A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 18 18. Strengthening in Progress (Part 1)

Chapter 18 18. Strengthening in progress (first update)
"What?" the master asked loudly, his face looked very unhappy, with flesh all over his black and red face.

Although he couldn't scare Skye like this at all, Skye suddenly forgot how to bargain, and couldn't help complaining in his heart.

A stinky man who obviously likes it so much, but still says he is not satisfied, duplicity.

"What's wrong, brother? Do you want better ones? Although I do have better ones, but at that price." He looked up and down Nansen while talking, no matter how he looked at that kind of thing, he didn't look like a high school student. Can afford it.

If Nansen is a master of collecting swords and swords, it's fine if he likes to collect such things. The things at his front desk may really make him look down on them.

But the master also has his own pride. Although he is not a famous master craftsman, can this poor-looking Chinese kid afford his hand-forged treasures?

Thinking of this, the master frowned again.

But he didn't think about it, but Nansen smiled shyly and said, "Well, I'm not satisfied because I don't have enough money to buy what you displayed at the front desk."

It turned out to be, can't afford it! ! !
The master's heart is full of exclamation points. If you can't afford it, you can say you can't afford it. If you say you are not satisfied, you always feel that you are here to find trouble.

But business is always to be done, if you can’t afford good ones, you’ll sell them bad ones yourself.

"Then come with me. Among the goods sent by the foundry, there are a few defective products. Come and see if you are satisfied?"

Ten minutes later, Nansen came out of the shop, holding three Tang knives in his arms, all in their sheaths.

Finally, after some discussion, although the other party gave the scabbard, but wanted the knife box, there was no way!

These knives are actually not much different from those displayed in the store. They are all directly produced from the factory, poured through molds, and then cut steel by machinery.

If it is a serious hand-forged knife, there are actually some there, but it is clear that Nansen does not have such financial resources at all.

The three knives that Nansen was holding were all defective products. Compared with the knives in the store, there was a big gap between the steel pattern and the corners.

Although it is mechanized production, the rate of defective products does exist. These are some defective products that Nansen is holding, but he is happy, as if he has earned [-] million yuan.

Skye felt a little helpless when he was next to him. Maybe this man's brain has lost his mind?

After spending 250 yuan on three knives, and using the rest of the money to buy discounted instant noodles and compressed biscuits in the supermarket, Nansen and Skye returned home.

When they went out this time, they had nothing left, but Nansen was full of joy in his heart.

After returning home, Nansen rushed into a small room and locked himself inside.

This is a grocery store in his home. The room is not big, and it is filled with all kinds of sundries and dust.

But Nansen didn't pay attention to these, instead he put the Tang Dao in his arms on the ground.

Pulling out one slowly, the light of the knife overflowed, and the cold light seemed to burst out like the moonlight. Unfortunately, there was a small gap on the back of the knife, which seemed to be broken, affecting the appearance .

In Nansen's mind, a prompt appeared clearly, "Would you like to strengthen the [defective standard Tang knife]?"


"Consuming one thousand strengthening points, strengthening..."

In an instant, the Tang knife in his hand disappeared.

Not long after, Nansen heard a jingle, and then a semi-virtualized screen popped up, "Enhancement failed, the material has been scrapped."

Nansen looked at the text twitchingly, and remained silent.

Soon the second Tang knife was sent into the strengthening furnace, and now he has more than 1 strengthening points one after another. Although he failed once, he didn't feel so distressed.

Soon, another paravirtualized screen pops up.

[+1 Defective Standard Tang Knife] Strengthened successfully.

Explanation: The standard equipment produced by machining, the progress in technology and efficiency makes the weapon lack the soul of ingenuity.

Attribute enhancement: The sharpness of gold increases the sharpness by [-]%.

Nansen looked at the weapon description with disdain on the corner of his mouth.

Heh, I am already poor enough to buy defective products, what the hell are you talking about with me?Wouldn't it be easier to kill someone?

Then, Nansen sent the last one to be strengthened as well, followed by a jingle, and this time it was also strengthened successfully.

Now Nansen looked at the remaining [-] strengthening points and chose to continue strengthening.

+2, +3, +4, this time his character exploded, and both weapons were strengthened to the level of +4 without breaking.

During this time, he also got two more [Elementary Cold Weapon Proficiency*1], but there was no very powerful attribute or skill like the +10 half brick.

There were only [-] reinforcement points left, so Nansen decided to study something else.

In addition to strengthening items and equipment, he is still able to strengthen the skills he owns now, and he also uses the old broken lottery turntable to draw prizes.

However, he only has two skills, [Elementary Cold Weapon Proficiency] and [Elementary Throwing Proficiency], and there is no need to strengthen them yet.

So Nansen is now even more curious about what can be drawn on that dilapidated old lottery turntable?
+10 enhanced volume?A powerful skill book?

Or it would be good to give some devil fruit seeds. By awakening other people's abilities, you can plant the seeds yourself, and wait for the fruit to bear, just eat the fruit.

In this way, with great anticipation, Nansen turned the dilapidated old lottery turntable after spending a thousand enhancement points.

Then, the lottery result was displayed immediately, "Thank you for participating!"

Nansen watched silently. It's a pity that his system can't absorb his own regret. If it could, how good would it be?

Taking advantage of this failure, Nansen chose to continue strengthening Tang Dao. He had a vague premonition that +5 was a hurdle. If this hurdle could be overcome, skills might appear.

After a while, Nansen's face looked extremely sad, and he failed again...
Seeing that there were more than 2000 strengthening points left, Nansen chose to continue.

A real man is a man who overcomes difficulties, and would rather die than be coaxed!
Otherwise, Nansen would not have cleared so many equipment in one night.

As Nansen sent the next Tang knife into the strengthening machine, the strengthening time was very short, but this short period of time made Nansen fully feel the feeling that seconds are like years.

Even if his strengthening value is not counted as the cost, the three Tang knives were bought in a package for 250 US dollars.

If all three failed, the mentality would definitely jump.

Finally, Nansen felt relieved when the word "strengthening success" appeared. This is completely a gambler's mentality.

 Thanks to 'Liu Lijin, Dongshan Village, Ningxiang County' for tipping another [-] starting coins.

  I promised three updates yesterday, so I continued to write. I hope that friends who see this can vote for a recommendation. If there is another one, I will have [-] recommendations this week. Thank you.

  Finally, the sexy little brother coded online and slipped away.

(End of this chapter)

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