A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 235 234. It's Me, Thank You

Chapter 235 234. It's Me, Thank You
The moment Mephisto was completely wiped out by those dead souls, the entire No. 18 layer of hell became quiet again.

There is no wind or rain here, only endless lava and those confused and ignorant undead.

Apart from these, what was left was the golden bone and Nansen who was meditating quietly in front of him.

He 'looked' at Nansen, and couldn't help sighing in his consciousness, "What a smart little guy!"

And at this moment, the whole hell finally ushered in the third sound, 'Boom~'

This time, it was like a small drum beating, but the vibrations in the whole hell seemed even bigger.

Strengthening the entire world was also the first meaningful attempt for Nansen, who had been trapped on an abandoned planet in the universe for a while.

There he once strengthened that planet, but the tiger had no way to eat it, and after all kinds of attempts, he failed.

It stands to reason that today's strengthening hell is obviously much more difficult than strengthening an abandoned star, but today's Nansen doesn't know how much stronger it was before.

And another reason is that because of the dead bones, Nansen has a very obvious medium for strengthening hell, which greatly reduces the difficulty.

He is Jizo's reluctance, so in order to let Mephisto rule Hell for endless years, but in the end he only cultivated a complete demon king.

However, Nansen is different from Mephisto. During the previous approach, not only Nansen saw the past of that withered bone, but also saw some fragments of Nansen's life with that breath.

Under the fusion of these fragments, he knew that he had waited for a candidate this time.

He believes that under the leadership of Nansen, Hell will go to what the "Ksitigarbha" once hoped, the great harmony in the world and the equality of all things!
Three days later, Nansen was no longer as indifferent as before. His whole body was covered with beads of sweat, his skin was already chapped, and the cracked small fine lines glistened with crimson blood lines. Beads of sweat mixed with blood followed.

Today's Nansen is like a fragile piece of porcelain. At this moment, he appears extremely weak. Although he has his own inner universe, he has also mastered some authority in the universe, and even has the dead bone as a medium at this moment, but he can strengthen a multi-dimensional body. The layered cosmic space structure still makes him look very difficult.

"Boom~" came again.

The momentum of strengthening has been very huge, and this sound is already No. 17, which means that he has strengthened Hell for seventeen times.

Under his strengthening, all the conditions and indicators of hell are improving rapidly, and a lot of negative emotions are also being refined.

It can be said that what Nansen is doing today is the same as what Ksitigarbha did back then, but the difference is that Ksitigarbha martyred himself and changed the ecological and cultural environment of the entire hell by himself.

Nansen, on the other hand, relied on the strengthening machine to continuously strengthen the entire hell. During this strengthening process, he naturally became the new master of hell as well as he deserved.

"Pfft!" Nansen couldn't bear it, and spat out a mouthful of blood from his mouth. It has been strengthened to the point where it is consuming his life. When his life is exhausted, it will be his soul that will continue to be consumed.

The project of strengthening hell is much bigger than he imagined, but it is definitely an investment worthwhile.

Finally, No. 18 was successfully strengthened, and the dry bone in front of Nansen had started to burn after Nansen strengthened it, and now only one head remained.

It is also because of his existence that there is no risk of failure in Nansen's strengthening this time.

Because the risk was borne by the bone, but Nansen still gave his own strength. After the strength was exhausted, he paid his own life.

Another loud bang, every time Nansen's enhancement is successful, there will be a bang, but this time the bang is not reflected in the space and material level of hell, but resounds in the soul of every hell creature.

At this moment, the souls of all those lives conceived by hell or coming to hell are engraved with Nansen's mark. After strengthening No. 18 times, he has truly become the master of hell.

But the price is that at this moment, his hair is snow-white, and his whole body exudes the air of impending death. Even his face is covered with wrinkles, and patches of age spots are mottled on his face.

No matter how you look at it at this moment, it feels like Nansen is an old man who is about to die. His vitality is almost exhausted and death is imminent.

It stands to reason that the strengthening has been completed, but Nansen still keeps his eyes closed, encouraging his last sliver of vitality to continue strengthening.

He has come to the end of death, and what he wants next is life!

The golden dry bone was now burned to the point where only a skull remained, and his empty pupils stared straight at Nansen.

Suddenly he breathed a sigh of relief, like an ordinary person's sigh: "Hey, this breath, I should also be relieved!"

After finishing speaking, even the only remaining skull of that withered bone disappeared, turning into golden dust all over the sky, swaying and swaying.

At this moment, Nansen succeeded No. 19 in strengthening the momentum like a rainbow, and an inverted cone-shaped structural model suddenly appeared in front of him.

It can be clearly distinguished that this model has an eighteen-story spatial structure, as if the entire hell is engraved in it.

Disappointed, Nansen opened his eyes, and with the opening of his eyes, the sky suddenly bloomed with vitality.

Hell No. 18, which was originally full of darkness, lava, and undead, has changed its appearance now. Light has replaced darkness, soil has replaced lava, and the undead in the sky have turned into flowers and plants at this moment.

Nansen sat alone in the sea of ​​flowers, and there was nothing in front of him. He didn't get up, but sat there, a feeling of loss filled Nansen's chest.

During the time he strengthened hell, he entered a strange mental state.

The strengthening has been carried out nineteen times, and he has gone through nineteen different lives. In the first life, he was a reincarnated undead, ignorant, devouring and killing while growing up...
In the second life, he became a low-level undead skeleton, and finally entered the No.18 hell.

Every time he strengthens, he has to go through a world, because beautiful worlds never come out of thin air. In the original hell environment, killing with one hand can create a better world.

So Nansen went from the lowest creature to the No.18 floor of hell to sit on the throne again and again.

And when Nansen came to this No.19 hell for the 18th time, there was no devil waiting for him to defeat, but an old man in a robe appeared.

He looked at Nansen warmly, and said in his mouth: "I once wanted to plant beautiful flowers in this world, but the overall environment simply didn't allow it.

Now under your transformation, it can be done!I want to say thank you. "

Nansen was stunned, and when he was stunned, he woke up.

Nansen silently looked at the flowers and grasses all over the mountains and plains. It was hard for the world to imagine that this was the notorious No.18 floor of Hell, but it was indeed.

In the end, Nansen stood up, and the vitality returned to him. Time has been reversed at this moment. He has gone through countless battles to bring new life to hell.

After getting up, Nansen looked at the miniature hell in front of him, and stretched out his hand.

Then the ubiquitous haze in hell disappeared, the scale of lava was controlled, and every inch of the pitch-black soil was covered with flowers.

At this moment, Nansen looked at the empty place in front of him, and bowed down to thank him: "It's me, thank you!"

(End of this chapter)

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