A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 262 261.2 Finger Snaps (End of this book)

Chapter 262 261. Two Finger Snaps (End of Book)

A space crack appeared again in the sky. When people finally walked out of the crack, everyone still had a little bit of hope, even if it was not much hope.

After all, the situation couldn't be worse. Thanos has come with two whole fleets, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with humans sending some help.

In fact, now the human side also understands how these two Thanos came about. In the final analysis, there is a reason for one cause and one effect.

When Thor finally walked out of the wormhole, the human side was relieved, at least this team was not from Thanos.

But Tony and Captain America are puzzled, after all Thor is here, there is no reason that the 'self' from another time and space will not be there!

As everyone expected, the wormhole closed.

There are only four people here, two men and two women, but they only know one Thor!
Thanos couldn't help but constrict his pupils the moment he saw Nansen. This man was born out of nowhere in these years, and even turned into his nightmare.

His strength and his magic are all spread throughout the universe.

Although Thanos has never seen him with his own eyes, the rumors about him are like thunder.

It is precisely because Thanos knew that he could not snatch the infinite rough stone from Nansen's hands, so he decided to develop the space-time shuttle technology, and then save the country by curve, but he did not expect that this was still chased by Nansen.

"Really, damn it!" Thanos gritted his teeth as he muttered.

While being resented by Thanos, Thor happily searched for his figure among the human beings, and soon he found it, just looked at that person, then at his stomach, and then at himself belly with a puzzled expression.

"I don't fight in this time and space? Why are you so fat?"

In this regard, Nansen said: "Beer fried chicken plays games, in fact, you can also, or replace fried chicken with pizza, it's the same anyway!"

"Oh no, forget it."

Just before Nansen appeared, Thanos' fleet had already started firing at him with full force, and Nansen made a move with his right hand, a red crown flashed above his head, and then all the artillery attacks of the fleet were directly annihilated in the air.

Annoyed by being attacked, a long sword reappeared in Nansen's hand. The long sword was sheathed, and the dazzling purple light was extremely bright.

Then the long sword swiped, and the sword style pierced the sky.

Nansen's movements are still freehand, but the unsheathed sword energy is earth-shattering. Under the double blessing of space cutting and power authority, Nansen's sword is particularly amazing.

It seems that there is only a ray of purple light left in the world, sweeping towards all the fleets of the two Thanos. The high-power energy shield carefully arranged by Thanos is completely vulnerable under the cutting of the space attribute.

After Ziguang cut through the Thanos battleship, it left an ugly space crack in the air, like a gap in a flawless oil painting, revealing the space behind, dark and deep.

The sky fell into pieces at this moment. Nansen's sword cut through the air fleet of the two Thanos, and blood and flesh mixed with metal rustled down in the air under the strangulation of space.

The picture is desolate, but everything is silent.

"Is this the enemy of your time and space?" Another Thanos said slowly, extremely shocked, the situation has turned towards humans at this moment.

Humans will eventually run out, but gods will not.

Temporarily letting go of his obsession with his own figure in this time and space, Thor began to look for enemies that he could take advantage of, which was actually his purpose for coming to this time and space.

That is to quickly find an opponent to fight and sharpen your new weapon.

At this moment, Captain Marvel had lifted off and arrived in front of Nansen. Without thanking him or asking questions, he started punching Nansen's head.

Looking closely, she found that her eyes were close to madness.

Nansen couldn't help but smile wryly at this point. In his time and space, because of the presence of Professor X, he can temporarily suppress the control of the will of the universe on people.

And in this time and space, even though he had already dispersed his authority, after he slashed his sword again, he ushered in the crazy counterattack of the will of this time and space universe.

Like dominoes, Captain Marvel's attack was just the beginning, and after that, whether it was the human side or the Thanos side, many people who were still alive began to breathe harder, and their eyes were red.

"Dirty, ugly, evil, thieves, must be cleaned!"

This idea, like a viral virus uploaded, quickly spread in the hearts of all superpowers.

At this moment, human beings have reached an alliance with Thanos invisibly, and want to eliminate Nansen further.

Everyone was able to ascend to the sky and had already ascended to the sky, and when they could not ascend to the sky, they began to look for long-range weapons. At this moment, Nansen had already turned into a public enemy of the universe.

And the two Thanos rushed to the Infinity Gauntlet immediately. This is not to say that they are sane, on the contrary, the madness in their eyes is also particularly biting.

It's just that in the remaining sober consciousness of these two Thanos, they understand that only the Infinity Gauntlet loaded with Infinity Stones can pose a threat to Nansen.

Looking at this scene where the situation is all enemies, although Nansen already had a prediction in his heart, the one that really came at this time was still a bit big.

After all, some people can't be killed, and they want to beat him desperately, which is very annoying.

Thor looked at the enemy rushing towards him at this moment, his expression was full of excitement, and he rushed out with an axe, but he rushed towards the Thanos camp.

But in just an instant, he was swallowed by the enemy's crowd.

Looking at the sea of ​​people rushing towards him, the two daughters Skye and Lorelai had already made a move to resist. Because of Nansen's strength, he concealed the light of many people invisibly.

But in fact, whether it is Skye or Lorelei, they are all masters in the previous earth.

And Nansen came to the place where the Infinity Gauntlet fell in a blink of an eye.

The two Thanos are now red-eyed, exuding a chaotic atmosphere, and even on the way forward, they hacked to death a few who stood in the way.

When they finally approached the Infinity Gauntlet and were about to reach out, they suddenly found a figure in front of them.

Without further ado, he slashed down with the machete, but this time, he found that he couldn't cut at all.

All the people were still running towards Nansen, and a string of necklaces lit up on Nansen's chest, and in the next second Nansen picked up the Infinity Gauntlet.

With a "snap" and a crisp snap of the fingers, everyone's sanity finally regained clarity at this moment.

Under the sighing expressions of the two Thanos, Nansen snapped his fingers again.

"I didn't expect to fail this time!" Thanos sighed, and then turned into ashes and went with the wind.

Nansen picked out the soul gem from the Infinity Gauntlet, and then proceeded to plunder and copy the authority of the rules.

So far, the rule framework of Nansen's prototype universe has been perfected.

At the end of the war, no one expected that only one person saved the human side.

And Thor also flew over at this moment, and at the same time Tony and Captain America and his party also came to Nansen.

At this moment, their minds have regained their sobriety, and the control of the universe was expelled by Nansen before.

"Thank you!" Tony thought for a while, but in the end he only said such simple words.

Nansen smiled, "It's okay, just do it as you please, it's good to have you in this world."

Captain America didn't speak, but expressed emotion with his eyes.

Thor with the big belly looked at the person next to Nansen, and subconsciously touched his stomach, with a distressed expression on his face, as if he was nostalgic for the past.

It's great to see myself with abs!
At the next moment, Nansen finally bid farewell, and Thor had no choice but to go back to continue his mission as a king.

A wormhole opened in the space again, and Thor returned to his own universe, and wanted to go on adventures in the universe from time to time on the throne.

And Nansen didn't leave through the wormhole this time, but a universe was reflected in his hand, and then he took Skye and Lorelei's two daughters and left directly.

This is the final destination chosen by Nansen. Since he has already conceived a universe, why should he stay in another place?

Time is already meaningless, and life slowly appeared in an originally desolate universe.

According to legend, five pieces of equipment were first born in this universe, a crown, a necklace, a bracelet, a long sword, and a scabbard. In addition, there is a pen of life and death and a book of requiem.

Those items have their own soul and thinking, which are derived from the differentiation and authority of their own rules and powers over a long period of time.

Then there is prosperity in the universe and flowers in the world.

One day, a black-haired man was walking in a starry sky bored, just like taking a walk after eating.

But when he accidentally passed by a galaxy, he seemed to find something interesting, so he looked up at the stars in the sky, and finally locked on one place.

There, the night and the dawn were alternating, and one of the young people was in an Internet cafe, praying with his eyes closed to the screen in front of him. Although he prayed to a variety of objects, at least his attitude was considered sincere.

On the screen, the words 'equipment increasing' were displayed.

He made some calculations in his mind, and quietly modified the probability for that young man, turning what should have failed into a 'successful boost! '

The moment the word "success" popped out, the young man was so excited that he almost jumped up.

"Haha, it's done, I have a good character!"

Looking at the excited young man, he smiled and left the galaxy.

When the sun finally jumped out of the horizon, the young man walked out of the Internet cafe, and a group of young people walked out behind him.

Everyone yawned with tired faces, "Leader, let's go, go home and sleep."

After finishing speaking, they were about to leave one after another, but the young man said familiarly: "Don't tell me, eat breakfast with me before going back to bed, please!

After all, I have to go to collect rent later, which is really annoying. There are more than 30 apartments, and I have forgotten which one to go to collect rent today. "

His response was a burst of "cut~~~"

"Hey, life is so miserable without help! It's always been like this."

(end of book)

(End of this chapter)

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