them slowly at this moment.

"Humans can turn us into humans through genetic drugs, so why can't we turn humans into mutants?

Isn't it human rights, freedom, and democracy?They can say that, so can we. After all, those ordinary humans are afraid of us, not because they are afraid of our power.

But if there is such an opportunity, so that they themselves can have a power beyond the ordinary, can you tell them that they will not be tempted? "

 There will be another update after midnight, and this update will be over. Friends who do not practice immortality, please get up early tomorrow and watch it again.

(End of this chapter)

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