A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 208 207. The Follow-up of the War and the Development of the Earth

Chapter 208 207. The Follow-up of the War and the Development of the Earth
The battle on the Wakanda side soon ended, and all the fighters on the Wakanda side died.

After Prince T'Challa crawled out from the pile of dead people, he looked at the warriors who used their flesh and blood as shields, and stood there for a long time without saying a word.

He didn't blame Nansen for not using his full strength against Ultron from the beginning, because he also understood that it was impossible for the two sides to show all their cards at the beginning of the battle.

There will always be a little behind-the-scenes hidden between each other, waiting for a rainy day.

He just felt very uncomfortable, because these were his subjects who died, and he, the prince, had no ability to protect his subjects at that time, this time it was the source of his regret.

While cleaning the battlefield, Nansen also saw Prince T'Challa's loneliness. He looked up at Wakanda, which was in ruins due to the war, and didn't know how to comfort him.

Because in the final analysis, this pot was caused by Iron Man Tony. His idea was very good, but he just created a mechanical fanatic who wanted to destroy mankind.

At the moment the battle was over, Tony also dragged his scarred armor, not knowing what to say, he looked at the lonely Prince T'Challa, stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder: "I'm sorry, the mistake was made by me, but I I don’t know how to compensate you at all.”

Tony Stark has many shortcomings and advantages, but after depriving all his aura, his most prominent advantage is that he is rich.

But no matter how rich he is, there is really no one in Wakanda who is rich.

Prince T'Challa actually wanted to punch him with his fists, but at the moment he felt tired and gave up the idea, walking step by step between the battlefields.

Some time later, it has been two weeks since the last defense of Wakanda.

During this time, Wakanda has returned to its former appearance on the outside, but the psychological trauma of the battle has not been eliminated.

At the same time, the former King T'Chaka the Black Panther has announced his resignation, and the King of Wakanda will be replaced by Prince T'Challa, the new Black Panther, or he should be His Majesty now.

After T'Challa took office, he announced that he had joined the New Earth City-State, and won two seats on the highest committee in the city-state, sharing the Xandar technology brought by Nansen with the New Earth City-State in all aspects.

At the same time, they have also opened up their own technology, and the two can complement each other.

Those robot legions were also demolished to the last piece, and the war between the networks was led by Professor X to win the final victory.

When they found Ultron's travel log and finally destroyed the last data hard disk that Ultron stored for themselves all over the world, it marked that Ultron was finally completely wiped out.

Vision finally chose to stay in Wakanda, this is the place where he was born, and he also chose to guard it.

And Nansen also gave the soul gem to Wakanda for them to keep, so as to soothe their wounds after the war.

After Dr. Zhao Hailun fully regained her consciousness, she also realized what she had done.

Eventually she quit her job and chose to stay in Wakanda to make up for the mistakes she had made by being held under control.

After all, the world is back on track, and Professor X even unites various countries in the world with the help of the alien technology brought by Nansen and the genetic medicine in his hands.

An existence similar to the 'United Nations' has been formed, but because of the powerful cards in the hands, this 'United Nations' has more powerful weapons and rights.

There is a vague tendency to integrate various forces on the earth into a new federation. The world seems to be developing majesticly every day. Human beings are integrating all resources, accelerating the global supernaturalization, and moving towards the stars and the sea. leap.

At the same time, on this day, Yondu's predator fleet also arrived, and their arrival on the earth seemed mighty.

This is the second time aliens have come to Earth in large numbers after the Chitauri Stars invaded Earth last time.

It's just that their arrival this time is not for war, but to bring trade to the earth.

The earth wants to develop vigorously now. Although technology is available, more things seem to be scarce.

It's like scientists understand the technology and understand the manufacturing process, but the materials in the earth are not up to standard, and they still can't manufacture products that meet the requirements.

For this reason, the earth even sent a large number of people to follow Yondu's fleet to the universe. They will learn what the most real universe looks like, and then come back to bring changes to humans on the earth.

As for the specific trade items for this first trade, there is no need for Nansen to worry about this. Naturally, someone will consider all of this.

Now, he is enjoying his vacation peacefully, happily basking in the sun on his private island in the Pacific Ocean.

Next to him, Skye and Lorelei accompanied Nansen, one left and one right, and the taste of this was not something ordinary people could understand.

Now there is a legend in the college that the dean of the school's mage college and the dean of the alien college have eloped with the school's student union president.

Although the chairman, most of the newcomers have never really met.

A leisurely life is always beautiful, but one day Nansen received a notice from Professor X, "Nansen, one of our training grounds has been attacked, this time the attacker is a person who can shrink himself, you let I helped you pay attention, now that he has appeared, it's time for you to dispatch."

"Okay professor, you must have locked it, can you tell me the address later?" Nansen replied.

Not long after, Professor X sent an address message to Nansen's mind.

The battle suit on Ant-Man is a good thing, and the Pym particles and Pym equations represented by the suit are even more priceless.

Even if this kind of thing is placed under the big system of the universe, it will be a good thing, and Nansen will naturally not miss it.

But now that he thought about it, he should help Hank Pym get rid of his outstanding student first.

"Hey, ladies, my vacation is over, and I'm going to go to work next." Nansen got up and said to Skye and Lorelei.

The two of them looked at Nansen helplessly, "Are you going to save the world again?"

"Haha, saving the world is not enough, but now a respectable old man needs my help.

Otherwise, he will instigate his successors to commit crimes. You must know that crime is not a good thing after all. Nansen replied with a smile.

Afterwards, he was fully dressed, stepped out and disappeared on their private island.

In fact, the reason why Nansen pays so much attention to Ant-Man is because he wants to know, what will happen if the Ant-Man suit is strengthened?

Can people come and go freely into the real microcosm between worlds?
(End of this chapter)

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