A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 188 187. Arrest and Imprisonment

Chapter 188 187. Arrest and Imprisonment
"True love will never reason with you when it comes, it may make you suffer for a while most of the time, and then you can enjoy the sweet fruit.

This is called "bitterness first, sweetness later" in the words of our eastern people on earth. You are only experiencing that extremely short-lived pain now. "Nansen folded his arms and said to Quill.

Quill got up from the ground helplessly, and complained vigorously: "Fuck her.

Why don't you hurry up and get the cosmic spirit ball back?That is the guarantee of our brothers' future rich life. "

Nansen waved his hand helplessly, "Quiel, you know, what attitude did people have towards wizards in the Middle Ages?

Even the delicate and big beauties are often trapped on the burning platform, with sharpened wood inserted into the body, and then set on fire.

When you first came to this highly developed civilization, you asked me to use my abilities. Are you sure you don't want to be burned to death with me? "

Nansen's words reminded Quill of those soldiers who had turned into mummified corpses before, and he couldn't help shivering.

Although he could hear that Nansen's words were nonsense, his ability was indeed not easy to use, but this was what Quayle thought under Nansen's guidance.

So Quill could only step forward bravely, chasing after Gamora alone.

Nansen took out an apple behind him and looked at it with a smile. He just didn't want to make a move.

It's like three people fighting the landlord, and there is a king bomb here, how do you play the following cards?
Soon, Rocket Raccoon and Treant Groot also appeared. They clearly saw in the reward list on the black market that Quill is now worth 4 yuan.

Although Nansen doesn't quite understand what the purchase index of the 4 yuan in the universe is, it's definitely not low. After all, the money that Yondu spends is a bounty for a serious adult.

Ever since, Nansen gnawed on an apple and stood on a high platform watching the farce between the three parties with great interest.

When he saw the rise, Nansen yelled at Groot twice: "Hi, brother, I am Groot!"

As a result, after hearing this, Groot looked up to see Nansen, his expression was full of dissatisfaction, and he responded loudly to Nansen: "I am Groot!"

Nansen clearly understood this sentence, he was expressing: "I am the tree person, you are not."

Immediately, Nansen felt satisfied. It seems that the language function of the system is indeed powerful. As long as it is a high-level intelligent group, he can understand what he means.

But this farce ended soon. After all, Xandar's Nova Corps was not a decoration. They didn't even use police cars.

Subsequently, both Rocket Raccoon and Groot, and even Gamora and Quill were arrested one by one.

In this regard, Nansen sat quietly with a group of melon eaters, as if he had nothing to do with himself.

But unexpectedly, two Nova fighters also drove over and locked him together. Immediately, Nansen was dissatisfied and asked loudly, "Hey, I'm just a melon eater? Why are you arresting me?
It can't be because I yelled a few words, right?Do you still have laws on Xandar planet! "

Then, a man's voice came out and said to Nansen: "You are an unregistered foreign stowaway, we must investigate your identity to prevent you from endangering public safety in Xandar.

Moreover, you came to the Xandar planet together with dangerous people, we must conduct a quarantine investigation on you. "

"Is it just a quarantine investigation?" Nansen asked.

The man replied sincerely: "Yes, sir, because you did not do anything that endangered the safety of the residents.

After investigating your identity, we will release or repatriate you, or you can notify your family members to submit bail. "

In this regard, Nansen shook his head helplessly, "There is no need for isolation and investigation. I am just a stowaway. Why don't we come and play with one ticket?"

While speaking, a slender blade flew out of Nansen's hand, and then the blade shone brightly, and directly slashed and exploded a Nova Fighter.

And the man who spoke to Nansen just now jumped out of the plane in a hurry to get out of danger, but he still looked unbelievable.

The young man who looked childish before directly slashed the Nova Fighter with a knife.

God, is he the most powerful predator in the universe?How can there be such ability.

In less than three seconds, Nansen was instantly surrounded by at least ten Nova fighters, and all their weapon bays were opened at the same time.

As long as Nansen moves slightly, he will directly fire at Nansen.

"Drop your arms, disarm!" Another, more stern voice remembered.

Then a power grid shot towards Nansen without warning, and the power grid was densely covered with high-voltage current. If it was an ordinary person, he would definitely faint after a period of pain.

Although Nansen didn't know how to do it, he still cooperated and eventually passed out.

Only then did the members of the Nova Legion on the spot breathe a sigh of relief. Quill, who was not far away, was stunned, and said dumbly: "Brother? Who said you can only do witchcraft?"

At this moment, Rocket Raccoon is also educating Groot together, "This kind of person is a real madman!"

Groot said dully, "Groot."

And Gamora has fainted at the moment, and can't see all the scenes of Nansen from showing off to being 'subdued'.

Because Nansen had a criminal record of blowing up a new star fighter, he was locked up with Xingjue and the others and was interrogated.

Not long after, Nansen and his party were sent to Kling Prison, a prison built between outer space and the highest level security prison on Xandar.

Considering Nansen's ability to control objects just now, they even wore a mental suppressor around Nansen's neck.

"Hey Nansen, didn't you say you wouldn't use your abilities casually?"

At this moment, everyone was walking on the road to the prison one after another, Quill asked Nansen helplessly.

Nansen seemed indifferent, "You will definitely be arrested, if I don't come, I won't even have a bread money on Xandar.

It's better to come in together, anyway, there will definitely be meals here. "

At this time, Groot said to Nansen behind him: "I am Groot!"

Nansen responded with a smile: "Yes, yes, we are friends, I know you want to be friends with me!"

Rocket Raccoon squeezed to Nansen at this moment, "Hey brother, I think you can join us, I can make a big ticket.

Like, how about we rob Xandar's central bank first?I'm in charge of fighting and planning, and you're in charge of fighting all the way in. This stupid tree man is my brother.

He can help us move all the cash in it, haha ​​we are going to send it. "

(End of this chapter)

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