A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 197. 196. Forming a Cosmic Caravan

Chapter 197. 196. Forming a Cosmic Caravan
In this storm, the whistle arrow couldn't get close at all, and was eventually blown back. Yondu, the main recipient of Nansen's punch, finally hit the alloy corridor behind and passed out.

Looking at the people who fell to the ground, Nansen finally finished his work.

Then after he marked everyone here with a magic ban, he began to tour the spaceship.

In the end, Nansen had to admit that it looked really messy here, like some messy boys' dormitories, but the number of people on this battleship was many times more than the number of boys' dormitories.

During Nansen's tour on the boat, there were still many people. They all launched an attack after seeing Nansen, but they were finally knocked down by Nansen, and then set a ban.

In this way, Nansen walked all the way to the bridge of this battleship, but it seems that there is no one here now.

Time passed like this for a while, and after waking up, Yondu rushed into the bridge with a group of people.

"Who are you? I've never heard that there is such a powerful race like you in the universe." He said first after entering.

Looking at the lonely universe outside, Nansen exited with a large number of predator warships and said, "I'm from Earth, just like Quill."

Hearing that Nansen is also an Earthling, his subordinates were extremely surprised. Many of them even wanted to eat Quill when he was a child, but now they really understand the horror of Earthlings.

"Earthlings, this is impossible!" Yondu first rejected Nansen's words.

Among these predators in the universe, they all think that the earth is a remote and backward planet.

It is not even possible to migrate to nearby planets on a large scale, and can only engage in endless wars on the planet's native land.

For these predators, even if it is plunder, they will not plunder the earth. Unless someone spends a lot of money to hire them, otherwise it must be a loss-making business.

At this moment, one of Yondu's subordinates, who was blind, had quietly picked up his weapon, and under the cover of the crowd, pointed the gun at Nansen.

With a fluke mentality, it is always the expectation in the heart of every intelligent race.

Nansen didn't see his little trick, but it didn't prevent him from sensing it. Then Nansen stretched out his fingers and snapped them crisply.

With a "snap", just when Yondu was still feeling confused, the man who pointed the gun at Nansen's back had already collapsed to the ground.

Yondu looked angry on the spot, "What did you do to my men?"

"Knowing that he is your subordinate, then I hope you manage your subordinates well, it is always impolite to point a gun at someone.

I just knocked him down before he fired his plasma cannon at me. "During the speech, Nansen had turned around to look at Yondu.

Yondu hurriedly checked the life signs of his subordinates, and he was relieved when he found that he was not dead.

After all, at this time, no matter how unqualified the boss is, he knows that he should care about his subordinates, so as to save people from being distracted.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense with you, let me just say it, everyone I met on this ship, I have issued a ban on you, as long as you have evil thoughts towards me, I will know.

And if you move your mind, you will lose your resistance or die completely, but I haven't killed a single person since I boarded the ship, I hope you don't play with fire and set yourself on fire. " Nansen said in his mouth, his eyes were cold.

Yondu is a mature character. Although he has made many mistakes before, he will understand that the situation is better than people. This is the most basic truth.

So he hurriedly began to restrain his subordinates, and don't let them do any outrageous actions against Nansen. Who knows whether Nansen will kill him next time.

"So, what do you want us to do for you? I admit that I was wrong this time, and I hope you will not be too angry." Yongdu said to Nansen. After speaking, Yongdu waved all his subordinates to leave first bridge.

Nansen was not wrong. He has great strength since he boarded the ship, but he did not kill. This is obviously a request to Yondu and his party. He is now waiting to hear Nansen's request.

At this moment, only Nansen and Yongdu were left in the bridge, Nansen smiled: "By the way, are you going to be a predator for the rest of your life?"

Nansen's words made Yondu stunned for a moment, and subconsciously said: "Otherwise? What else can we people do?"

"There are so many things you can do, I hope you can form a caravan for the earth.

As a predator, you must have accumulated a huge network over the years. Using you as a caravan will naturally reduce the risk of being robbed.

Besides, as a robbery expert, this is also your profession, just do it if you don't want to be cowardly, and you must have experienced black people. " Nansen said in his mouth.

Yondu was surprised when he heard about it, "Caravan? You asked a group of outlaws from the universe to form a caravan for you? Are you crazy?"

Regarding Yondu's words, Nansen smiled instead, "I'm not crazy, Mr. Yondu, people always have to pay for their mistakes.

You first misjudged Quill's whereabouts, and then you misjudged my strength. It can be said that the lives of everyone on your battleship are already in my hands.

With one thought from me, you're all going to die. "

Yondu is also a ruthless character, and immediately said to Nansen: "What if I say no? Even if you kill us all, my men will blow up this battleship.

Lost the spaceship, no matter how strong you are?What can you do in this light-year-span universe? "

The bargaining chips of both parties have already been placed on the table at this moment, and Nansen holds the lives of these crew members.

And Yondu's attitude is obvious, if you really want to kill us, we will drag you to be buried with you, the standard barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes.

A large part of the cosmic predators are people who are wanted by their own civilization. They have long since lost their own homes, and they just live and eat in the universe.

In Yondu's perception, a little boy like Nansen should be more afraid at this moment, like a bandit with bombs strapped all over his body.

Even if you put a gun on his head, he will still tell you stubbornly, as long as I die, everyone will finish the game together.

However, Nansen was still smiling. It was this kind of smile that made Yondu panic for a while, but now Yondu felt at ease.

Because he understands that Nansen is not a lunatic.

"Don't be so tight, even if your subordinates blow up this ship, I will be safe and sound. At worst, I will continue to snatch your spaceship. For this, you can guess whether I can do it." Nansen smiled Said this sentence.

In a word, Yondu's heart sank again.

But Nansen went on to say: "In fact, we can really cooperate. Most of these people on your ship are homeless. No civilization will accept you, but we are different.

The earth is a new civilization, and it is now a planet-level civilization, which has no connection with the universe at all, and we can accept you.

Moreover, it is not a shame to be a caravan of our earth. Our development needs some metals and materials in the universe.

And the universe also needs some things that only our earth has. "

Hearing the first half of Nansen's words, Yondu still seemed thoughtful, but the second half made him laugh and show his leaky teeth.

"Have you ever thought about how valuable Quill's Walkman will be in the universe?" Nansen asked with a smile.

Yondu immediately expressed disdain, "It's just a child's toy, as long as one person can make that kind of thing."

"It's true, but the problem is that the songs he sang in his Walkman may not necessarily have singers in every civilization!" Nansen said slowly.

What he said was not nonsense. In Xandar's prison, one of the prison personnel couldn't forget Quill's Walkman, and even shook his head when he listened to it.

And during his visit to Xandar, Nansen clearly discovered that they had no means of entertainment.

The happiest thing is actually to go to the park established by the government as a family, and there is no two-dimensional, otaku culture, let alone those brain-opening movies on earth.

Nansen clearly remembered that in Thor III, even Gao Tianzun, who was so awesome that he exploded, just liked to open an arena and watch people fight.

This single entertainment method still existed in the Middle Ages on earth.

Nansen's words made Yongdu fall into deep thought, because what Nansen said was true, even if he wanted to listen to Quill's Walkman, he was not allowed, but the melody of the music in it was really nice.

While Yondu was thinking, Nansen had already turned on the radio in the spacecraft, turned on the music on his mobile phone, and placed it next to the radio.

Afterwards, the classic song "Beat It" from the Earth sounded on the entire battleship, including those of Yondu's subordinates!
Against the background of the music, Nansen's voice slowly rang in Yondu's ears, "You can bring out some of the entertainment culture on Earth to enliven this universe.

And bring back some things that the earth needs in the universe to help the earth develop.

You can imagine that in the end you will be the founders of the new civilization, and we will record your legacy in the history books, and let the newborns of our civilization sing and sing about it.

You are no longer a group of murderers and robbers, but our friends in the universe. Some civilizations in the same universe will accept you. You have brought them relaxation in their boring and painful lives.

You can understand the word star, their existence may not be as magnificent as the heroes in the universe.

But there will definitely be a large number of followers as supporters, and you can proudly say that you have spread these people to every corner of the universe.

Let their beautiful singing or cool talents get a broader platform, imagine how other civilizations will support you by that time?
You will be the sages who pass the fire among civilizations, and you are the other side who spread the time in the universe. "

(End of this chapter)

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