A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 22 22. Goddess Island Incident

Chapter 22 22. Goddess Island Incident

When Nansen came out of the hot bath, he felt much more comfortable and refreshed.

Although the effect of the enhanced instant noodles is very strong, the impact of continuously touching the darkness of society and facing the soul is still very strong.

After all, Nansen is not a retired special soldier. He was an ordinary charterer before, and he was fine in the game.

But in reality, this is supported by strong beliefs. As for what kind of beliefs?
This is of course the long-cherished wish of ordinary people to build a better world, no wonder!
He was forced, and people are forced out. This sentence is very vulgar to explain, but it makes people have to admit that it is true, and it is true from all aspects.

The reason why Nansen is forced to do this is because of poverty, and his next action needs money. After thinking about it, he can only go out to be a vigilante. Enhancement value.

However, there is one thing that Nansen seems to regret slightly. According to some news reports on his behavior in New York, the public actually prefers that he wear the Teletubbies headgear to fight for justice.

The Powerpuff Girls Huahua always makes the rescued people misunderstand that he is the legendary lady-dressing boss, which is not good, very bad.

Thinking of this, Nansen let go of his thoughts with a sigh, and walked to the living room, "Skye, by the way, you have been searching for clues about that 'hammer' for so many days, have you found anything?"

Skye shook his head helplessly, left his hands from the keyboard, curled up on the sofa in frustration, and said, "I can't find it at all. I even went deep into the dark web around the world to search, but I couldn't find anything about what you said. that item.

A search for the word 'obelisk' turned up nothing. "

Nansen was not surprised by Skye's situation.

When Agent Carter led the Howling Commandos to seal the obelisk from White, there was no Internet.

Then that period of history was quickly covered up, and naturally, it was impossible for this kind of thing to appear on the Internet.

Even if it is registered online, it can only be in the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s internal network. Skye now single-handedly wants to rely on a laptop to invade the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s internal network. Nansen doesn't believe this at all, okay?

Moreover, it is more likely that that thing was not registered on the Internet, but was sealed up along with many things as special items for capturing Hydra.

Even the vast majority of S.H.I.E.L.D. workers don't know it exists, let alone Skye looking for a needle in a haystack on the Internet.

After the opening remarks were finished, Nansen pondered over how he should tactfully reveal to her that he knew where that thing was.

And to further abduct Skye, let her agree to go to the temple of the underground city in Puerto Rico to complete the awakening.

Nansen felt a headache when he thought about it. As the saying goes, twisted melons are not sweet, but as the saying goes, you can change everything with kryptonite.

And what to do with him?He threw out a stack of Franklins, and then said to her arrogantly, girl, I will go out for a walk with my master in the next few days.

It is estimated that in that case, he might be sent directly to a psychiatrist, and the steps of seeing a brain doctor can be omitted. Skye will definitely use hacking techniques very considerately to make an appointment for him to the best psychiatrist online.

But at this time, Skye suddenly asked very abnormally, "Is what you said before true? That so-called 'obelisk' has a huge cause and effect with me, and can make me awaken my abilities?"

Nansen looked at her in astonishment, and wanted to ask her, why are you suddenly interested in supernatural powers?Do you feel cute because you didn’t take your medicine today?

Skye saw Nansen's doubts, and directly turned the computer in front of him, and at the same time she said: "This happened on Liberty Island in New York last week, not far from us.

At that time, there was a summit meeting of heads of state on the island, and more than 200 heads of state came here. You can imagine how strict the security on the island would be at that time.

However, such a thing still happened under such a strict situation. You can take a look. Of course, it is impossible to find this kind of video on the Internet. This is what I found on the dark web. "

After Skye finished speaking, he clicked the projection button of the mouse, and then a video was shown. In the video, the torch in the hand of the Statue of Liberty suddenly exploded, and then a section of red light flew into the sky.

Then the torch suddenly emitted white light, and the white light was hazy like a layer of white mist, which looked very beautiful.

But not long after, the white light suddenly disappeared, making people puzzled.

This video doesn't look long, but this strange scene has aroused a wide range of discussions on the Internet, but what is even more amazing is that it was quickly blocked by the government.

Even similar videos with this video were blocked, but there were heated discussions on the dark web.

Among them, a few strongmen walking on the gray border have spoken the truth about this video.

This is just another failed plan of Magneto, but it really marks that the war between humans and mutants has begun.

In the world of Nansen in the previous life, this paragraph is just the end of "X-Men 1", and finally it is another drama where 'justice' defeats 'evil'.

But in this world, it really happened around Nansen.

That kind of realism made Nansen reveal all kinds of excitement in his bones, "So did this video make you change your mind?"

Skye nodded with a gloomy expression, "Although I don't understand why I have to pass the obelisk to awaken the ability, it at least shows that this awakening method is controllable.

Maybe my family has survived in this world as mutants for generations through this technology.

That being the case, why don't I become a mutant and blend into that world to find my family.

And although Magneto's plan was destroyed this time, it marked the beginning of the war between mutants and humans.

If human beings want to oppress them, they will inevitably rise up and resist. Under this circumstance, I found my family members as soon as possible. Becoming a mutant is my first step in finding them. "

Skye's analysis was well-founded, and Nansen couldn't find a reason to refute her for a while.

If you want to find the light, you must first be in the dark.

Unfortunately, your parents are not mutants at all, not even you!
Of course, it is impossible for Nansen to tell Skye about the last sentence. After all, it is a good thing that she has this kind of awareness. Nansen does not want to tell her the truth to hurt her.

At this point, Nansen decided to tell her the whereabouts of the obelisk, and then join forces to get the obelisk, "Actually, I know where that thing is."

"What?" Skye's eyes widened, his face was full of surprise, "You know everything?"

Nansen nodded, indicating that you are right, girl, I do know.

"Then why didn't you tell me directly? Is it fun to watch me do such a long time of useless work?" Skye's mood gradually became angry, and he seemed to be full of wind and rain.

Nansen said with a hippie smile, "I said I only sensed it after watching the video, do you believe it?"

Skye: O(≧mouth≦)O!
I believe you are a ghost!This kind of person should be shitting, just like shitting.

"Received Skye's remorse 555."

 Someone actually urged me to update it today. I happily wrote the second update. As for when I wrote it, I don’t know. Friends who need to go to work or study will read it tomorrow morning.

  At the same time, our internship will end tomorrow, and we will return to Kunming the day after tomorrow. I will set a time for future updates and try to stabilize it. Please feel free to enter the pit.

(End of this chapter)

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