A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 20 20. I want to send you to see the brain (part 3)

Chapter 20 20. I want to send you to see the brain (third)

Looking at Skye's aggrieved face, Nansen smiled and divided more than half of the seafood in his bowl into Skye's bowl.

No need to think about it, this is naturally the credit of the enhancement machine. Although it is just a dilapidated old enhancement machine, its various miracles are completely incredible.

The dinner was quickly passed in such a pleasant atmosphere. Although Skye didn't quite understand why there was seafood in the seafood fish pan noodles, it was enough for her to understand that Nansen's ability was amazing.

After eating, each of them hiccupped involuntarily, then looked at each other and smiled again.

Nansen and Skye were far apart before, but they are actually very close in their hearts.

But now that they lived in a house, they kept alienating a little bit.

It's like you can vomit your heart and soul in the face of unfamiliar netizens, but you can hide it from some close friends.

But between this bowl of instant noodles, the distance between the two was drawn closer unconsciously.

Suddenly, Nansen felt a vigorous breath of life rising from his body, his whole body was full of vitality, and he felt a burst of sincere comfort with the relaxation of his pores.

In a vague way, Nansen had a bold guess. He picked up a kitchen knife from the kitchen, and then gently cut it along his arm, and the bright red blood overflowed.

Seeing this scene, Skye already wanted to come forward and snatch the kitchen knife from Nansen's hand. She had already decided in her heart that even if she went to the black bank system, she would still get money to send Nansen to the brain department.

But unexpectedly, the wound in Nansen's hand began to heal spontaneously in the next second, and the wound was fully healed within one breath, and the speed was jaw-dropping.

In Skye's shocked eyes, Nansen picked up a towel and wiped off the blood on his arm, and all traces disappeared.

His arm still looked the same as before, as if it hadn't been hurt at all.

Looking at this phenomenon, Nansen also knew that his guess had been verified.

"The nourishment of the sea breeds the majesty of life. Eat this bowl of noodles and run in the sunset to your heart's content."

Looking at this sentence now, it actually means that after eating that bowl of noodles, the vitality will be greatly strengthened, and then you can enjoy the waves, and you can row a boat without an oar.

Thinking of this, Nansen silently looked at the other instant noodles, as if he had once again opened up a new world.

However, Nansen could clearly feel that the huge vitality was not in his body all the time, but was gradually passing away with time.

If it were to be the same, the enhanced bowl of instant noodles would be equivalent to a very powerful buff. Although the effect is very strong, it has a limited duration.

After discovering this, Nansen felt that he could not delay for a moment. He hurriedly turned his head to look at Skye, fixed his eyes on her eyes and asked aloud, "Skye, do you have any stockings? Lend me some." .”

Skye was stunned for a second, and then yelled: "Ah...you pervert, I definitely should take you to the brain department."

Nansen felt inexplicably exhausted at the moment, and even his forehead was covered with black lines.

Since when has this girl wanted to take me to the brain department?Why, does my brain look sick?

Nan Senzai thought about it carefully, and it seemed a little bit, how can a high school boy ask another high school girl for stockings?

Everyone is at the age of strong hormones, and boys are more eager at this age.

So why do you want my stockings?I'm panicked if you want it, do you understand?

In the end, Nansen explained to Skye, which relieved Skye's inner panic, and also dispelled her thoughts of taking Nansen to see a brain department.

However, Skye still asked suspiciously: "You actually want to put stockings on your head, and then go out to be a vigilante and punish those criminals?"

After hearing this, Nansen nodded and said, "It's not entirely true what you said, but my behavior can be described in this way to a certain extent, but it's a little different from what you think."

Skye nodded after hearing this. Although what Nansen said was a bit vague, his behavior has made it very clear, that is, to go out and do good things, and he doesn't want to be named.

Nansen analyzed it before, and now there are only two ways for him to continuously and quickly obtain strengthening values. One way is to take out +10 bricks, stand in the crowded air, and do something that both people and gods hate.

The other is to incarnate the umbrella of the weak in the night, protecting those poor people from being attacked by the claws of the night.

Of course, at that time, both of these two paths were rejected by Nan Sengen.

It's just different now. Not only has his physical fitness been greatly improved, but he also has a handy weapon and a super self-healing ability for a period of time, which paves the way for him to do the second thing. .

Some real bosses, Nansen, are still afraid to go against them now, but it is still no problem to educate some gangsters who like to bully in the dark.

While rescuing those suffering people, I can also conduct ideological and moral education to those criminals.

Nansen feels very excited when he thinks about it. Those regrets definitely pay off a lot every minute, especially if they are sent to prison, it will load them with a state of continuous regret.

Thinking of this, Nansen couldn't wait to go out and fight for justice.

In addition to these, Nansen also had his own calculations in mind. He needed money now, and fighting crime in the dark was actually a good way to make money.

Although the means are not so bright, those bright superheroes also need to eat, don't they?
Especially Skye is now in the developmental stage of his life, nutrition is essential, otherwise he will be stunted, and if he is stunted, he will have a poor figure.

Hey, raising a beautiful girl at home is really not worry-free!
Although Skye's hacking skills are also very superb, and it stands to reason that he can make money, but in the current society, the United States has written all the methods of hackers to make money quickly into the criminal law.

Nansen is not Magneto, and he can't bring Skye to confront the US government.

It's not bad to ask her to obediently accept private work, but Skye is actually very obsessed now, all he thinks about is the hammer, and he doesn't have that mood at all.

Therefore, the important task of supporting the family can only fall on Nansen in a short time.

Thinking of this, Nansen felt inexplicably miserable. Although he was carrying the most cost-effective enhancement machine, he was poor.

Just when Nansen was feeling emotional, Skye took out something from her salute, then threw it to Nansen, and said at the same time: "Don't even think about using stockings, even if you go to save people, Can only look like a badass.

Why don't you use this one? I wore it when I was young, and it's just right for you now. "

Skye said it was easy, but Nansen felt that the object in his hand was so heavy, did he really want to go out with this object?
Compared with the stockings, that thing really makes me look like a good person, because she is a policeman character in the anime character.

Powerpuff Girls Huahua's Q-version limited headgear.

Although Nansen was very unwilling, it was better than Skye throwing him a Teletubbies.

But still, what a shame!

 The third shift is over, and I will continue to go to the factory for an internship tomorrow. I will not be able to leave Sichuan until NO.30 and go back to school. I can only guarantee continuous updates. I hope everyone understands.

  Now, continue to ask for tickets, ask for maintenance, ask for book lists, and most importantly, please don't cancel your favorites.

  Finally, I would like to ask everyone, have you watched The Powerpuff Girls?
(End of this chapter)

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