A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 25 25. Brother, don't scare me!

Chapter 25 25. Brother, don't scare me!

Nansen took a quick glance and confirmed that she was the target person, Grace Bull, the mistress Sylvette put here.

After the target person was confirmed, Nansen stood at the bottom of the building to check the address on one side, and then left silently.

At the present time, it is still not easy to startle the snake during the day, and it is not possible to finish the work until the middle of the evening.

When it was evening, Nansen walked to the house according to the address. Grace Bull lived in a single apartment on the fifteenth floor. According to her schedule, she should be at home now.

"Bang bang bang" Nansen knocked on the door, and deliberately lowered the brim of his hat. He now has a mask on his face, which cannot be seen by passers-by at will.

The various cameras here have already been processed by Skye in the morning, and Nansen is not worried about this, as long as he is not noticed by others, there will be no problem.

After Nansen knocked on the door, he clearly heard the sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the ground from inside the house, "Tap Tat Tat Tat", a woman ran over eagerly.

"Dear Hill, you came here very early today. Don't tell me you can't wait to miss me so much? He's really my little loyal dog." Her voice was lazy and full of charm.

With a "snap", the door came, and she opened it eagerly. As the door opened, the four eyes met for an instant, and the air seemed to condense.

Nansen stared blankly at her, the room was decorated in an ambiguous way at the moment, the pink lights were charming, candles were lit on the dining table in the living room, on the table were some ingredients she bought today, and there was a bottle of red wine along with it Sobering up in a decanter.

These were not the reasons for Nansen to be in a daze, but he was completely amazed by Miss Bull's clothes.

She was actually only wearing black leather bandages on her body, and her fair skin was wrapped under the black bandages. She looked like a collection of angels and demons. A charm that only mature women have.

But this is not what surprised Nansen the most. He didn't understand why this Bull still had a leather whip in her hand. Is this her weapon?Or is she actually a secret agent?
Nansen was puzzled, but his eyes were wide open under the mask, and it wouldn't hurt to look more.

When the woman opened the door, she saw a man in a blue work uniform wearing a mask, and his whole body was full of weirdness. He even forgot to scream for a while.

This terrible embarrassment lasted for two seconds, and finally Nansen racked his brains to think of a topic, which broke the current embarrassment, "That lady, don't you feel cold when you dress like this?"

His speech made Miss Bull understand that all this was not an illusion. Immediately, she dropped the leather whip in her hand, covered her chest and was about to start screaming, while the other hand was desperately closing the door.

Damn it's not cold, do you want me to care if my old lady is cold?
Nansen stepped forward in an instant, covered her mouth with his hands, and at the same time closed the door behind him.

A short whimper came out of Bull's throat in a low voice. She wanted to struggle, but she felt like a giant dragon was being suppressed tightly at this moment, and there was no room for struggle at all.

And Nansen's point of attention is very good, "Miss Bull, where did you buy this black leather bandage? The quality is good, and you wrapped it very well. It won't fall off."

"Remorseful 999 from Grace Bull."

What on earth am I dressing like this and opening the door?Lost your mind?
With the remorse gaining, Nansen hit her with a knife with one hand and knocked her unconscious.

Looking at this youthful and beautiful body, Nansen hugged her horizontally and threw her into his room. At the same time, he tied her hands and feet with the bandages on her body, which actually looked unique.

After finishing all this, Nansen sat down to eat in the living room. A lot of food was prepared on the dining table. It seemed that this was a candlelight dinner she had prepared for Sylvette, but it was a pity that Nansen disturbed her.

Nansen was so hungry at the moment, it tasted like a wind and cloud, and like a cow chewing peonies. After he was full, Nansen poured himself a glass of red wine and sat quietly, waiting for Sylvester's arrival.

The red wine actually tasted pretty good, and there was nothing wrong with it except a bit sour.

The bright red wine is swaying in the goblet, matching the charming atmosphere. Under this kind of environment, it is generally only suitable for trysts or confrontations.

When the confrontation fails, what goes down with the drink will be the blood of the enemy.

However, in this atmosphere, Nansen thought of another question, "Just now that woman took the whip and said that Sylvester was her little loyal dog, did she mean that he was loyal?

I remember that he obviously has a wife, who is also an Indian! "

Nansen still didn't understand this point. At this moment, the door of the house opened, and a slightly rambunctious voice sounded: "Bull, I'm here. What surprise do you want to give me today?"

The moment the door lock spring turned, Nansen got up from his seat, the goblet fell freely in the air, and the wine flowed upside down in it.

On Nansen's head, however, there was a Powerpuff Girls Huahua headgear, innocent yet extremely chilling.

Sylvester noticed something was wrong the first time, it was his intuition as an agent.

Whether he is working in S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra, he has undergone rigorous training as an agent, and at this moment those trainings have brought him an extremely strong sense of crisis.

But when consciousness came into being, the body's reaction didn't seem to be in time. When he wanted to retreat, an arm in blue overalls stretched out from the room and pulled it roughly, and he was pulled closer to the room Inside, the door was closed again.

"What do you want to do?" He crawled back on his back, and at the same time touched his lower back without any trace.

For this kind of person who is a direct threat to the personal safety of the agent, he can completely collapse first, and then give the braised egg a report.

But Nansen was often faster than him, with a clang.

A bright moonlight exploded directly in the room, and that sharp aura made Silvert feel an extremely strong sense of oppression, as if a knife was tightly attached to his neck, and even his breathing seemed absolute. Be careful.

But Sylvester was not an ordinary person, he quickly rolled backwards, and then got up, the gun was in his hands during this time, and he finished opening the safety and even loading the bullet.

But in the next second, he was cut in half by a pure white horse, and said that as long as Nansen moved the blade up two inches, it would not be the gun that was cut off, but Sylvester's. hands.

"Okay, I think we can talk now." Nansen held up the Tang Dao after cutting off his weapon.

Sylvester was also terrified in this short period of time, he didn't know how long he hadn't been out on the field, and this thrilling experience was really exciting.

"I'm sorry, our S.H.I.E.L.D. will never accept the threat of force." Sylvester said, even with the incomparable devotion to the organization's beliefs.

But Nansen's response was only two words, "Hehe!"

In the next second, the Tang knife in his hand came out like a tyrannosaurus, and was thrown out by Nansen directly.

Hundred-step flying knife!

In an instant, the whole room seemed to be distorted, and in Sylvester's horror, he seemed to find that the knife seemed to be flying towards him.

Damn it, what's the point of pretending to be okay?

"Received 999 from Sylvester."

Before he could feel remorse in his heart, Nansen's Tang Dao had already flew out close to his face. At that moment, he seemed to have brushed shoulders with death. The violent breath and the sharpness of the metal made him think about it for the rest of his life. Going to experience it a second time.

After that, the Tang saber sank directly into the load-bearing wall of the room, and it fit perfectly, as if it had been inserted into a puddle of clear water, leaving only the handle of the saber on the outside.

Nansen looked at the simplified version of the 'Hundred Step Flying Knife' that he released. Nansen expressed his satisfaction with its power, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Silvert, even if the S.H.I.E.L.D. , what about Hydra?"

When Nansen said the word Hydra, Sylvester's face turned green.

If the secret of Hydra is revealed, even if this person doesn't kill him, neither Nick Fury nor Pierce will let him go!

His heart was flustered, almost panicked.

At this time, Nansen said again, "Actually, you don't have to be so nervous. I just want to ask you for a favor, can you? Comrade Little Dog."

Now Silvert breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. At least Nansen expressed his willingness to negotiate. No matter what, he couldn't die first, and the future could be discussed in a long-term manner.

But, what the hell is Comrade Little Loyal Dog?Faithful dog is also what you can call me?Brother, don't scare me.

 Thanks to 'Liu Lijin, Dongshan Village, Ningxiang County' for the reward of [-] starting coins, and became the first apprentice of this book, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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