A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 57 57. The Intervention of Another Force

Chapter 57. The Intervention of Another Force
In an instant, on the background of Nansen's system, overwhelming resentment rolled down like a scrolling screen.

In a short while, there are thousands of credits, and they are still refreshing. It seems that as long as Nansen stands here as a white man, the resentment will never stop.

Nansen looked at them suspiciously. A few timid people watched Nansen not retreat, and their trembling hands were even about to shoot.

But it really shouldn't be. The most white people appearing here should be those American soldiers, but there is no need for them to embarrass the villagers of these small villages.

A certain distance is maintained between the two, basically maintaining the friendly relationship of you smiling at the dollar, and you come to MMP empty-handed.

I can't say I like it, I can't say I hate it, but why do you feel resentful when you see Nansen now?

This is very unscientific!

While thinking about it, Nansen directly took out a hundred dollars, but a young man was nervous, and a gunshot fired, and a bullet hole was added to the dollar bill.

Nansen's [Dustless Land] was five centimeters away from his body without being pushed, which made him feel very distressed.

Immediately, gunshots rang out like fried beans, and a few of them even pulled the bolt of the gun in a state of desperation, and it jammed.

And Nansen just released the [Clean Ground], and then all the bullets were blocked. In an instant, resentment mixed with fear, directly reached a peak.

Nansen also became a little angry when such a group of people kept shooting guns inexplicably.

A breakthrough disappeared directly on the spot, and before all the villagers could react, they had already penetrated into it.

There is no need for complicated moves, just punches and kicks, everyone has already fallen to the ground.

Nansen didn't give them too much punishment. At most, they could only rest for half a day before they could move around. Then Nansen pulled someone up and asked directly, "Tell me, what happened here?"

When Nansen pulled the man up, the man struggled fiercely, but then gradually calmed down, and said in a sleepy voice: "A group of people came a day ago.

They first asked us if we knew anyone from the Ten Commandments Gang. A few young people in our village wanted to get some dollars from these people, so they lied that they knew them.

They were just young men who lied, but only wanted some dollars.

But in the end, they paid with their lives for their lies, and his family took out guns from their home in retaliation, only to die as a result.

We all buried them just half a day ago.

They acted professionally, and when we were all ready to fight, they quickly retreated and disappeared. "

After he finished speaking, Nansen put him down, full of energy, and everyone fell into a drowsy sleep.

Then Nansen walked straight through the village. Everywhere he passed, a door would be opened to bring back the man from his family who was outside.

And in Nansen's backstage, resentment is also kept flowing...

After leaving the village, Nansen turned into the appearance of a local race. Although he was still dressed in a cowboy style, he was more like a local cowboy lover.

The current situation is completely different from the movie he once watched. It is obvious that there are unknown forces who want to intervene in Tony Stark.

And who it was, Nansen didn't know.

At least among those women who were abandoned by him all the time, there must be someone who has the financial resources and ideas to kill him or eunuch him.

Nansen didn't know whether it was a love debt or a competitor in his business. After all, Tony Duck was a terrible person, there was no doubt about it.

Even his father's old buddy, Obadiah Stan, wanted to kill him. It's true that he said it was because of his ambition, but it definitely had an inseparable relationship with him constantly wiping Tony's ass over the years.

Speaking of it, Tony Stark is the most talented and richest giant baby in the world, and in ordinary movies, this kind of person is either blackened and turned into a villain, or he is killed by his subordinates for less than half the time.

Because of this, Nansen was not surprised that someone wanted to come over to repair the gun after knowing that he was in trouble in Afghanistan, or that he wanted to come over to do other things.

The only thing that bothers Nansen is, who are those people?
The action is professional, the means are fierce, and the equipment should be very sophisticated. On the surface, it looks like a mercenary dancing at the gunpoint, but who it is, it is estimated that we will only know when Nansen meets him.

Finally, Afghanistan ushered in the night. At this time, Nansen also came to the first point marked on the map. This place is in the deep mountains, but there are a large number of human spiritual activities.

So the professor marked this point for Nansen and asked him to investigate.

But when Nansen came here, he felt a big smell of blood and gunpowder smoke, and then he hurried over, but it seemed like a small-scale war had gone through there.

Dead people are everywhere, and flames are still burning in some places, but all the bodies belong to local people.

It can be seen that this is probably a gathering place for small warlords, but many of the people here were directly slaughtered when they didn't realize it, and even a few were killed by powerful sniper rifles.

After the killing, the former attacker should have withdrawn, and at the same time took away the remains of their companions.

But this is not the place where Tony Stark is held, because there are no materials that can make Jerry's missiles placed on the periphery.

In the original plot, after those people caught Tony, they didn't immediately kill him according to Obadiah Stein's request, but asked Tony to build Jelliff missiles for them.

Correspondingly, there should naturally be raw materials that can make those missiles.

The only thing that surprised Nansen was that the US military hadn't found it yet, but the group of people came here first.

Inexplicably, Nansen began to feel a little worried about Tony's safety. Of course, it was not because he was worried that the task given to him by the professor would not be completed this time.

After all, Coulson has said that it doesn't matter whether he lives or dies. What Nansen is worried about is that if the big dog is really dead, there will be no more Iron Man in the world.

Then I will lose one of the most capable customers, which Nansen absolutely cannot allow.

Be sure to let Iron Man Tony Stark bathe in the strengthening holy light of poisonous milk powder, and tell him that you can only become stronger with krypton gold.

In fact, if he didn't know that Tony Duck would become Iron Man, he wouldn't care about his life and death.There is one less super arms dealer in the world.

Just then, a text message from Skye came.

"It should be night for you over there, how are you okay?"

Nansen responded: "It's not bad. The people here are very enthusiastic. Many women expressed that they would give birth to monkeys for me."

"Nansen, do you dare?"

Nansen, after reading this message, kicked the phone into his pocket and stopped looking at it, showing a victorious smile.

Immediately, another Skye was added to the contribution of resentment in Nansen's backstage.

The next moment, he directly pulled out a motorcycle, and with the roar of the accelerator, he went over the mountain.

Nansen doesn't even know how big his backpack is now?At least he has never bought an expansion ticket, and he doesn't have to worry about the weight limit.

 Thank you for the reward of [-] starting point coins from 'The Name of Night God Wuyue', thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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