A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 76 76. Your Lady Queen?

Chapter 76 76. Your Lady Queen?

Afterwards, Nansen completely stayed out of the matter, and the military and S.H.I.E.L.D. acted resolutely, and even wanted to dig up tens of centimeters of soil here and take it back for research.

Soon, a search and rescue team that Rhodes promised to send to Nansen rushed over from the nearest base.

Nansen had already changed into clean clothes before he came here. At this moment, he was completely wearing white T and denim. He looked like a simple high school student.

With fair skin and a young face, he looked out of place with everyone around him on this occasion.

Rhodes went to give instructions to the search and rescue team, and then asked them to follow Nansen to search and rescue Tony, and they must obey Nansen's orders throughout the process.

Right now he has more important tasks to complete. If he doesn't watch, Melinda can definitely move all valuable things to the SHIELD research institute.

Because of this, Nansen stood aside shyly, waiting for the veterans to come.

Even the next script has been well rehearsed in Nansen's mind. It's nothing more than these veterans who refuse to accept themselves as a particularly young consultant.

Then I accidentally beat them up, trying to deal a double blow both physically and mentally.

So much so that in the following process of working together, they can provide themselves with a steady stream of resentment emotions, and those resentment emotions can be properly strengthened!

Just when Nansen was still pretending to be shy, the fifteen soldiers had already surrounded him. Seeing this posture, Nansen became more cheerful in his heart, and almost sang: Let's all go together, I am not afraid at all .

Unexpectedly, those fifteen people formed a circle around Nansen, and one of them made a gesture with his eyes, and everyone saluted together, and shouted at the same time: "Consultant Nan, you have worked hard!"

Nansen was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously wanted to raise his hand and say, no hard work, no hard work, serve the people!
However, Nansen realized in an instant that he was now in the camp of the largest capitalist country on earth, serving the people ass.

Those soldiers looked at Nansen indifferently, and the one who gestured at the beginning couldn't help breaking out in cold sweat, and then continued to gesture with his eyes, implementing the plan to expand.

Everyone immediately began to bend down, and at the same time, the voice in their mouths became louder, "Follow the advice of the advisor, and we will definitely complete your instructions excellently."

Their voices were like waves, and the staff couldn't help turning their heads to look over, only to see Nansen's embarrassed expression.

He stood in the crowd, and everyone around him bent over ninety. He was like a stamen wrapped in petals, so good that it could bloom.

"Hehe, you did it on purpose!" Nansen said with black lines all over his head.

The inexplicable leader at the beginning felt that he was being stared at by a frightening gaze, and Nansen was already walking towards him with a grin.

He hurriedly raised his head, looked at Nansen's smile, hurriedly took out a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket, and finally took out a pack of cigarettes, and took out a lighter in the other hand, "Consultant, do you smoke?"

I rolled up my sleeves, you just play with me?
Seeing the awkward smile on the leader's face, Nansen had no choice but to give up, otherwise it would be a real bully, and then he took out a cigarette, and he lit it for Nansen with a wink, even relaxing the surrounding people down.

"Tell me, do you know me, or what's wrong?" Nansen asked after taking a puff of cigarette.

The leader scratched his head and smiled awkwardly, "Colonel Rhodes is my cousin. He told me some things that happened before, and even called up the surveillance at that time to show me."

In this way, Nansen really has nothing to say, I can only say that Colonel Rhodes is very witty, yell 666!
"Okay, let's go, find Tony Stark as soon as possible, I want to get out of this ghost place quickly." Nansen asked everyone to get in the car and set off.

However, for a long time to come, Nansen took this group of people around a certain range in Afghanistan, and then went to trouble with an armed warlord in a different place every few days.

The size of the warlords varies from small to large, and the quality of their subordinates varies from strong to weak, but the same thing is that Tony cannot be found every time.

But no one is in a hurry, anyway, Tony Stark is always high above these soldiers and belongs to the mythical figure.

The soldiers don't care about his life and death. It's a matter of talking about how many female stars he has slept with.

The ones who are really anxious are always those high-level people. Naturally, Nansen has already taken control of the overall situation. He wanders around Afghanistan every day, leading these soldiers to do his best and bully those local armed warlords who are doing evil.

The life is quite comfortable, but these days, he actually kept learning about some situations through the servant contract with Lorelei.

Until one day, Lorelai finally told him that the time is ripe!

And this team also had to return to the base for resupply. Nansen directly proposed that he go to the next target point and let them go to resupply first, and then go to himself after the resupply.

After seeing Nansen's strength these days, these soldiers admired Nansen even more, and expressed full obedience to this order.

So, Nansen bid farewell to the search and rescue team alone, came to a place, changed into a wild and unruly cowboy identity, and hurried towards a mountain.

That's where Tony Stark was later re-imprisoned, after he'd sent Lorelai to take control.

When Nansen arrived, everything looked the same, but soon a tightly wrapped woman came out of that cave, and the soldiers guarding outside all bowed down to salute.

After she came to the entrance of the cave, she couldn't help looking around, and then she saw Nansen in the distance, and immediately rushed over. When she got out of the sight of those people at the door, the cumbersome clothes on her body fell off, revealing a graceful long hair. skirt, and threw herself directly into Nansen's arms.

His behavior was as enthusiastic as a blazing fire, "Master, you're finally here. Is it because Tony doesn't complete that design, you don't even want to come here? Hmph!"

Lorelei's enthusiasm caused Nansen to smile wryly, completely losing his majesty as a master.

"By the way, Master, I found some computers here, and downloaded a lot of new animations, can you watch them with me?" Lorelai said expectantly, looking up her eyes full of longing.

At this time, the cave suddenly became extremely lively, with various gunshots and explosions, and people shouted in panic.

And the one with the most shouts was: The prisoner is about to escape, where is our Lady Queen?Where did she go?
Your Lady Queen?

Nansen looked suspiciously at Lorelai beside him, even her face turned red unavoidably.

Then a rough patchwork humanoid mecha came out of the cave. With Nansen's eyesight, he could still see Ethan hiding near the entrance of the cave. He was standing behind Tony, watching out.

"Haha, you mentally retarded people, let me make a personal wearable battle armor for you, I made it, you come and grab it!" Tony blocked the entrance of the cave, releasing all kinds of weapons on his body, those little guys were beaten Like a sieve, the richness of weapons on his body is more than one level more than in the original plot.

"Lorelai? Don't you want to explain?" Nansen turned to her and asked.

Lorelai lowered her head, with an expression that I was wrong, "Didn't you say that? I want me to control this place, and then find a way to speed up his mech manufacturing speed.

I directly changed the previous statement that I asked him to manufacture the Jeliff missile, and instead asked him to manufacture the armor in a fair manner. How fast is this, and I even sent my men to help those who came.

In fact, I would like him to make Gundam more, but the materials here don't seem to be able to do this at all, which is a pity. "

After hearing Lorelai's explanation, the muscles on Nansen's face couldn't help twitching. No wonder Tony scolded the Ten Commandments gang after he appeared again, "You retarded."

After being controlled by Lorelei, Tony was directly asked to manufacture armors in an open and honest manner. It seems that only a mental retardation is left to describe that group of people.

There was no suspense in the ensuing battle. With Tony's enhanced armor, he quickly killed those people.

Then he directly picked up a missile and threw it into the hole, then burned all the Stark Industries munitions outside the hole, and took Ethan, who he had slept with for a long time, and began to evacuate the valley.

The two soared into the sky in a direction away from Nansen and Lorelai, and then fell suddenly.

And on one of the tops of this mountain, only the roar of a sad woman remained, "I've downloaded anime for a long time, don't you understand how bad the internet speed is here? You bastards!"

 Ask for recommendation, ask for reward, ask for book list! ! !

  In other words, if I say how much I recommend, add more.

  Would there be more recommendations?heartache.

(End of this chapter)

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