A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 163 162. Entering the Yashida Family

Chapter 163 162. Entering the Yashida Family
When Nansen decided to act, he set off quickly, and it didn't take long for him to take a private plane to the Sakura Country in the night.

This time he didn't directly open the portal to teleport. Nansen's coming this time has a deeper meaning, so naturally he can't sneak around.

But even though he has been as low-key as possible, a private Gulfstream G650 still makes him stand out. Of course, this plane is not his, but privately sponsored by Tony.

Now that the 'Earth's New City-State' is waiting to be rebuilt, Nansen, as the face of this force, naturally cannot look too shabby if he wants to go out.

After getting off the plane, a group of men in black were already waiting under the plane. When Nansen came forward, all of them looked very serious, even trembling, "Mr. Nansen, welcome to our country.

On behalf of the Emperor of my country, I extend my most sincere welcome to you and, if you have time, we hope to invite you to dinner with the Emperor at the Shrine in three days' time. "

For such a situation, Nansen did not seem surprised. Now is the Internet age, and everything that happened in New York has naturally been introduced to the eyes of everyone in the world.

And Nansen's performance in that battle was extremely brilliant. There were even gossips that Tony was finally rescued because of Nansen.

Now vaguely, Nansen already has the title of Earth No.1.

In addition, anyone with a bit of a brain will understand his involvement with the 'Shadow Watch' company.

If Nansen can please, Sakura Country will definitely remain in the first echelon under this world change, otherwise it will be a matter of time before they are left behind.

In the years of advocating science and technology, people have always emphasized people-oriented, but now the real global evolution, then people are the most important.

The simplest truth is, if Magneto is allowed to engage in work such as steelmaking and construction, how efficient will it be?
Nansen looked at the serious face of the middle-aged man in front of him with a smile, and shook his head, "I'm sorry, I just want to come here this time to relax, so I won't bother you."

Hearing what Nansen said, the middle-aged man didn't show any other emotions, he just bent down, held a business card in both hands and said: "My humble Oda Yamaichiro, director of the Super Talent Management Bureau.

If Mr. Nansen has any needs in China, please contact me, we will wholeheartedly settle everything for you. "

While he bowed, his subordinates also bowed together, and the whole scene was even more solemn.

After Nansen took the business card he handed over, one of Oda Yamaichiro's subordinates came over and handed over a box with both hands, hoping that Nansen would take it.

Soon, their group disappeared in front of Nansen's eyes in an extremely orderly manner. Without saying a word, they just left quietly.

As for the contents of that box, Nansen has already counted them. They are all in Japanese yen. There is a whole box. At the same time, there are various bank cards in the mezzanine of the box, and even the passwords are clearly marked.

This behavior of Sakura Country is obviously a matter that has been decided. Since Nansen is willing to be the first to bring here after the war, they will naturally do everything to satisfy Nansen.

And Nansen's trip this time is actually meant to be a professor, so I won't go into details about some high-level games among them.

The meaning of the professor is actually very simple, that is to let Nansen come to the Sakura Country head-on, and let him do everything else as he pleases.

Ever since, it was discovered in Sakura Country that the man who could intimidate a country suddenly disappeared in the airport and disappeared under their surveillance.

At the same time, in a small alley in Tokyo, Nansen appeared again, but now he has changed his appearance.

Hey, it's a kind of sadness that people are too famous.

Like all international metropolises, when night falls, Tokyo blooms its true colors.

Although Sakura Country has experienced the bursting of the economic bubble and the crisis of population aging, it is no longer as dazzling as it used to be.

But it is still an extremely large economy in the world, which makes the city of Tokyo still have an extremely shining vitality.

Under the Ginza, on Akihabara, Nansen finally reached the top of the Sky Tree, where there is no hustle and bustle in the world, and the view room is brightly lit.

After coming here, Nansen's mind moved slightly and connected to Professor X who was far away in New York.

"Professor, can you find him?" Nansen asked in his mind.

Now the professor has entered the fifth level of mutants. After passing through the brain wave amplifier, his eyes can cross the Pacific Ocean and come to this East Asian country.

After a while, the professor's unique voice sounded in Nansen's mind: "I can't find him, there are too many mutants in this city, it is impossible to find him.

In fact, he should really learn how to use a mobile phone, even if it is an elderly phone.

Then it's up to you to find it. "

The professor replied that the person he was looking for was naturally Wolverine, which was one of the reasons why Nansen chose to come here this time.

Wolverine Logan was on a trip to meet a dying friend, had been out of college for a while, and wasn't even at the Battle of New York.

As his neighbor and good friend in the college, Nansen naturally has the duty to undertake the job of finding him.

"Okay, I see." After replying this sentence, Nansen jumped off the sky tree directly.

His figure was silent, without attracting anyone's attention, and then Nansen came to the ground.

Nansen is willing to come, but in fact, he already understands which friend Wolverine is coming to meet with?
Soon, Nansen's figure appeared outside a manor like a ghost. The bright and dark whistle here had no meaning to Nansen.

This is the estate of the Yashida family. As the strongest entrepreneur in the Sakura country, its owner does not seem out of place here.

Moreover, it is a force capable of erasing a person's travel records and even all kinds of information on this planet.

Nansen could only think of this family as being related to Wolverine.

Immediately, Nansen began to ring the doorbell.

"Excuse me, who is it?"

The questioning at the other end of the doorbell was polite, but there was no lack of murderous intent around. Nansen at least felt that he had nine guns pointed at him now.

They are probably also surprised, where did this person come from?

"I'm a doctor who came here for fame. I saw the reward announcement issued by Mr. Yashida. If I can cure his disease, I can get [-]% of the company's shares. Is this true?"

What Nansen is now pretending to be is still a young man, but this young man makes the manor look extremely active, as if facing an enemy.

"please wait!"

While speaking this time, Nansen's various external information has been entered into the computer, searched and scanned, but in the end there is no information.

There is no record of the existence of this person in any aspect of the world today, as if he appeared out of thin air.

After Nansen waited for 5 minutes, there was still no response, but Nansen clearly felt that there were more people gathered in the shadows around him.

"Dingling", Nansen rang the doorbell again, and said aloud, "Can I go in?"

Only this time, there was no response.

In the end, Nansen became impatient for waiting, and with a slight movement of his mind, the gate made of special alloy in front of him was directly blown away.

At the same time, the people in the shadows also opened fire. All of a sudden, they even flew towards Nansen with a few arrows.

It's just that they couldn't even get close to Nansen. Nansen waited quietly for ten seconds, and all the bullets and arrows were tied into a ball on the outside.

"Have you played enough, now it's always my turn." Nansen said.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand, and the ball suddenly seemed to burst. All the attacks were endowed with a huge kinetic energy, and flew directly towards the original direction.

There were a few 'plop' sounds, and I don't know how many people flew down from the top of the wall of this manor.

Nansen then continued to walk in the courtyard, and soon a group of people continued to appear and continued to hunt Nansen, but their attacks seemed too bad.

Although Nansen is still carrying injuries, it is not easy to deal with them.

Dabbing lightly between his fingers, more than a dozen flying knives flew out behind Nansen. At this time, the weapon Nansen had used was damaged later.

But now he spent the enhanced crystals in the store to buy them again, and then the flying knives flew around, as if they were in the hands of the god of death.

With a slash of the knife, the moonlight appeared and was stained with a layer of blood.

Nansen walked all the way like this, killing all the way to the end. After all, he is not a role of the Virgin Mary, and he is already familiar with the plot.

Knowing what this family was like, he didn't feel guilty about killing Nansen.

When Nansen came all the way, the family also seemed to be in a panic. After all, no matter who was killed in such an inexplicable way, they would all appear to be in a panic.

Especially the Yashida family, their fortune was based on the national conditions at the time, and their hands were bloody during the rise.

So at this moment when someone knocked on the door, more people felt fear and panic.

But now a middle-aged man in the main hall stopped the situation with a roar, "Calm down, aren't you just an outsider? As for this?"

After finishing speaking, he got up and walked out wearing a samurai uniform of a daimyo of the Warring States Period, holding two sharp knives at the same time.

Nansen soon met him in the corridor of the garden.

"Who the hell are you?" The man yelled loudly, but he was actually delaying time.

Soon the official special operations teams will come over to suppress this kind of mutants who use supernatural powers to disrupt the order of the world.

Nansen looked at him with a smile, and said, "I am a doctor, and I can cure Patriarch Yashida's disease."

Hearing what Nansen said, Yashida Shingen certainly seemed disdainful. His father invested billions of dollars in order to cure his illness, which even made it difficult for the company to turn around.

You, a little kid, come here and say you can cure him, do you think we are all fools?
"If you can cure my father's disease, please stop, I can give you a chance." But before he opened his mouth, he said this.

Nansen spread his hands helplessly, "I didn't do much, but you kept ignoring me, and then I just wanted to open the door and come in by myself, after all, it's a matter of life and death.

With a little more time, there would be more confidence in the treatment. As a result, someone shot me directly as soon as I entered the door.

Afterwards, the harassment continued. In order to protect myself, I had no choice but to fight back. "

Nansen said with an innocent face, and the facts seemed to be exactly what he said, but the corpse on the ground proved that Nansen was not a good person.

"You!" Yashida Shingen seemed speechless, and finally could only look at Nansen with red eyes.

In fact, Nansen has already had his own guess by now, maybe Wolverine Logan has been controlled by Yashida Ichiro, the patriarch of the Yashida family.

It is estimated that they have been secretly held somewhere. As for whether their family has started to persecute Wolverine, Nansen doesn't know.

This is also the reason why he killed the Quartet as soon as he appeared on the stage now, but the situation has reached the present, and the samurai robot has not yet appeared, so Nansen guessed that Wolverine is still alive.

After all, reality is reality. In that world, the viper girl could abolish Wolverine's self-healing ability without anyone noticing, and it wasn't until Wolverine got a scan that he found a bug in his heart.

So in this world, why couldn't she just poison Wolverine as soon as he appeared on the stage.

Then relying on the powerful forces of the Yashida family, all information about Wolverine was finally erased.

He was completely erased from this world, and finally only stayed in the memory of everyone in the academy.

"Speak directly, where is the head of the Yashida family, your father, Mr. Yashida Ichiro?

I want to find him, to save his life! "Nansen looked straight at the only son of the Yashida family and said.

At this moment, Yashida Shingen didn't speak anymore. To a certain extent, he can be regarded as a dutiful son. He dedicated half of his life to his family and his father. He even concealed from the company directors and the country the financial crisis caused by saving his father.

His biggest grievance is actually that his father wanted to leave everything to his daughter Mariko, which caused him to rebel in the original plot.

And in this world, it's clear that the Rebellion hasn't come yet, because the plot plays out completely differently.

At this moment when the two sides were confronting each other, a helicopter squadron finally arrived here, and soon many fully armed soldiers got off the helicopter.

From Nansen, Nansen clearly felt that they were all mutants.

And the leader among them, Nansen even felt very familiar, he was clearly the Oda Yamaichiro whom he had met before!
It's just that Nansen doesn't know whether he came here because he guessed his identity, or because he had to come because of the high position and weight of the Yashida family!
(End of this chapter)

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