A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 154 153. Fucking Brother

Chapter 154 153. Fucking Brother

Nansen looked sadly at Loki who was smashed into the ground again, and couldn't help sighing.

Loki has never figured out what kind of existence the earth is, so he wants to come and occupy the earth. After all, he is still too young.

Then Nansen replied to Tony: "No, you didn't miss anything."

Tony smiled, "That's good, I don't want to miss any wonderful dialogue."

Steve also evacuated the crowd at this time, and said to Nansen and Tony: "You two, stop making trouble, and be careful that Loki will run away."

"Run? That's impossible," Nansen said.

At this moment, the tenacious Loki climbed out again. His mentality this time could not be described as angry, and he was about to go crazy.

"You group of dirty, humble, hateful ants, you should be trampled to death by shoes." He roared loudly.

Now that Loki is holding the spiritual scepter, a burst of brilliance flashed, and he once again restored his full-scale armor, looking majestic and not in a panic.

"Oh?" Tony asked back, and then all the weapon compartments in his body were opened, and at the same time, a huge amount of energy was condensed in his chest.

Nansen didn't talk nonsense, and slid his hands across the air, and each golden magic circle was outlined by Nansen.

At the same time, a layer of jelly-like objects was spread on the magic circle, and Nansen issued a series of strengthening orders.

Everything can be strengthened, so why not magic?

Those strengthened magic circles appeared behind Nansen, and soon there were more than a dozen magic circles behind Nansen. They were shining with golden light, but they were extremely terrifying.

At the same time, Nansen stretched out his right hand, and with a "snap", he snapped his fingers, crisp and loud.

But on the magic circle behind him, there appeared a series of weapons, including swords and halberds, each of which looked extremely solid. As long as Nansen had a single thought, he could poke Loki into a sieve.

Steve watched the battle played by the two, lifted the shield on the handle, and gave himself some confidence, "Now, are you still convinced that we are that ant?"

Looking at the battle in front of him, Loki finally raised his hands and removed the armor on his body, "I surrender? You humans won't mutilate captives, will you?"

Then, Steve stepped forward to handcuff Loki, took his scepter, and sent him to the plane.

On the plane, Tony couldn't help but reminisce with Nansen, but he was more surprised at another improvement in Nansen's ability.

It was impossible to make such a golden situation before. At that time, the huge momentum and energy flowed back, and Tony asked Jarvis to calculate it temporarily.

I found that even if I was set on fire by those golden weapons, I would feel cool.

Nansen looked at him with a smile. He knew clearly in his heart that Tony definitely wanted to find out about his abilities, and then develop a wave of 'anti-Nansen armor'. He was definitely doing this kind of research in secret.

But at this moment, there was a sudden lightning and thunder outside the plane, and Natasha said in a puzzled voice: "Why is there thunder?"

"Oh, that guy must be here. To be honest, I don't like him very much. He is stupid and stupid, and he said things that can't be said to outsiders." When Loki said these words, his eyes were still focused on Nansen.

At this time, a layer of armor automatically appeared on Tony's body, and the cabin was opened to find out.

At this time, instead, a figure with a red cloak jumped into the cabin. He took a look inside the cabin, and before he saw Kansen, he found a tin man who was about to shoot himself.

For Thor, this is definitely unbearable, and he passed it with a hammer, smashing Tony and making Steve fall to the ground, and then grabbed Loki and jumped out of the plane.

Nansen raised his hands all the way, no way to say hello, no way not to say hello, it was extremely embarrassing.

Natasha asked loudly in the front cabin of the plane at this moment: "Is this another Asgardian?"

"It doesn't matter, no matter who he is, if Loki dies or is robbed, we will not be able to find the Rubik's Cube," Tony said.

After that, he jumped out of the plane without thinking, and a meteor disappeared in the sky.

Steve looked helplessly at the direction where Tony disappeared, took a skydiving bag, and Nansen said: "Captain, you have to think carefully, Thor may be a serious Thor.

The characters who appeared in the myth came from Asgard, are you sure you want to intervene? "

"It's not my character to let it go." After speaking, Steve also jumped off the plane directly.

At this moment, Nansen was the only one left in the empty cabin, and Natasha asked in surprise: "They all went down, why didn't you go?
I remember from the information that you and this Thor, the God of Thunder, should still have a lot of friendship. "

Nansen shrugged helplessly, "They are a group of militants, if they want to fight, they go there, if they don't fight, they don't know each other, I just wait and clean up the mess.

Let's return the plane anyway, after I go to clean up the mess, I will bring them back. "

In the end, Natasha said helplessly: "Well, they are really a group of belligerent men."

Nansen estimated that the time was almost up, lifted a portal, and then disappeared into the cabin. He left a magic coordinate on Captain America, and he was not worried that those few people would lose it.

When Nansen walked out of the portal, he only saw a bright light coming, followed by a strong energy wave passing by like a hurricane, and the three of them were all out of breath at the moment.

"Speaking of which, have you fought enough? If you haven't fought enough, you continue. I will take Loki away first." Nansen looked at them helplessly.

Thor finally noticed Nansen now, with joy on his face: "Hey friend, where are you from?"

Nansen looked at him expressionlessly, "I was also on the plane just now, and the only thing in your eyes was Tony who wanted to fuck you.

And that brother you love, didn't see me at all, okay? "

Nansen's words made Thor a little embarrassed, and he smiled awkwardly and did not reply.

It was Tony who noticed something was wrong, "Wait, you mean, you know each other?"

"That's right, he is a brother-protecting madman, even if his brother stabs him in the kidney with a knife, he will still forgive Loki."

Thor hurriedly explained at this time: "Who made him my brother? After all, I only have such a brother."

At this moment, Luo Ji did not forget to show his sense of existence, "Father must have told you that you are relatives, but I am not. I can only be regarded as your brother-in-law at most, and you are just my brother-in-law. .”

"Being an older brother is not an older brother? I can't be your younger brother." Thor taught Loki a lesson.

But Loki's eyes widened when he heard it. He actually had something he wanted to say to Thor.

 I recommend a book by my brother, which is also from Meiman. His book is a deduction flow, which will be very exciting.

  Title: "Bing Lin Mei Man" is currently being promoted, with [-] words, you can read it.


(End of this chapter)

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