A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 258 The Unexpected Arrival

Chapter 258 The Unexpected Arrival
After Thor left, Nansen stepped out and appeared directly outside the door of Professor X's office. Before he could knock on the door, the professor's voice came: "Come in, Nansen!"

Nansen then pushed the door and walked in. The professor looked at Nansen who was approaching, and couldn't help rubbing his temples, "Nansen, I hope you didn't come here this time to say goodbye to me!"

As Nansen's teacher, Professor X saw with his own eyes that Nansen became stronger step by step, and after he became stronger, he did not stand alone. Instead, he gave the earth a lot of fame in the universe.

Then the cosmic commercial road was opened, and the earth began to integrate into the big environment of the universe, making the development of the earth both in technology and people's livelihood seem unimaginable.

Now the situation is even better, but Nansen has to leave, not simply to leave the earth, but to leave the universe.

Professor X, as the witness and witness of all this, naturally feels extremely complicated now.

Whether it is Nansen who promoted the globalization of the earth's abilities, or helped the earth connect with alien civilizations, these achievements are absolutely unprecedented and will never come again, but at this moment he has to leave.

This kind of embarrassment between emotions, even though Professor X has already seen all kinds of situations in the world, he can't help but feel a little bored at this moment.

For Professor X's emotional complexity, Nansen naturally felt it, and he said with relief, "Actually, there is no need to be so pessimistic. Maybe after I find a way to shield this universe elsewhere, I will naturally be able to Come back often."

Regarding Nansen's relief, Professor X just smiled helplessly. How could it be so easy to come back after leaving this universe?
Even if Nansen can come back easily in the future, even in different places in the same universe, the time flow rate is very different. Maybe the moment Nansen left this universe, looking back, this place has been broken into pieces, and the lifespan of the universe is gone. It's the end.

However, Professor X is Professor X after all, and soon he adjusted back, and became that elegant and easy-going old man again: "Although time is very tight, I think a wedding is always held at the next level."

"A wedding?" Nansen was slightly surprised, but then he laughed together, "It's too late, too late."

Nansen understood that this was probably a request made by the two girls, Skye and Lorelei, who made a special trip to find Professor X. Naturally, it was impossible for Nansen to object to such a request.

Soon, a grand wedding was held in the 'New City-State of the Earth', and there was an endless stream of guests.

Anyone who has a relationship with Nansen came, in addition to many leaders on Earth also came to congratulate.

In fact, many people don't know that Nansen will leave, but everyone understands how important this real No.1 wedding on Earth is.

Apart from the forces on the earth, the leaders of many forces in the universe also sent congratulatory messages and sent envoys. This is a diplomatic etiquette in the universe, and it also shows how influential Nansen is in the universe.

The wedding lasted for two days. The first day was mainly to receive Nansen's friends, and the second day was mainly to meet some visiting envoys.

At the end of the wedding, Nansen announced that their family would withdraw from all the seats in the "New City-State of the Earth", and at the same time completely relax and travel the universe.

Countless people were naturally surprised by Nansen's move, but they all expressed their understanding.

After all, the earth today is growing stronger every day, and its influence in the universe is also getting stronger day by day.

For a type of racial civilization, as long as someone puts its development on the right track, the rest will be enough.

There may be setbacks in the next development, but the degree of development of civilization must be spiraling upward.

Although Nansen's speech seems to have let go of the enormous power in his hands, in fact his power has always come from his own power.

Of course, all of this is actually just a cover for his departure. As long as those malicious people don't guess that Nansen is not in this universe, they will not dare to take any malicious actions against the earth.

At least people or forces who are not sure about crossing the mountain of Nansen will never act rashly.

Correspondingly, similar arrangements were secretly issued one by one, and at the same time, Nansen also kept Lao Hei as the guardian of the earth.

How strong is Lao Hei today under Nansen's enhanced boost?This point, even Nansen has not really tested it.

Now there are only three days left, and within three days, Nansen must leave completely.

Now after the wedding is completed, Nansen stays in a living room and holds a private party with a few friends. The people who come here at the moment include Iron Man Tony Stark, Thor, and a generation of Ant-Man Pym The Doctor and his wife, in addition to this Hulk Dr. Banner.

At this moment, unlike the joy at the wedding, the atmosphere is a bit more solemn now. Everyone who is doing it knows that Nansen will leave, and Nansen is asking them to complete one last thing before leaving.

Feeling the seriousness of the atmosphere, Nansen spoke first, "Hey, there is no time for us to be so reluctant now. I want to ask you, can the thing I told you before be manufactured?"

"You mean to build a space-time teleporter. I think this idea is simply unimaginable. It is too difficult to travel through time and space through the quantum dimension as you said!" Banner said first.

Thor now also understands the whereabouts of Thanos. Although it is incredible, but combined with the information in his hands and Nansen's idea of ​​building a space-time shuttle, it is clear that Thanos has already left this time and space first!
Although this result appears unexpected, it is the most realistic result of the analysis after combining all the information.

At this time, Tony said: "Maybe there is a way, but I don't understand a few key information points."

Dr. Pym and his wife looked at each other at this moment, and then the first generation of Wasp said slowly: "Actually, this can be achieved theoretically, but the risk is too great, and if there is a slight accident, you may be bound in the quantum realm.

It even said that if there is no rescue from outsiders, even if you don't experience getting lost in it, you may die there completely.

The bottom line is that we lack a few key data points for a stable equation, and a slight error is too dangerous. "

The direction is correct, but the possibility of success is too small, many technical difficulties need to be overcome, but what everyone needs most now is time!

There is no good way for Nansen to do this, after all, there is too little time left for him, and after he had this idea, he had already contacted Professor X and informed them to try to make a space-time shuttle.

However, there are still several technical difficulties that need to be overcome.

Although time is very urgent, everyone seems helpless. After all, breakthroughs in scientific research are often based on flashes of inspiration!
But at this moment, an unexpected person pushed the door open and entered.

In an instant, Thor had his ax in his hand, and the hammer as well.

(End of this chapter)

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