Chapter 27 27. Shadow Watch
"Do you remember?" Nansen asked Sylvester after watching it for a while.

Sylvester stared at another painting of Nansen's soul, and finally nodded. As for whether he really remembered it?How is this possible, is it a hammer to look at Nansen's painting?
In fact, he just memorized the key words in Nansen's words. Obelisks, captured by the Roaring Commandos, and many people who died that year are considered high-risk items.

As long as he remembered these key words, it was actually enough for him.

After obtaining Sylvet's confirmation, Nansen put away the painting, and he decided to destroy the two paintings immediately after returning.

He, Nan Da Vinci Van Gogh Sen, can't afford to lose this man!

"Very well, the next thing you need is to get this thing out of S.H.I.E.L.D. within three days, and I will call you later."

"Okay, no problem." Sylvester agreed, but when he pushed his glasses, his eyes lit up.

Sylvet has now confirmed that Nansen will not kill him, but ask him to do something.

But as long as he can get in touch with the organization safely, Sylvester has the confidence to get rid of Nansen's control.

Although Nansen is very powerful in intelligence, he is not a vegetarian, not to mention Nick Fury and Pierce are behind him.

Sylvester is confident that no matter which organization in the world Nansen belongs to, as long as he returns to the headquarters, he can find it for him.

Besides, for this kind of organization that has learned many truths about Hydra, as long as he reports it to Pierce, he will naturally have a solution.

As for Sonansen's accusation against himself and Pierce, will this pose a threat to their Hydra?It's just nonsense.

Who would believe the words of a man wearing a Powerpuff Girls flower headgear, even though he is always fighting crime and doing good things these days, but the crime he fights is always losing money, who knows if he is poor I was in a panic, and wanted to blackmail S.H.I.E.L.D. before I 'made it up'.

The only thing that made Sylvester afraid now was not Nansen, but the huge organization behind him. He didn't believe that Nansen came up with this information himself. It must be the result of an organized investigation.

But obviously Pierce will think of a way, and he must be the one who is more panicked.

I might also be able to claim some credit for discovering this information. If Pierce starts to act, then no matter how powerful the power is, it will definitely be a mess, and will he care about himself at that time?

Let's think about how to escape Pierce's global siege. The troops of the action teams from all over the country must be armed with live ammunition and slaughter.

And I just need to stay in the office building of S.H.I.E.L.D., why care about the flood outside?
After putting his heart in his belly, Sylvette seemed even more obedient, and even offered to help Nansen fill up the wine, without asking where the woman who lived here went?
After Nansen drank the last sip of wine in the glass, he walked to the load-bearing wall and pulled out his Tang knife.

While wiping the dust on it, he said in his mouth: "I know that your superficial obedience is actually just thinking about revenge in the future.

After all, it is impossible for even Nick Fury to suddenly listen to the accusations made by a strange boy against his old boss. No matter how suspicious he is, it is impossible for him to act in such a neurotic manner, chilling the hearts of everyone around him, especially Pierce who promoted him to the top. .

But you actually made a very serious mistake. Of course, it is inevitable that you made this mistake, and you cannot be blamed entirely. "

After Nansen finished speaking, he put the Tang Dao in his hand into the backpack directly in front of Sylvester, and his hands became empty in an instant.

Then Nansen pulled out a mobile hard drive from his lower back, which was connected to a pinhole camera on his chest.

The moment Nansen pulled out the hard drive, Sylvester understood that he had lost, completely lost.

Nansen had already prepared everything before he came, and recorded the video and audio messages between him and Sylvette during the whole process, which definitely counted as a stone hammer.

If Sylvester dared to jump around, Nansen would definitely be able to beat him to death with this video.

Nick Fury will definitely give him a cramp and skin, and even the bones will be stepped on by Pierce, and he will dance on the grave.

Then even Pierce himself will be shot and collapsed by Nick Fury, there is no doubt about it.

This branch of Hydra is now living in S.H.I.E.L.D. and has grown stronger, but in the final analysis it is still not strong enough to break Nick Fury's big black legs.

Looking at Sylvester's mournful expression, with despair written all over his face, Nansen put away the hard drive in his hand, clapped his hands and prepared to leave here.

But before he left, Nansen still didn't forget to give a sweet date, "I remember two things, the first thing is to make that masked policewoman Hua Hua disappear completely, and the second thing is to get an obelisk within three days and wait for my news.

You don't have to be too depressed, in fact, it's okay to tell you, there is indeed an organization behind me, and the name of the organization is: Shadow Watch.

We have been guarding this world for an unknown number of years, watching the world silently in the shadows, and under normal circumstances we would not intervene in the world.

At the same time, we will remember that you have done things for me, and it will benefit you in the future.

By the way, that woman is in the bedroom. Don't worry about her being fine. She has already been knocked unconscious by me. Just think about how to smooth things over. "

After saying all this, Nansen opened the door and left.

Sylvette bent down ninety degrees behind Nansen, and said with difficulty: "I will finish it, my lord!"

Is he still unwilling?In fact, there is no more, the rest is just convinced.

After walking out of here, Nansen went downstairs immediately. After walking a few steps, with the help of his super hearing, he heard a gunshot from the previous room.

This is the place where Sylvester and his lover had a tryst. In fact, there was also a hidden gun, but the gun happened to be hidden in the bedroom!

Nansen felt a sense of irritability for no reason. He really wanted to go in and chop that scum into pieces, but he held back in the end.

Isn't that the best way to round things up?Strictly speaking, Sylvester did nothing wrong.

I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me.

There are so many innocent people who lost their lives in the world, there are endless stories about ancient romances, and there are endless stories about the dead bones of the present.

Nansen shook his head. Maybe the woman approached Sylvette for money or power. She knew that the other party had a family and a wife, but she wanted to take off her clothes.

But Nansen understood that he was just telling himself these things.

Skye had clearly investigated it before, and the woman was actually not that complicated.

Because of this, Nansen has a little more understanding of the cruelty of this world.

 The second update is completed, thanks to the qq reading friend ': Mr. Symbol' for the 100 book coins reward; thanks to the starting point friend 'guanghualgh' for the nine recommendation tickets; thanks to 'Zehuangxing' for one recommendation ticket, big and small Thank you for your support.

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(End of this chapter)

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