A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 47 47. Stryker's End

Chapter 47 47. Stryker's End
Nansen's original Tang knife had been broken from the middle in the previous battle, but it was still sharp.

It directly cut into the missile in the air and cut it open.

Then there was a huge roar in the air, and then the flames shot up into the sky, echoing the glare in Nansen's eyes.

Under Stryker's shocked gaze, the broken blade cut into the helicopter gunship he was sitting on, and directly cut the pilot's head in half.

Before he could react in time, the brain matter mixed with blood had spurted out, and then the knife continued unabated, and the entire helicopter was sliced ​​open.

Stryker, together with a part of the helicopter, fell directly from the sky, while the other half exploded directly in the air.

"Received Stryker's remorseful 999."

Stryker was really stunned at the moment, he felt that he shouldn't have come here in person, and then got on the helicopter, let alone waiting for Nansen to come out, but should run away immediately.

No, I still have this chance!

He fell to the ground in mid-air, and he didn't know how many bones in his body were broken, and some fragments from the helicopter explosion pierced his flesh and blood.

But he still didn't give up hope, but opened his eyes wide and looked into the sky.

Stryker understood that after encountering such a situation, even if he did not issue a mission, the remaining two drivers would never sit idly by.

They will definitely attack Nansen first, and as long as he is dead, everything will be settled.

However, Stryker's originally hopeful mood turned into despair as the two fireworks ignited in the sky.

Afterwards, two lancets flew behind Nansen again, and now he was surrounded by a bloody mist, as if the god of death had returned!
The maximum control distance of his lancet is 50 meters, and with the skill blessing of that strengthened cigar, this distance has been expanded by a few points.

The two armed helicopters did not pull up, but hovered in mid-air. Within this distance, Nansen directly poked their fuel tanks and ignited two sparks. It is an easy thing to do.

Therefore, of all the college invaders, only Stryker is left.

All of a sudden, the originally fierce fighting subsided in an instant, leaving only the burning sound of the wreckage of the plane, and the collision sound of the warheads on Wolverine's body when they were ejected and fell.

The moon in the sky was just right, and the ground was now bright and clean. Nansen closed his eyes, feeling all this, and it was finally coming to an end.

The cigar had burned out, and the moonlight seemed to have turned into a pool of clear water, soaking up the blood mist until it faded and disappeared.

When Nansen opened his eyes again, it had become clear, but under this clarity was inexhaustible fatigue.

He killed too many people tonight.

Now the whole building has become a Shura field, with blood flowing like a river, stumps everywhere, and occasionally there are a few weak wailings in the corridors.

They are blind crawlers, struggling to be rescued, only to see corpses in their crawls.

Nansen now feels that he is really tired, whether it is physically or mentally.

But all this is not completely over yet, [Dustless Land] is opened again, and all the blood stains and gunpowder smoke on Nansen's body have dissipated.

Now he seems to have turned back into a 17-year-old high school student, wearing simple white short sleeves and a pair of sports trousers on his lower body.

"Mr. Stryker, are you okay?" Nansen took out an apple, and while eating, he came to Stryker's side and asked.

Stryker is now leaning against a fragment of a plane, his legs were torn apart by the fragments of the plane explosion just now, and now the bones are directly exposed in the air.

He wanted to say a few words, but he couldn't speak at all for a while. The blood that flowed quickly made him die soon.

Nansen looked at Stryker's look of breathing in and out, and understood what was going on.

He looked at the apple in his hand, and then thought about the instant noodles in his backpack.

But now I can't pour it into him. If we let him die like this, wouldn't it be too cheap for him.

While Nansen was searching, a small box of unknown liquid not far from Stryker caught Nansen's attention.

The box had lost a lot of the liquid in the previous drop, but there were still a few sticks left.

Nansen directly collected them into the space backpack, took out a small one and inspected it carefully, the liquid was obviously an injection type medicine, and the system quickly gave an explanation.

【Life Restoration Potion】

Explanation: It is extracted through the stem cell culture of Wolverine, and its strong regenerative ability makes it life-saving.

Nansen looked at the remaining ones. This thing is really much more convenient than his seafood fish noodles. At least the instant noodles need to be soaked in hot water. This is very strong, just take it out and inject it .

Soon, the remaining ones were all strengthened by Nansen. Except for one that was broken, the rest were also successful.

Nansen came to Stryker's side and injected it directly into the neck with one injection.

After that, Stryker, as if recovering from a near-death state, began to pant violently, breathing in every mouthful of air.

"Hey, Stryker, you understand what you have done. Think about whether you don't have any legacy, or high-end scientific research results to leave behind." Nansen said next to him.

At this time, the wounds on Stryker's body had stopped bleeding in time, and even some small wounds were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was used to kill you."

Nansen expressed a little helplessness. He looked at Logan who was still buried by bullets in the pit in the distance, and changed his question: "Do you know Professor X's movements?"

"Unless you are willing to let me go, I won't say anything." Stryker is still stubborn, he knows that he still has a hole card, and whether he can survive depends on whether his mouth is firm or not.

Although Stryker seems to be very sure of his own ideas, he has received such training and knows how to protect himself to the greatest extent in adverse situations.

It's a pity that Nansen has more means than he thought.

The willow leaf came out with the knife, and in an instant, Stryker's hands and feet were directly cut off by Nansen, and the miserable wailing resounded throughout the land.

For a while, Nansen felt a little annoyed, and then his tongue was directly smashed.

Nansen is not a cruel person, he even tends to be funny, but deep down, he has never had the idea of ​​being kind to his enemies.

The medicine injected before was still working, quickly stopped the bleeding, and healed the wound, but Stryker suddenly saw something, his eyes were wide open, and there was only whimpering left in his mouth.

Because Wolverine is finally awake now.

"Hey, Uncle Wolf, I've got it done. By the way, this person seems to know you. Do you have anything to ask?" Nansen pointed to Stryker and said to Logan.

Wolverine looked around, shook his head again, and dropped the last bullet behind his head. He suddenly heard something, and rushed towards Stryker full of anger, "Who the hell are you?"

He roared loudly, and his sharp claws popped out.

Looking at Wolverine, Nansen felt that he was really miserable, and sighed, "Hey, Uncle Wolf, he researched these potions from you.

When he is about to die, you can give him one, and the effect is very good. His tongue is crushed by me now, and it will probably grow back later. You can talk slowly.

By the way, Uncle Wolf, you must help me in the end and kill him for me. "

After finishing speaking, Nansen was about to leave here. Naturally, Wolverine and Stryker would chat about the old days, and he was fine.

He felt very sleepy, and finally thought about going to Skye and the others first, they probably didn't run too far.

Speaking of how much she has done tonight, she should provide a thigh for her to lie down on.

Nansen thought for a while, but still felt a little excited.

And on the lawn of the college, the tragic wailing sounded again.

(End of this chapter)

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