A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 214 213. Stephen Strange's Request for Help

Chapter 214 213. Stephen Strange's Request for Help
This email was sent to him by the professor, saying that he found it during an operation to eradicate Hydra, asking Nansen how he planned to solve this matter?
The protagonist in the video is also recorded in history. He was the comrade-in-arms of Captain America Steve, and he can be regarded as his gay friend.

The two watched and helped each other while growing up, and shared weal and woe in battle. They are a pair of real good brothers, and their name is Bucky Barnes.

But it is such a person, it can be clearly seen in the video that he killed the Starks, that is to say, he directly killed Tony's parents.

"Nansen, I can't guarantee that this video has not been leaked now, and I even suspect that it has already started to circulate in the world, and people will soon know the truth of the year.

How to calm the turmoil brought about by this time is up to you. "Professor X said to Nansen.

"Good professor, I will try my best to deal with this matter."

After speaking, Nansen began to think about how to deal with this matter.

What is certain is that even if Captain America Steve saw this video and knew that Bucky was Tony's enemy, he would still choose to protect Bucky without hesitation.

Because Bucky was in a state of being controlled by people at the time, and the people who really controlled Bucky were Hydra.

It's just that Hydra has been basically wiped out now. After all, the enemy of Hydra is no longer a pure S.H.I.E.L.D.

What's more, there is a new type of huge force, the new city-state of the earth. Their living space has already been squeezed out, and their demise can be regarded as the way back.

So if Tony, who is angry, wants to take revenge, the first candidate is definitely the Winter Soldier, Bucky Barnes.

But Captain America will never allow this kind of thing to happen, and this is the source of the contradiction.

Nansen thought for a while, and then prepared to go to Stark Tower to find Tony, and soon Nansen found Tony in his basement.

At this moment, Tony is synthesizing a section of nanomaterials on a test bench. Even if Nansen arrives, he is still focusing on research.

"Nansen, please wait for me a moment!" Tony said to Nansen, and Nansen didn't leave, poured a glass of wine and started drinking.

Following that, Tony said in a recorded manner: "Start 879 synthetic experiments, generate experiment logs, and prepare for data analysis."

After he settled everything, he came to Nansen.

"Hey, you won't come here if you have nothing to do. What's the matter today? Is there any danger threatening the world?" Tony stopped to take a sip of water and asked Nansen.

Nansen finally decided to tell Tony Stark about it. As their son, he is entitled and should know about it.

"Actually, I'm going to tell you one thing, and I hope you can be mentally prepared." Nansen said to Tony.

"Is there something wrong with my mental state? Nansen, stop joking, just say what you want." Tony went to pour a glass of wine at the moment, and poured another glass for Nansen at the same time, and then said cheerfully.

Looking at Tony's state, Nansen could only choose to tell him directly, "Your parents didn't die by accident, but were killed!"

The moment Nansen's words appeared, the glass in Tony's hand fell to the ground, and the wine spilled, but he didn't care about it.

He just opened his eyes wide and looked at Nansen in disbelief, "Do you understand what you're talking about?"

Nansen nodded, Tony's eyeballs quickly became bloodshot, and he even felt a little dizzy at the moment, as if the fatigue of the past few days broke out at this moment.

"Nansen, I need the truth!" Tony breathed hard, and his eyes even seemed dark.

All of a sudden, all the mechanical creations placed in the basement at this moment suddenly turned into robots one by one in a burst of noise.

The moment they woke up, they pointed the weapons in their hands at Nansen, and Tony waved his hand hastily, "He is not a villain, you disarm."

Those robots looked at Tony in surprise, but quickly put on their disguise again.

Tony recovered a bit, then took Nansen to the living room upstairs, and said to Nansen with a solemn face: "Nansen, you are my friend.

I don't want you to joke with me about this matter, now, can you tell me what happened? "

Nansen directly released the video of Bucky the Winter Soldier killing his parents, and it was up to Tony to choose what to do next.

"What you saw was what happened, but at the time he was also controlled by Hydra.

If you think it is necessary, I can gather you together. As for what you want to do next, it is your own business.

However, I hope that you will not be overwhelmed by anger. Everything is right and wrong, and it is impossible to judge after all. " Nansen said this to Tony, and then disappeared.

When Nansen reappeared, he was already in London wearing a dark suit.

Next, he will go to a hero's funeral.

The people mourned at the funeral, and the eye sockets of the man who carried the coffin had already started to turn red, because this time he came to attend the funeral of an old man.

The beauty has passed away, but he still looks like he is still in his prime.

"Sir, all the relatives and friends who came to this memorial service are her relatives and friends, who are you?" When Nansen was about to enter the church, the security guard at the door stopped Nansen's exit and asked.

Nansen turned to look at him, his figure gradually faded, and then slowly walked into the church. .

Standing on the podium at the moment is a young lady, with tears in her eyes, telling about her past with Ms. Carter.

But the Captain America in the audience was sitting withered at the moment, his expression seemed to be filled with emotion.

Soon, everyone left. Ms. Carter was a successful diplomat and an excellent female spy. She even founded SHIELD with Howard Stark and others.

But she will still die, and now she has completely bid farewell to this world.

After everyone left, only Captain America Rogers was standing alone in the church in pain. He seemed to be remembering and praying.

"Hi, Rogers, long time no see." Nansen's appearance broke the silence.

After Captain America turned around, he found a bouquet of white roses on Nansen's chest, and he was walking gradually at this moment.

Captain America asked Nansen in surprise, "Why did you come here?"

Nansen smiled, and then went to Ms. Carter's portrait and placed a bouquet of white roses.

"I'm here to find you. You should have been in contact with Bucky Barnes in recent years." Nansen asked.

Rogers did not deny, "Yes, I even fought him when we hunted down Hydra Pierce before, enough that he ran away and I don't know where he is.

He even said that I have been looking for him all these years. He was controlled by others and did not know me. "

He slowly said to Nansen, the meeting of friends, the death of beauty today, Captain America, the grandfather's superhero, really felt lonely at this moment.

But his nostalgia didn't last long, and soon he asked aloud: "Nansen, did he appear again and do something bad?"

Nansen sighed, and slowly told Rogers what the Winter Soldier Bucky had done.

Nansen even told him that he had told Tony Stark the news, and hoped that he could find Bucky the Winter Soldier as soon as possible, otherwise it would be difficult for anyone to say what happened next.

After all, he thought that Tony should know the news, and this was the truth.

Rogers seemed very distressed on the spot. On the one hand, he was his friend after waking up, and on the other hand, he was his gay friend.

Those people he was familiar with could be said to have been crushed by time, leaving only a bunch of dry bones. After Carter died, Bucky might really be the only one left.

Rogers wanted to excuse Bucky for the crimes he committed, but now he can't find Bucky at all.

Nansen left London after telling Rogers the news.

Because of his appearance, there is no Kosovia incident in this world, but the Winter Soldier killed his parents, but it cannot be changed at all.

Before leaving, Nansen told Steve Rogers that if he really found Winter Soldier Bucky in advance, he hoped that he could persuade Winter Soldier to calm down and talk to Tony.

You can even take the Winter Soldier to find Professor X. Professor X can completely help the Winter Soldier and turn him back into a normal person.

Soon, a worldwide search for Bucky the Winter Soldier began in full swing.

At this moment, Nansen received a call, which showed an unknown number, and it should not be the superpowers.

Because those people with names and surnames have already been registered on the spiritual network by the ** professor, and they can contact Nansen online.

After Nansen connected, a pleasant bass sounded from the opposite side, but the voice was full of anxiety, "Hello, is this Mr. Nansen?

That's right, I'm your fan, to be precise I've admired you for a long time, it's your existence that has allowed the earth to enter the super-rapid stage of development it is today.

Even now you are the only one known among human beings who returned from traveling in the universe, I really admire you..."

Nansen listened to him talking nonsense for a long time, and was already ready to hang up the phone. He was actually just curious, how did this person get his phone number, and is the current information leak so terrible?

Just when Nansen was about to hang up the phone without saying a word, a hurried voice sounded from the other side as if he had predicted it, "Sir, please don't hang up the phone.

I have said so much before, you can understand it as nonsense, but I need your help very urgently. "

"How did you get my phone number?" Nansen asked exiting.

"Ah? It's like this. I once treated a patient, and he gave me a call when I called for help later.

He said that he used to be your classmate, but now I don't know if you have changed your phone number. I just kept watching, but I didn't expect to get through. "

"Okay, what's the matter? You also understand the importance of time, I hope you can explain your matter as soon as possible, and see if I can help you." Nansen said to the other end of the phone.

The middle-aged man began to quickly get to the point at this moment, "My name is Stephen Strange, I was a surgeon before, and I can be considered a famous one.

I have saved many, many patients, and saved many people from death. It can be said that I have made great contributions to this society.

But because of a car accident, my hand is now useless, and I hope to get your help.

I think in this world, you are the only one who can help me. "

After hearing this, Nansen thought for a while, "Stephen Strange?"

"Yes, that's me. I have asked many people and used many solutions. I even purchased the highest-grade X-gene medicine from the 'Shadow Watch' company.

I hope to awaken the ability to heal tiredness, but it doesn't work. I'm almost desperate, so I can only ask you for help. "

His words contain this vicissitudes, but also soaked in despair.

For a man who has acquired huge money and status by relying on a scalpel, damage to the nerves in his hands is definitely equivalent to a fatal blow to his life.

Nansen could imagine his despair, and it was precisely because of his despair that he desperately found Nansen's contact information and made this call.

However, Stephen Strange is no stranger to the name Nansen, and he will become the famous Doctor Strange in the future.

Nansen recalled, now that Stephen Strange has been in a car accident, does it mean that Casillas has actually discovered the secret of the supreme mage Gu Yi, and has decided to betray her and summon more Mam!

"Mr. Nansen?" Strange on the other end of the phone did not hear Nansen's voice, and asked in a low voice at this moment.

At this moment, Nansen felt multiple huge waves of magic power on the streets of London, and that location was just a few streets away from him.

"Yes, yes, I'm here, and I'll go to you soon, but I have some things I need to do now." Nansen said quickly to Stephen Strange on the other end of the phone.

As soon as the voice fell, Nansen hung up the phone, and then, ignoring the surprised eyes of others, he rose above the sky. At this moment, he looked up and saw the third street on the left of him, which had already fallen into the mirror space. Inside.

There are people coming and going, but all the people don't seem to notice.

In just an instant, Nansen came to the mirror door, and then a stream of regular energy emerged from Nansen's body, and he integrated himself into the mirror space.

(End of this chapter)

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