A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 245. 244. Yondu's Romance

Chapter 245. 244. Yondu's Romance
As soon as Nansen's words came out, everyone seemed eager to try, looking forward to it.

Although Quell and the others have strong various combat abilities, they are still not beyond the physical category. Hearing that Nansen is willing to give them extraordinary abilities, he naturally looks forward to it.

Nansen didn't pretend to be profound either. After a careful analysis of his mental strength, a complete set of plans was outlined in his brain accordingly.

Then, the increase begins!
Nansen first built a complex magic circle, and quickly completed it with his hands stretched out in the air. When the magic circle was completed, Nansen directly branded it on Quill's skin.

From the outside, it looks like he has golden and red magic patterns on his body.

This is a major branch of magic, which enhances physical skills and stimulates potential. When the magic circuit is successfully branded on Quill, all the magic circles shine and then hide.

Quill looked at his hands subconsciously at this moment, and there were two blue arcs shining continuously in his hands at this moment.

The potential buried in his blood was stimulated by magic at this moment, and the awareness of using those energies kept rolling in his mind.

After unlocking Quill's potential, Nansen was surrounded by red, yellow, purple and green light.

These four rays of light flew up and entered the bodies of Rocket, Gamora, Drax and Groot respectively.

Increase their attributes respectively, reality, mind, strength and time.

Before they knew it, all of them were standing around Nansen, and under everyone's feet, a green magic circle suddenly lit up, and the time was rewritten by Nansen at this moment.

Then the increase officially started, and now everyone in Quill is wrapped in layers of amber, which is an increase for themselves and those attributes. As for how much they can increase, it depends on their own potential.

Under the rewriting of time, the originally very long time ended in a very short time, and the amber substances on them gradually dissipated.

Quill was the first to wake up, and now the pupils in his eyes have disappeared, replaced by a bright blue light.

And around him, those magic circles shone faintly.

Nansen didn't give him any special attributes, but only helped him awaken his own power.

With the blood of the gods, the boost effect he received is the best in the world.

Apart from Quill, Gamora was the one who received the strongest effect, and Nansen's boost to her was mind.

Gamora has killed countless people in his life, and most people are terrified when they hear the news, and the children cry.

The strengthening of the mind can amplify her fear of the enemy, and it fits perfectly with her own temperament. When she draws out the long knife, it is like dancing in the heart of the enemy.

The remaining one that surprised Nansen was Groot. Although Groot seemed a bit naive, the increase in the power of time gave him another fighting style.

When Groot opened his eyes, among his branches, light green flowers bloomed, fluttering!
The most suitable boost for Drax is undoubtedly power. As a meat tank character in Guardians of the Galaxy, what he needs is not fancy, just hold two short swords and go straight all the way. Others Not enough brains either.

As a mechanic and inventor in the team, the rocket's increase is undoubtedly a reality attribute. Under this attribute, he can change the rules of reality, thereby creating something out of nothing, changing the physical laws of the universe, and appearing more powerful.

Xingyun and Mantis Girl watched eagerly as the crowd increased, with longing in their eyes, but they also knew that they didn't have their share now.

Especially Xingyun, she has been struggling in the universe, and she deeply understands that with more strength, life can be more guaranteed.

When everything was over, Quill and the others looked at each other, and then sincerely said thank you to Nansen.

Nansen waved his hand and smiled: "After all, you are doing just and correct things, and I cannot rule out all the dangers in the galaxy alone.

After all, this universe needs everyone to protect it together. Don't forget that you are called the Guardians of the Galaxy! "

Quayle and the others understand that the power Nansen gave them is to hope that they can do more, and this is also in line with their beliefs.

After thanking them, Quill and the others left Nansen's protected area and began to go to their battlefield.

This battle was supposed to be a fateful battle for Quill, a fate that he could not escape in this life, but now among the people standing beside him and fighting with him, there are not only his lover, but also his The 'family'!
In fact, before Quill went out, the battle outside had already started.

This time, Yondu didn't use his handsome sentry arrows, but as the captain of a fleet, amidst the roar of the cannon, he showed his romance.

The fleet's cannons continued to roar, and the giant Egg standing on the surface roared angrily.

Ego was very angry, his body was a planet, and Yondu's predecessor was a space predator, and now he is a merchant ship on Earth, so it is impossible to carry any real star-destroying weapons.

So Egg is like a giant against a group of buzzing bees against the Yondu fleet.

The bees would not be able to really kill him for a while, but they kept flying around and stinging a big bag.

"Roar!" Finally, Egg's patience reached its limit, he roared into the sky, and then the clouds that had been blasted away by the high-energy particle cannon gathered again on Egg's star.

The cloud layer turned into the face of an old man. He angrily rebuked the bastards who harassed him in the universe, and opened his mouth to shoot out a blue light.

All these energies were consumed by Egg's divine power. He could not bear it before, but now he can't bear it anymore.

During Yi Ge's long life evolution, there are naturally corresponding countermeasures for this situation. As long as his divine power contaminates a spaceship, it will destroy the energy reaction chamber of the spaceship.

And it will continue to use the energy of the energy reaction chamber to jump, and then jump to the next medium and large energy reaction chamber, so as to cycle.

Before the danger came, Yondu had urgently issued an order to dodge, but there were still three spaceships swept by the energy flow, and then there seemed to be a chain reaction in the universe.

Strands of blue energy flow formed a huge net through the three spaceships, constantly jumping between Yondu's fleet, and every time the energy jumped, the energy tank of the spaceship would be detonated, directly detonated The whole ship.

A little bit of spark started to start a prairie fire at this moment, like a plague, and now it was too late to even dodge.

"All crew quickly abandon the ship and carry out the landing operation on the rescue boat." Yondu gave orders to his crew on the walkie-talkie.

As soon as he said this, he immediately ran to the escape cabin and flew to Yige star with the escape boat.

It was death-like behavior, but no one backed down now, and no one yelled at their captain in the face of death.

On the way here, Yondu had told his crew what evil Egg had done, and what he had discovered about Egg over the years.

Although Yondu's summary is not as comprehensive as Nansen directly told Quill, but the analysis of Igo is also close to ten.

All his crew members understand that this is not only a battle for Yondu's redemption, but also a life-or-death battle among the many planets in the universe.

After their death, the looters will hold a funeral for them that belongs to them alone, which is the glory that belongs to them.

When the energy reactor of the last spaceship was detonated, all the surviving crew took a small escape capsule and flew to Yige star like dumplings.

(End of this chapter)

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