A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 73 73. Iron Cavalry, Debut

Chapter 73 73. Iron Cavalry, Debut

Lorelei opened her eyes wide and looked at Nansen in disbelief not far away. She didn't witness the whole battle between Nansen and the Odin projection before, but she also saw the final ending.

As a result, her three views completely collapsed...

That's Odin, the supreme ruler of Asgard, and he can be ranked among the top figures in the universe.

Even if he just descended and cast a projection, was he defeated by Nansen just like that?
Lorelei's face was full of disbelief, because she grew up listening to the legend of Odin all these years.

For them, Odin is not only their ruler in reality, but also their spiritual leader.

Even if she wants to hook up with Thor and teach Sif (harmony), she will not show any disrespect to Odin. This kind of awe is completely rooted in her soul and turned into a brand.

To this day, she stood not far away and saw Odin's defeat, her faith had collapsed, and she could only say in a timid and fearful tone, "Master, what have you done? "

At this moment, she no longer had the queen-like aura she had before, and what remained was only an indescribable aura, like a delicate deer, or a flustered kitten.

"Be your master!" Nansen said with a smile at her.

In fact, Nansen didn't do this entirely for Lorelai at the beginning, but now it doesn't matter anymore.

Odin can be said to be a wise monarch, but no wise monarch would use his wisdom on an unknown person of a race lower than them.

This is completely a leap of life level. From the perspective of the strength and life level of the entire race, the two are not equal at all, and the only similar characteristic is only appearance.

So no matter how wise Odin is, looking at humans is no different from humans looking at some cats and dogs.

Even if one of the dogs is stronger and can kill some humans, what's the point?

If he jumped down again, he would be killed directly, so Nansen's idea of ​​making a deal with Odin was actually too naive.

Perhaps it would be possible if he chose to kneel and lick, but if Odin really forced him to do so, then Nansen would only choose to smash through Asgard and let their Ragnarok come early.

But Lorelai didn't know this, tears flowed down from her eyes, and she was identified as a witch since she could remember.

This kind of label has been running through her life now, so women despise her very much, but she loves men very much.

But when those women unite to scold her, those men will only turn against each other. Anyone who dares to defend her will be said to be seduced by her.

But Lorelei just wanted to say something weakly at that time, and I didn't.

A confidante is a disaster, but is a confidante a disaster?It is only the human heart that is causing trouble.

So since then, she has gradually turned black, and completely became the daughter of the Rhine, the witch Lorelai!

Everyone in the world spits at me, so why not if I truly charm the world?

But now she seems to have returned to the time when she was besieged by others. The difference is that now she finds that there is someone standing firmly in front of her and fighting against Odin for her.

Lorelai watched Nansen stumbling over, then wiped away her tears, put on what she thought was the most beautiful smile, knelt down on one knee, and swore allegiance to Nansen with a standard surrender ceremony.

"I, Lorelai, in the name of my father and ancestors, I swear to be loyal to you forever. Even if you want to destroy Asgard, I will definitely command thousands of troops for you. Your sword Pointing to it, all the gods will be silent, and all living beings will perish!"

She said these words slowly, Lorelai is not a fool, she did not believe that Nansen was tough on Odin, she just coveted her beauty.

A man who is already so strong will lack a woman?

He needs himself to have a more important goal, and his task is to obey him.

Nansen watched Lorelai's sudden arrival, which was considered a windfall.

However, Nansen touched his nose and said, "That Lorelai."

"What's the master's order?" She raised her head and looked up at Nansen.

"Well, can you go and change quickly, let's get out of here as soon as possible." Nansen said.

The bunny girl's clothes originally had little material, but after all the previous toss, she now knelt down in front of Nansen.

He just wanted to calm down, but he couldn't calm down at all!

After Lorelai finished listening, she couldn't help looking straight at the high tent, her original solemn expression was suddenly replaced by charming and enchanting, and she even wanted to laugh.

"It seems that my little master is a bit angry! After a big battle, you must relax! Why don't I help you vent your anger, eh~" She licked the corners of her mouth, and glanced at Nansen with spring in the corners of her eyes .

That touch of amorous feelings is something that some young girls can compare to. It is completely charming, and it seems penetrating.

Nansen quickly bent his waist and covered his little brother with both hands, and suddenly felt that all the dignity of being the master was lost.

I can just smile awkwardly, "It's not suitable here, someone will come soon, you find some normal clothes, we leave as soon as possible."

Lorelai also understood that now is not the time, she stood up, the waves on her chest still shaking, "Then I will do it as soon as possible, if Master needs it, I can do it anytime."

She covered her mouth and smiled lightly, seeing the embarrassment on Nansen's face, she seemed extremely happy.

This master is also quite amusing.

Five minutes later, Lorelai had found some clothes from the ruins. In order to save time, after Nansen cleaned the dust, the two stepped on the motorcycle and left directly.

About 10 minutes later, two fighter jets flew over here, and three helicopters flew over after a while, and then another batch came one after another.

At first, one of the three holidays was a S.H.I.E.L.D. helicopter, and the other two belonged to the US military stationed in Afghanistan. It is impossible to hide this kind of thing from the military here.

Among them, an oriental woman stepped off the helicopter of SHIELD. She looked no longer young, but she was full of incomparable competence in her actions.

"Scientists are conducting site surveys and residual energy measurements here, Colonel Rhodes, can you share with me your military's intelligence?

You have to believe that we at S.H.I.E.L.D. have always been very good at dealing with such supernatural events. " she said in her mouth.

Colonel Rhodes looked helplessly at this aggressive woman.

Although he doesn't belong to S.H.I.E.L.D. but the military, he has also heard some news about her from his own channels, and that group is simply murderous and strong.

People sent the nickname, 'Iron Rider'!
(End of this chapter)

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