A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 50 50. Is that you?Are you the one who blows my tires?

Chapter 50 50. Is that you?Are you the one who blows my tires?
Soon, when a flash of red light flashed, the red devil appeared again.

This time he held a map in his hand, showing that he knew where Lake Ellary was.

It's just that after walking around the school, his complexion looked weird, red and white.

Especially looking at Nansen's eyes, it's like seeing a monster.

After judging from the injuries of those people and the way he remembered Nansen's attack, he had to come to a terrifying conclusion.

Most of the people in the school were killed by Nansen, their heads were rolling and blood flowed like a river.

Then he whispered a few words in Magneto's ear.

After finishing speaking, Magneto narrowed his eyes and looked at Nansen with approval in his eyes, "A hero is a boy, maybe you can accomplish what I have never achieved in my entire life.

Do you want to consider joining our fraternity? Don't worry, Professor X won't be angry. "

Magneto's invitation was not entirely based on Nansen's combat effectiveness, but more on his character.

It's a kind of mentality that if anyone dares to point a gun at me, I will kill him.

Compared with this, Nansen's combat power is not so terrible to him.

Nansen looked at Magneto with a smirk, gestured to Skye next to him, and said, "I thought you would be more eager to get a foreigner."

In an instant, Magneto's face changed, and the ravines on his face inevitably twitched twice.

This kind of person, chatting can really kill people, isn't he afraid that I will kill him immediately?

But he looked at Nansen's eyes again, sighed and finally gave up.

He understands that if he can't deal with Nansen, he can't deal with Skye, and Skye's value in his heart is not so important now.

The most important thing about Skye as the Inhumans to Magneto is that he hopes to be able to contact this group of Inhumans through him.

Afterwards, whether it is to contact the Inhuman race to fight against humans together, or to find a way to obtain their superb technology, light up their own technology tree, and complete the goal of globalization of abilities, it is all blood money.

However, after he investigated, he found out that Skye was an orphan and wanted to contact the Inhuman race through her?
What she has been playing all these years is the game of little tadpoles looking for their mother.

This naturally made Magneto less interested in Skye, and instead began to pay more attention to Nansen, a possible fifth-level mutant with multiple abilities, and his future achievements are simply limitless.

Unfortunately, Nansen only had two words in response to him: Hehe!

At the beginning you ignored me, but now I am proud.

"Received remorse 543 from 'Magneto Eric'."

"Hey~" After sighing again, Magneto didn't bother with this matter anymore.

After all, it doesn't matter whether Nansen was educated by Professor X, or he went out to fight violently like him.

The starting point of both is the same, they just hope that mutants can live better on this earth, and they are both working hard for this group.

From this point of view, it didn't matter whether Nansenga joined the Brotherhood or not.

After figuring this out, Magneto patted the Red Devil next to him, signaling him to prepare to teleport.

Then everyone stood together again, the red light flashed, and disappeared directly on the lawn of the school.

When everyone reappeared, they appeared in a forest, overlooking the vast snow-capped mountains in the distance, a dam nearby, and a large lake in front.

Magneto thought for a while, and asked Nansen, "Are you sure that Stryker's kidnapper from Wolverine is coming now?"

Nansen nodded, which made him also heave a sigh of relief, "This way I can rest assured.

There is a brain wave amplifier built by Stryker, and Charles is likely to be abducted by him.

But since his plan was destroyed by you, it should be fine.

Next, I decided to go in and meet my old friend, and destroyed the brainwave amplifier he designed. Do you want to come together? "

Nansen shook his head, "I'm not interested in those, but can you tell me how Professor X was brought here?"

"Mystique has seen Stryker's plan, and Charles' link is needed in the plan.

So I guess that Charles should be here. As for his specific method, I don't know much about it. I can only tell you that Stryker's son was once a student of Charles.

I wouldn't be surprised at all by how he tricked Charles, and then tried to bring Charles down here.

After all, you understand that Charles' heart is always so weak, and this is especially obvious when dealing with his students. " Magneto said.

Nansen also agreed. After all, one was deliberately premeditated, and targeting Professor X Charles's personal psychology, it was really not difficult to deceive him.

The biggest shortcoming of Professor X is that he is too soft-hearted!
After Magneto finished all this, the Red Devil held hands with them, and then disappeared directly in place with another flicker.

The world is so big that there is no stronghold that the red devil cannot enter.

Now there are only Nansen and Skye left here. He looked at the only road leading to the dam eagerly, just like a girl waiting for the return of her lover who went out.

The longing in his heart is simply hopeless.

Uncle Wolf, why don't you come here? If you really want to know your past, let me think of a reason not to be exposed, and then tell you, okay?

Why do you insist on listening to that Stryker?You really can't handle the 'death girl Yuriko Koyama' in it!
If you are unlucky, it will explode.

Skye has been acting very well-behaved by the side, not saying a word, just like a well-behaved little daughter-in-law.

The only thing that puzzled her was why Nansen always looked at that road in a strange way?

Not long after, Logan finally came here with Stryker. The moment he saw Logan, Nansen burst into tears with excitement.

In action, he also expressed his thoughts on Uncle Wolf. The lancet flew out and directly punctured the tire of the motorcycle he was riding.

Nansen also purposely blew up the front tire, since Wolverine couldn't die anyway.

With a "boom", before Wolverine could react in time, he landed on his face and glides for about ten meters.

"Who is it?" After landing on the ground, he drew out his paw angrily and looked around.

As for Stryker, who was strapped to the backseat by him?
Now it was thrown on the ground, rolling like a ball of rotten meat.

Nansen led Skye out of the woods at this moment, said hello and said, "Uncle Wolf, don't get excited, is it me?"

Wolverine tilted his head and looked at Nansen wonderingly,? ? ?Happy expression.

It's you?Are you the one who punctured my tire?Returning his mother is the front tire.

 Thanks to 'Book Friends 20170714211740024' for the reward of [-] starting points, and thanks to 'Apex of Aboriginal God' for helping me find typos in each chapter.
(End of this chapter)

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