A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 195 194. Harvest and Farewell

Chapter 195 194. Harvest and Farewell

The next step is the reception of Nansen's people by the top executive of Xandar, which seems lengthy and complicated.

However, a live broadcast was directly carried out in the whole universe, and the outstanding performance of Nansen and Star-Lord Quill was rewarded.

After the awards are over, Ronan will be executed in public. Xandar and the others are not stupid. It is impossible to say that Ronan will be given a chance to escape from prison.

Now under Nansen's restriction, Ronan can only be slaughtered.

When the execution was complete, Nansen went into a back room and began to demand the fulfillment of her previous promises from the Chief Executive of Xandar.

In the secret room, Nansen and her were sitting at the moment.

She took a sip of water, her face was calm and elegant, "Okay, you can make your request now, but please remember that this request is not made by the Xandar civilization, and I was the one who made the promise at the beginning."

Nansen nodded without denying, "I come from a remote planet, where the technology is very backward.

Most people live on the surface of that planet. My request is actually very simple, that is, I hope you can provide me with detailed theoretical knowledge of science and technology.

It can help my home planet step into the interstellar civilization, I think this should not be a difficult task for you. "

Regarding Nansen's words, she thought about it for a while, and then agreed. These things Nansen proposed were indeed not too much.

Even, as long as Nansen is willing, many materials can be bought on the black market, but those materials may not be comprehensive enough, and Nansen needs to spend time and money to sort them out.

"Your request is fine, but I will not show Xandar's technology and technology in recent years.

In order to demonstrate my sincerity in long-term cooperation with you and your civilization, I am willing to package all the technologies of my civilization 200 years ago to you directly. "

The time point was stuck by her from 200 years ago, but Nansen did not appear annoyed. For the current technology of the earth, the complete technology that Xandar is willing to give is already considered precious, enough for those The scientist gnawed on it for a while.

After the negotiation was over, she summoned people to sort out the information he wanted for Nansen. At Nansen's request, she finally stored it in a semiconductor storage for Nansen to take away.

Nansen's request is quite satisfactory, and it can save a lot of time for him to collect.

And for this Xandar civilization, it has also gained a young but cutting-edge and powerful civilization friendship.

No matter how you look at it, it is not considered a loss-making business.

In the end, Nansen asked Xander for a medium-sized fighter plane in the universe, and his request was very reasonable.

After all, he sent Ronan and his huge black battleship with his own hands. It is not too much to send a big one and ask for a small one.

The Xandar civilization asked Nansen to make his own requirements, and then drew a model diagram, and then they decided to make a space fighter that met his requirements specifically for Nansen.

Nansen could only admire their pretentious methods.

During this period of time, Xandar completely regarded Nansen and Quill as honored guests, and was led by a special person to visit the entire Xandar civilization.

After careful feeling, Nansen truly understood the powerful civilization in this universe.

In this way, Nansen stayed in Xandar for seven days, and even with Star-Lord Quill, they also relaxed.

When Nansen received the notice that his fighter was ready, Nansen was still very surprised.

But then, under the guidance of the Xandar people, he took Nansen directly to the fighter plane factory.

When Nansen saw the real fighter plane he had drawn, the shock in his heart was naturally self-evident.

It is streamlined as a whole, and there are three splitter plates at the rear end of the wing, which is convenient for it to perform various speed changes inside the atmosphere.

There are six splitter plates in total, and when they are opened, it looks like there are three tail fins at the rear.

In terms of engine and weapon loading, Xandar is not stingy, and what Nansen uses is their latest technology.

They are not afraid that the earthlings will steal these things. After all, the science and technology are placed there, even if the results are given to the earth, the earthlings cannot make them.

Besides, there are differences in these materials, and so on and so on!

It can be said that even if Nansen brought their 200-year-old scientific and technological materials back to the earth, it would take several years for the earth to fully digest them.

The weapons and engines on the Nansen fighter plane will take at least a hundred years for the people on earth, which is the pride of their Xandar people.

When Nansen got everything done, it was natural that it was time to set off. In the end, Nansen, Quill, and Gamora could only wave goodbye.

Quill excitedly told Nansen that they were going to form an independent force in the universe, and they even thought of a name: Guardians of the Galaxy!

Quill even asked Nansen excitedly, is this name cool enough?

For this, Rocket Raccoon looked disdainful, feeling that Quill was too naive, and Drakas got his revenge. Although he didn't do it himself, he seemed satisfied.

Gamora felt happily that she had broken free from the shackles of Thanos, and was willing to do some righteous things with Quill.

When Groot and Nansen parted, they smiled abnormally and said: "We are Groot!"

Then, in the shock of everyone, I watched the leaves all over his body gradually turn yellow, and even his branches withered up.

Just when everyone seemed flustered, a small tree figure walked out from the dilapidated ground.

"Uh, has he ever been like this before?" Nansen asked Rocket.

Rocket Raccoon was also very surprised, "I don't know, it's my first time to take care of this stupid tree, do they all reproduce like this?"

"Okay." Nansen also seemed powerless in this situation.

In the end, he let Lao Hei drive his new spaceship. After the transformation, he let out a weird shrill laugh, and then left through the air.

It's just that before Nansen left, he gave the Power Gem to Xandar and the Reality Gem to Gamora.

The power gems are guarded by Xandar, and Gamora and the others can take the reality gems to find collectors and exchange them for inexhaustible wealth on the way forward.

They didn't understand why Nansen did this, but Nansen knew that if he didn't do this, he probably wouldn't be able to get the soul gem in his life.

Only by paying these two gems can Thanos have the courage to collect infinite gems!

However, what none of them knew was that the nebula on Nansen's chest was now all lit up.

And on the star core in the middle of the nebula, there is already a touch of red and purple.

After Nansen had positioned his target, he was ready to go back with peace of mind, and he even seemed a little impatient.

But he didn't expect that when he flew out of Xandar, there was a sound in a corner of the universe.

"Yondu, Xandar has flown a brand new fighter plane, and according to our intelligence, that fighter plane was specially made for that man.

And he has been with Quill before, so I believe that Quill who betrayed you must also be on that fighter plane. "

At this moment, a blue-skinned figure was sitting and thinking. He had no hair on his head, but had a strange red device. He subconsciously touched his head.

Then, as if making up his mind, he said, "Fine, figure out his trajectory, and then we'll stop him!
Just grab Quill and I'll kill him with my own hands. "

A younger brother next to him reminded in a low voice at this moment: "Boss, they just captured Ronan alive on Ronan's battleship."

Yondu expressed disdain for this, "So what about Ronan? He doesn't have me."

After finishing speaking, he blew a whistle, and then the whistle arrow around his waist rose melodiously like a spirit snake.

(End of this chapter)

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