Chapter 64 64. I, Magneto, Are Not Such a Person

Suddenly, Nansen felt the momentum around him change, and even Magneto couldn't help but stand in front of the Red Devil and quickly retreat away from Skye.

And all the steel wreckage around him flew in front of him, but under the constant vibration, they turned into iron foam and rustled down.

When Magneto saw this situation, he could only sigh with emotion that the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead, and one wave is more powerful than the other.

Nansen's suspected fifth-level mutant with multiple abilities is already perverted enough, and Skye's berserk state seems to be no different now.

In a hurry, he said calmly: "Nansen, you stabilize the situation first, and we will come later."

As soon as the words fell, the Red Devil led him away directly.

This is not to say that he is too cowardly, but that there is absolutely no need for him to come to this wave of muddy water, and he is not Charles.

Skye is going berserk, so he's going berserk, and he's already performing well if he doesn't add oil and vinegar to intensify Skye's emotions.

You still want Magneto to stop Skye's current rampage?Sorry, I'm not that kind of man, Magneto.

Under Skye's rage, everything around him began to vibrate.

Dana once said that all objects are in motion. If this is considered on a macro level, a wave of reference systems must be distinguished.

But in the microcosm, all matter particles have wave-particle duality, that is, wave-particle nature, and what happens when the wave nature of matter is changed or even manipulated?

All this brings about the collapse of the microscopic world and the replacement of the rules of the universe, and when it is specific to an object, it is the quantum collapse, and the subsequent annihilation of the matter formed.

Dissipation from the atomic components naturally brings about the dissipation of the whole object.

This is a terrifying cosmic rule-level power, but Nansen really didn't expect this kind of power to appear on Skye.

Nansen knew that Skye had great potential, even the kind that could shatter the earth, but shattering the earth and annihilating the earth are completely two concepts.

One is the destruction from the macroscopic level, and the other is the atomic collapse caused by changing the rules of the universe from the microcosmic world.

Skye has such a powerful force?
Nansen inexplicably felt that he had given her too much fortified food, which not only strengthened her mind, but also strengthened her potential.

In this extremely short period of time, everything around him dissipated under Skye's rage, the abandoned base disappeared, and naturally there were no corpses inside.

They were next to that base before, but now there is only a big hole left, and inside the big hole are Skye, Nansen and a smiling Daniel Whitehall.

Even though there are only gravels left around now, those gravels still keep dissipating, dissipating in the air, as if they had never appeared before.

"Haha, kill me quickly, do you know the fear of your mother being put on the dissecting table by me back then?

She is a different person with special abilities. Even if her flesh is cut off by a knife, she still has a strong vitality, wailing in misery and not dying.

I replaced all her organs and used them on mine, so I am young and healthy now.

And her?It's already turned into a dinner party for those dirty rats in the gutter, how about it?are you angryHaha, kill me! ’ Whitehall was still yelling.

As a leader of Hydra, he is not stupid.

The reason why he wants to die is because he understands how critical the information he has is to Hydra.

At least as long as he is dead, Alexander Pierce, who is lurking inside S.H.I.E.L.D., can be preserved.

The world will eventually tremble under the shock of Hydra.

For him, there will be a newcomer to take his place. Hydra can still lurk in the shadows, looking greedily at the world with cold eyes.

If one head is cut off, there will be two heads. This sentence has always been implemented in life by the real high-level leaders of Hydra.

Skye finally couldn't take it anymore, and there was only a few bits of her consciousness left. What she had been pursuing for so many years was being told so now.

The sadness in his heart can ignite the world angrily under the madness.

Following this, Whitehall's body began to annihilate slowly, first the legs, a little bit of skin, flesh and bones slowly disappeared.

This disappearance, along with changes at the genetic level, is as if they had never grown at all.

In other words, on his genetic level, the expression genes in his legs were directly cleared.

Then came the waist, abdomen, hands, every inch of skin and flesh continued to dissipate, but Whitehall went without a trace of pain.

Even the expression on his face was full of joy, he was going to die, but what's the matter?

Finally, his heart also disappeared, but he is still alive, and this kind of living is mainly reflected in the thinking of the brain.

He exists in this world now, but only a neck and a head are left at the genetic level. This is a very weird phenomenon, but it happened again.

And Nansen opened the [Clean Land] at the moment when Skye broke out. Within the domain, he is the monarch with the utmost power. This is also a rule-level power, but it does not belong to this The rules of the world.

Invisibly, he and Skye couldn't stop confronting each other on the rules.

The price was that Nansen was consuming a lot of energy, but he didn't dare to stop, and when the [Dustless Land] dissipated, he couldn't guarantee that he would not be wiped out directly by such a violent Skye.

Finally, Nansen came to Skye's side with the [Clean Land] on his shoulders. The distance of only a few meters made him feel as if he had reached the sky.

Now Skye's eyes have become empty, and there is no expression on his face.

It's just that between the machines, my own power is constantly released, analyzing the volatility of matter, and then letting it dissipate...
And Whitehall survived until now only because Skye consciously didn't want him to die.

Because he is all the clues that she can grasp now, but this clue is soaked in her mother's blood and the time of humiliation.

"Skye, Skye!" Nansen yelled next to Skye, wanting to integrate her into the [Dust-Free Land] but found that he couldn't do it at all, so he could only use this stupid method.

After Skye heard about it, he mechanically turned his head to look at Nansen, and suddenly his pressure felt a little stronger.

Nansen resisted, and shouted loudly at the same time: "Don't go mad, okay? Your mother is not dead at all!"

Just when Nansen's voice was implanted into Skye's mind, her first reaction was to feel an inexplicable warmth. Subconsciously, she turned to look at Nansen, but she didn't know how much pressure this had put on Nansen. .

Then I heard that voice yelling, "Your mother is not dead at all!"

In an instant, the surrounding forces eased up, and Whitehall now only had the head and neck left, and shouted hurriedly: "Your mother died, and I killed it, it is absolutely true."

Taking advantage of the sudden drop in pressure, Nansen stepped forward and kicked that man's head away. He couldn't help but swear, "Fuck you!"

(End of this chapter)

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