Chapter 85

After Nansen opened the door, he suddenly felt that his brain was short-circuited.

He thought that after coming in, he might find that there are other alien visitors here, who are trying to get the necklace on Lorelei's neck, or technology, or magic, in short, to get it off.

It is also possible that there will be many people in this room, and they are looking forward to Lorelai. In front of her is a map of New York and even the world, marked with crosses.

No matter how bad it is, there may be a few old scholars here, talking to Lorelai about the politics, culture, and history of the earth.

But he never expected that none of these would exist!

What caught my eye was a pink dress, and the whole room was decorated with whitewash, just like an ordinary girl's room.

The arrangement of the room is also full of novelties, all of which are all kinds of Japanese figures. Among them, Nansen can recognize various Gundam series, Icarus, My King, Kikyo, etc., but Nansen can’t recognize many gone.

There are also many posters on the wall, the most exaggerated one is a huge picture, which has been framed and hung in the most conspicuous position in this room.

The woman in the painting is beautiful and enchanting, her figure and face are even more beautiful, but it is not a self-portrait of Lorelei, but Boa Hancock, also known as: Pirate Queen.

And Lorelai was hugging a pillow, her back was facing Nansen, and she was looking at a big screen in front of her. On the screen was an animation, and the empress was trembling among the flowers, looking upside down.

"Are you new here? Get out, didn't I tell you? I'm busy." Lorelai snapped suddenly, but her eyes were fixed on the screen.

She is the real boss of Hell's Kitchen today, and she has a dedicated maid to take care of her daily life. She thought it was some ignorant maid who came in.

The active side of the servant contract is here with Nansen, so Lorelai cannot detect his arrival.

When Nansen heard her say this, he closed the door, then pondered for three seconds, and opened it again.

He always felt that this style of painting was a bit wrong. After all, Lorelai was a character who could cause trouble, but she came to Hell's Kitchen to play so big, just to hide on the third floor and be a house girl?

As Nansen opened the door again, Lorelai was really angry. She paused the screen, then got up and said angrily, "Who sent you over from those four? Are you sensible or not? busy!"

But after turning around, she was dumbfounded to see that the person who came was Nansen. She had seen both of Nansen's faces, and they were firmly remembered in her mind.

Immediately, he felt cramped, watching the animation that was still paused on the screen and immediately turned off the screen.

Then he took out a book from behind in a panic, and said to Nansen as if offering a treasure, "I didn't know that the master was coming, I'm really sorry, actually I'm not all watching anime these days.

I also keep in mind the teachings of the master, and I have to study hard. "After she finished speaking, she showed the book to Nansen. The title of the book was written in beautiful cursive on the cover: Self-cultivation of a maid.

Nansen couldn't help but feel the corners of his mouth twitch. He asked Lorelai to try to learn to get in touch with this world, but he didn't expect her to learn this way.

However, that book was only half read, and her learning style has shifted, and now even advanced vocabulary such as concubine body is used.

Nansen is also helpless, how can a woman who can stir up a bloody storm become a house girl in his hands?
However, what Nansen imagined did not happen, which made him relieved, if Lorelei really had the idea and action to unify the atrium.

Nansen could only kill her. It would undoubtedly be a very painful thing to kill a well-behaved and capable maid with his own hands.

"It's okay, it's okay, these are not important, as long as you live happily on Earth." Nansen said with a smile.

Lorelai is kneeling obediently in front of Nansen at this moment, straightening her back, just so that Nansen can touch her head while standing. I really don't know how much Two-dimensional culture she has learned these days.

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps in the corridor on the third floor, as if a group of people were rushing up.

At the same time, a loud voice sounded hastily, "My Lady Queen, Her Lady Queen." Accompanied by the sound, a cloud of gray mist filled the air, and within the mist was a dense green flame.

Crazy Dao was already running in the front with his naked upper body, and behind him were the ghost fire, the Yin master, and a group of younger brothers who had awakened.

Nansen didn't kill him, so some of the mutants with better physiques had already woken up, and now they were running wildly in the corridor on the third floor.

Soon they came to the door of this house, and Nansen and Lorelai looked at the door together. They were in a hurry, and some of them even had injuries to a certain extent.

But then, there was a strange silence here, and all of them were speechless after seeing this scene.

Lorelai knelt in front of Nansen, her face full of flattery, and Nansen reached out to stroke her golden hair.

Invisibly, Nansen seemed to hear a heartbreaking sound.

The more irritable Kuang Dao couldn't hold it any longer, and between flipping his hands, two bone knives appeared in his hand, like Persian scimitars. Holding the knives, he rushed towards Nansen, shouting at the same time Said: "Let go of our Lady Queen, you bastard."

During his fury, blue winds appeared outside him. The wind was violent, and his whole body was like a tornado of rage.

Although Lorelai was looked at by her little brothers before, she didn't have any emotional changes. On the one hand, she integrated Hell's Kitchen for her own convenience, and on the other hand, it was also for Nansen and to show her value in front of Nansen. .

So it was not a big deal for them to see her kneeling in front of Nansen, but when she saw her subordinates fighting Nansen desperately with a knife, she was really angry immediately.

In particular, she found that Nansen's clothes were missing a slit, and when she thought of her subordinates, she understood everything that happened.

Suddenly furious, before Kuang Dao could react, he kicked him in the chest and dragged him out of the door.

At the same time, he shouted angrily, "Nansen is my master, and I am her maid. This is a fact. Do you want to hack me to death first?"

Seeing Lorelai getting angry, others didn't feel it, but Frenzied Saber, Will-o'-the-wisp, and Yin Shi were the first to become terrified.

Lorelai's ability is actually very strong, and she can make those men obey her orders with their own perfect thinking ability.

What's even more frightening is that this kind of ability can be displayed with only a few words in words, but in fact she only controls those four people now, but these four people really respect her like a queen.

Hearing what Lorelai said, Crazy Dao was stunned at first, it was a feeling of collapse of faith, uncomfortable but speechless.

Then Lorelai turned her head and asked Nansen, "Master, why don't you kill this kind of subordinate?"

 Continue to pursue all kinds of demands, those who have money will hold a money market, those who have no money will hold a ticket market, and those who have no tickets will hold a personal market.

  The unknown author pleads late at night! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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