A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 82 82. The Queen Says

Chapter 82 82. The Queen Says

Nansen followed behind and watched the man run desperately forward without rushing to catch up, just followed quietly like this.

No matter how much he tried to get rid of Nansen, he couldn't do it. Every time he turned his head to look at him, he saw Nansen smiling at him, and then shot two shots in a panic, but he still heard footsteps behind him. It was simply frightening.

Nansen was naturally happy. He just followed him for a while. The "Warren Evans" who ran in front had already contributed more than 2000 resentment emotions to him. many.

Soon, Warren Evans got into an alley again, and Nansen naturally followed him up.

When he turned a corner, he saw a group of people waiting in full force. The difference was that most of them had guns, and some even took out their rifles to serve them.

"Why do you dare to ask my brother? You almost scared him out of bile, why don't you calm down and let's have a drink?" said a black leader.

He was more than two meters tall, with explosive muscles, and the Bible was tattooed on his bare skin, and the cursive words were all in Latin.

Nansen looked at the black man who spoke, and said, "Actually, my purpose is also very simple, I just want to see the so-called Her Lady Queen.

It's you who made everything complicated, take me to where she is, everything is very simple. "

After the black man finished listening, he grinned. Compared with his dark skin, this smile was extremely bright, "My Lady Queen said that she is very busy and sees no one."

There are a lot of information points in this sentence, Nansen squinted his eyes and looked at him, "So you mean, you have seen her? And received her orders?"

But the black man was proud of this, almost a wave of little stars appeared in his eyes to express his admiration, "I have seen her, and this is an order she gave me personally."

very busy?Missing people?

Hearing what the black man said, Nansen naturally wanted to find Lorelai even more, otherwise who knows if she would make something wrong.

And the black man saw that Nansen did not give up at all, he had already issued an order, and all kinds of weapons opened fire in an instant.

To him, anyone who dares to disturb Her Lady Queen's busy life should be a dead person.

But Nansen's body exploded at this moment, and his speed was much faster than before. The explosion was so big that it blasted a deep hole in the ground.

As soon as Nansen passed through these crowds, everyone except the black man was stunned and fell limply. They couldn't even catch Nansen's figure.

"Take me to find her!" He said word by word to the only black man left.

The black man saw that all his subordinates around him had fainted in the blink of an eye, and his eyes were fixed on Nansen. Soon, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and then he roared, and his whole body began to grow bigger. .

The originally strong body became even more burly, and at the same time, two long horns grew on the top of the head, which looked like bull horns, but wanted to soar into the sky.

At the same time, his skin also became rocky, with faint blood flowing in the skin, like that hot magma, and even balls of hot steam began to emerge from the whole body.

"As I said before, Her Lady Queen said that she is very busy and doesn't see any visitors! But the Queen also said that if there is a man who can defeat us, you can take him to where the Queen is." But keep climbing.

Nansen also felt a headache, why is it so difficult for him to organize a wave of incognito tours?But this person is really annoying enough, the queen said one bite at a time.

At this moment, he had rushed forward, and the ground he stepped on even had flames falling to the ground, but was burned into magma after a while.

Of course, he had already removed his subordinates before this time, otherwise he would not be able to do this kind of boss if he fought once and killed a group of subordinates.

Nansen didn't expect that a small gang in Hell's Kitchen could be so crouching, and he didn't dare to be careless at the moment, and immediately held the magic sword in his hand.

And [Dustless Land] has already enveloped, Nansen watched him run over, and directly issued an order to expel, but it was not him who was expelled, but the water in his body.

It's just that he encountered a huge obstacle, the strength of his body prevented the loss of water in his body.

Then Nansen raised his sword and went up. Since you are physically strong, it would be good to open a few holes for you.

In the following time, flames splashed in this small alley, and at the same time, substances like magma and blood were continuously ejected.

Nansen lightly waved the long sword in his hand, watching the transformed Hei Dazhuang keep roaring.

His strength is not bad, at least to the level of a fourth-level mutant, but he is still not strong enough compared to Nansen.

Suddenly, he punched out, and even compressed the air to create an airburst effect. Nansen was directly bounced more than ten meters away by him.

But Nansen turned around and rushed forward again, his eyes were completely cold.

"Roar!" That Hei Dazhuang roared again, and all the glass of the surrounding buildings even shattered, while magma surged all over his body, and rolling magma oozed out of some wounds, splashing directly on the ground.

Then, facing the direction Nansen was rushing towards, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a stream of white magma. The magma hit the barrier in front of Nansen and fell directly on the ground, but Nansen's [Dustless Land] range But the same is constantly oppressed.

At the same time, the three figures on the nearby tall buildings were also talking together, "Do you think he is qualified to contact Her Lady Queen?"



"My Lady Queen is not something he can see, isn't it enough for the four of us to serve her?"


"Then he wants to say that he really defeated the Balrog? We can't disobey Her Lady Queen's orders, right?"

"'Balrog' can't be defeated, besides, isn't there still us?

Her Lady Queen said that if the visitor is a man, she must defeat us before she can see her. These are Her Lady Queen's original words. "

"But Her Lady Queen clearly means that defeating one of us is enough."

"Who knows? Besides, I don't think the Balrog will be defeated."


The three of them stood on a tall building and discussed in a low voice. Once upon a time, they were the kings of this hell's kitchen, but now they live under a woman, and they get along very harmoniously.

"Question, where is the person?" The one among the three who had been talking about seconding suddenly spoke up.

The remaining two people hurriedly observed the past, and found that the Balrog had fallen, but it was not in a pool of blood, but in a pool of magma.

It has even melted out of its main body, and the whole person has lost a few laps, and the blood all over the body is pouring out, and it is mixed with the magma, and it is dyed red. After all, the two are also from the same source.

"What about others?"

"Is this how the Balrog was defeated?"

"I don't understand!"

Nansen appeared behind them at this moment. He used [Spiritual Light] to block the perception of the three people, but the three people stared downstairs blankly without turning around to take a look.

For a moment, Nansen felt a little speechless. The subordinates that Lorelai recruited were all funny.

 Second update, later.

(End of this chapter)

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