Chapter 256. God of Weapons
"Master Ai Cui, long time no see!" Thor said with a smile.

Ai Cui smiled and didn't answer any more. Although Thor is already the king of Asgard, he now has a pile of orders to complete. At this moment, he just hopes that Thor has something to say and leaves.

This inevitably made Thor feel a little embarrassed, but he is not a small-hearted person, but there are embarrassing people on the side who don't know what to say.

At this moment, Nansen took the words succinctly and concisely, "I want you to help me build something to carry some cosmic-level power. I think you must have this ability."

After hearing Nansen's words, Ai Cui turned to look at Thor, "I want to know if this is an order from the king, or just his personal order?"

Thor really felt a little embarrassed at the moment. After all, for the dwarves, even Odin couldn't say that he really gave them any orders, unless it was an emergency during wartime.

"This is not an order from me, but you can understand that it is my request. After all, Mr. Nansen is an extremely important foreign guest to us in Asgard, and he is also a life-and-death friend of mine!"

"Oh, well, then I understand, then I will try my best to make this gentleman's order a little earlier, after I finish processing the [-] orders in hand.

But before you leave, you need to tell me his request, it's best to be more specific! "Ai Cui was about to leave after saying these words, but before he left, he seemed to think of something, and turned his head and said to Thor: "But it's good if you come this time, you have become the king, so you need to Have a weapon worthy of your kingship. "

After listening to Ai Cui's words, Nansen didn't say anything yet, and Thor's complexion did darken, but the relationship between the dwarves and their Asgard is very delicate, and it is not possible to give orders directly.

To put it bluntly, the dwarves can continue to live well if they are attached to any powerful race in the universe, and if Asgard loses the dwarves, the overall strength of the entire group will inevitably be greatly reduced.

"Master Ai Cui, put aside the weapon against me first, I feel that the hammer is easy to use, but this gentleman..."

"Thor, stop talking." Nansen interrupted Thor's words at this moment, "Master Ai Cui, I hope you can create equipment for me right now, and in return I can provide you with two pieces of equipment strengthen."

"Strengthening?" Ai Cui looked disdainful after hearing this, because the equipment built by his family is synonymous with strength in the universe.

There is even a relatively common understanding in the universe, that is, if all Nidawi's weapons flow out into the hands of some cosmic mobs, then the universe can be turned upside down.

This naturally also shows from the side how powerful the weapons made by these dwarves are, and now a young man who looks very young has come and told himself that he can strengthen the equipment made by himself and the people, No matter which dwarf listens to this, it will feel absurd and provocative!
As soon as Nansen's words came out, Thor felt terrible. He understood how conceited these dwarf masters were. There was only one person who could touch the equipment they created over the years, and that was already The lost god-king Odin!

"Sorry, we Nidawi don't accept orders from people like you, Thor, take him away, as you said that using a hammer is fine, then you can continue to use your hammer." Ai Cui said To walk away and continue to complete his task.

In this way, Thor was really embarrassed by the side, and could only express his helplessness to Nansen. The temper of these dwarves was really arrogant, but all of them were indeed treasures.

And in the past thousands of years, they have only paid for one person, and that is Odin. Compared with Odin's great achievements, Thor is still very immature, and it is impossible to deter these dwarf masters.

It's just that Thor can't do this, but it doesn't mean that Nansen can't do it.

"Master Ai Cui, please wait a moment." Nansen said to the patriarch of the dwarves who had already turned away.

The tone was very polite, but a terrible coercion descended immediately.

Ai Cui suddenly felt that he couldn't take the next step at all. At this moment, he seemed to feel that there was a sun in his prime behind him, dazzling and profound. This feeling was far better than the young Austrian he knew Ding looked even more terrifying.

"For the safety of the ethnic group, the will of this kind of person cannot be disobeyed!" This idea popped up in Ai Cui's mind. how terrible.

Ai Cui took a deep breath and turned around slowly, thinking in his heart how to soften his tone without appearing so cheap.

But after he turned around, he saw Nansen looking at the finished weapon on the star ring, and then a meteor hammer and a round shield flew towards it.

Ai Cui clearly distinguished who made these two pieces of equipment. Although the two manufacturers were far from his current level, the gap was not too far away.

Put it in the universe, whether it is the meteor hammer or the shield, it can be sold for a super high market price.

And Nansen showed his operation at this moment. With the equipment coming in front of him, Nansen began to feel the attributes of their equipment.

This feeling can be regarded as familiar to him, but in fact it is also unfamiliar.

Since he walked out of his own way and strengthened himself, he opened up a rudimentary universe in his body, and then began to plunder the authority of the infinite rough stone.

In fact, it has been a long time since he has really strengthened or increased his equipment. Even if he strengthened or increased his equipment during these times, those objects are no longer human beings.

In this way, with a trace of nostalgia, Nansen started his strengthening!

These two pieces of equipment are very sophisticated, and they also have enchanting attributes. It can be said that these two pieces of equipment are no worse than Sif's high-level magic equipment that he used back then.

And in Ai Cui's senses, he saw those two pretty good pieces of equipment quietly floating in front of Nansen. They were soon covered by a layer of amber-like substance, but the aura they emitted was It's getting more and more amazing.

Ai Cui has always believed that weapons should also have souls. From an embryo, it is melted by high temperature, then calcined and tempered. During the forging again and again, the soul of the weapon is produced.

But he has never really felt the soul of a weapon. Even the most powerful weapon can only complete some agreed-upon tasks under the engraving of magic, so his goal in this life is to create a weapon that can feel the soul. Weapons, to truly create life, to become the god of weapons.

And at this moment, he clearly felt that the two pieces of equipment sealed in the amber gradually sent out some unusual fluctuations.

At this moment, even Thor, who has always been nervous, felt that the two weapons in front of him had become different, and gradually there was a trace of unusual fluctuations in the space, like the heartbeats of two babies, weak but strength.

At this moment, all the dwarves who were working on the star ring involuntarily stopped their work. This was purely an induction from life, a witness between souls.

At the same time, all the semi-finished products that are being built have a huge crack at this moment, and they are now to be sacrificed!
And Master Ai Cui, who was the first to watch, has a dull expression now, watching with his own eyes that the layer of amber has begun to fade a little...
(End of this chapter)

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