Chapter 165 164. Killing Eve

Nansen was discussing such an important matter with Yashida Shingen before. Now that he has made a decision, it is naturally impossible to let all the distrustful people leave here.

With the mentality that I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go, I killed them all.

The raid didn't last long, everything happened suddenly and ended suddenly.

In fact, Nansen broke in and killed more than a dozen people who were not open-eyed, but Yashida Shingen directly slaughtered more than 20 people.

As a result, more than half of the people present were directly reduced, and the rest of the people are now bathed in blood.

Among them, Yashida Shingen had the most blood on his body. The weapons he used were two long swords. After killing at this moment, his whole body was covered with blood.

Nansen watched all this happen like this, without stopping or making another move, his eyes were indifferent.

"My lord!" After killing all those who were not direct descendants, Yashida Shingen once again knelt down in front of Nansen, with an incomparably loyal face.

Nansen suddenly felt a little tired, and said, "Send someone to clean up a room for me, I want to rest.

At the same time, you should come forward and compare information with Ichiro Odayama. My friend is called Wolverine Logan.

You must be able to guess where he was taken by your father?Combined with the information from Odayama Ichiro, I hope we can set off at dawn tomorrow.

And you try to clean up this garden, I don't like such a strong smell of blood. "

After finishing speaking, Nansen was about to leave, but suddenly he stopped when he thought of something, turned around and gave Yashida Shingen a purple potion.

"You can use this. After using it, you will also awaken your own abilities, but you have to understand that after using it, your life is completely in my hands."

After receiving the potion given by Nansen, Yashida Shingen bowed his head in thanks, but there was a trace of hesitation on his face.

But this layer of hesitation came and went quickly, leaving only a piece of icy determination.

Then he arranged for Nansen to live in the guest room of this manor. After all, the other houses had been occupied before, so it was definitely impossible to arrange such a house for Nansen.

Then, he greeted his subordinates and started to get busy.

Less than 10 minutes after Nansen entered, there was a sudden knock on the door. After Nansen allowed the entry, two young girls in kimonos walked in.

The age of the two seems to be no more than sixteen or seventeen, and there is even a lingering shyness on each other's faces.

This is naturally Yashida Shingen's flattery, Nansen shook his head helplessly, Yashida Shingen has actually gone crazy now.

He has been under the oppression of his own father for too long, and the outbreak at this moment even said that he has lost his humanity.

In the end, out of protection for the two girls, Nansen let them stay in his room, but he didn't do much.

When the next day dawned, the two girls obediently helped Nansen wash and dress without saying anything or asking any more questions.

When Nansen walked out of the room, the corpses and bloodstains in the garden had disappeared, and Yashida Shingen led the team to stand in front of Nansen's room.

At the same time, a group of warriors followed behind him. These people were all his direct descendants. They put away some hot warriors. At the moment, everyone was dressed like a ninja.

After Nansen saw it, he immediately became happy: "Xinxuan, can you still use these ninjas in your family?"

Xinxuan raised his head violently, his face is very strange now, one side is the flesh color of a normal person, and the other side is surrounded by black mist: "Master, in the Black Blade Clan, there will be some people like me Those who are unwilling to be buried."

Nansen listened to his high-sounding words, but in fact, it was just a power struggle within the family, "Okay, I see, the potion is not bad, and at the same time, have you and Ichiro Odayama managed everything?"

Shingen lowered his head and reported, "Yes, my lord, the place has been confirmed, and Odayama Ichiro will soon send a plane to take us there.

However, he said that his status is inconvenient and he cannot give us much help, and we still have to rely on ourselves. "

After Nansen finished listening, he smiled disdainfully: "You really are an old fox."

Any inconvenience is just a nonsense reason, in fact, it is more about wanting to test one's own strength.

Nansen's trip represented the 'New Earth Federation', and he originally had the purpose of wanting one person to suppress a country.

This also determines whether there will be any obstacles when Nansen integrates the earth's forces in the future.

But since that Odayama Ichiro has already stated his position in this way, I don't need to care about him any more in my future actions.

Now that it has been made clear that everything depends on strength, then let strength speak for itself.

Nansen looked at the neat phalanx in front of him. There were a lot of people here, but in Nansen's memory, compared with Yashida Ichiro who really mastered the Black Blade Clan, it was just a look.

In a daze, Nansen looked at the sky above his head, hoping that Wolverine would persist until he could save him.

"Then, thanks to the care of the two of you last night and this morning, it is inconvenient for you to come forward for the next matter, so please leave." Nansen said to the second daughter beside him.

The two girls didn't obey after hearing this, but their faces were firm, and then they took off their kimonos in front of everyone, but there was no vacuum under the kimonos.

Instead, they were dressed in ninja costumes and masks, and they instantly changed from the well-behaved maids to murderous ninjas.

Nansen had playfulness in his eyes, feeling that this country is indeed interesting.

Then he directly asked Yashida Shingen where the address was. After confirming the preparation coordinates, Nansen directly opened a portal, and then took everyone out of the Yashida family manor in the suburbs of Tokyo.

Then, everyone appeared in a place similar to a small village, but although it was early morning, there were no pedestrians on the street at all.

Everything is as silent as death, as if everyone here has been emptied, just to welcome Nansen's arrival at this moment.

At this moment, Yashida Shingen behind Nansen suddenly issued an order, and immediately all his men took out a white cloth strip and put it on their foreheads while wearing ninja clothes.

Nansen turned his head to look at their solemnity. Wearing this kind of white cloth on their heads clearly meant to send for mourning, but it actually also meant 'broken jade'.

The heart of rebellion has been clearly revealed.

Nansen didn't care about it, so he led them along the path of the village, all the way down.

(End of this chapter)

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