A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 15 15. Saying No to Money and Power

Chapter 15 15. Saying No to Money and Power
Finally, after Nansen's explanation, Skye understood.

It turned out that they were going to fight, and if it wasn't a one-on-one fight, it would be fine.

Thinking about it, Skye still feels very exciting, and even more relieved.

She knew 'Nansen' very well through the Internet. From Nansen's many personal medical insurance prescriptions, she could understand that his campus life in the school could never be a peaceful one.

Sometimes she went to prescribe various medicines to treat some traumas every now and then. It's not that she never thought of calling the police for Nansen or asking the school for help, but Skye knew the dark side of society better.

Some people gang up to bully others, and turning to the police will only make things worse. After all, it is still a matter of personal character.

Weak and introverted people are mostly bullied. This truth is not only applicable to individuals. Throughout the 5000 years of history, this is a universally applicable truth.

And the law can punish them after they make mistakes, which is a kind of protection for the weak, but at the age of high school, what kind of punishment can be given for bullying a classmate?

Even if there are some serious injuries, there will often not be much punishment, but it will make their bullying worse.

In addition to these, Skye also knew that some people were working for some small New York gangs in the school, and their strength might not be very strong.

But if Nansen really gets involved, for a high school student with no parents and no abilities, he has no choice but to escape from this part of New York.

So under all these circumstances, Skye can only sympathize with Nansen's previous experience.

It's just that it's obviously different now, and Skye clearly feels that his physical fitness has been greatly improved.

Specifically, she couldn't say any data, but at least she could show everything by kneading the compasses into a round cake before.

And Nansen has this ability, won't he use it on himself?
Skye looked at Nansen beside him, expressing that he would never believe it.

She vaguely felt that Nansen had changed a lot from the miserable netizen she was familiar with before, but after thinking about it, he is already a mutant, shouldn't some changes be taken for granted?

Then Nansen parked his bicycle directly at the school and took Skye's car around to the back of the school.

Behind Nansen's school is an old New York street, which is now a low-end population community, and the law and order at night is very chaotic.

X transactions, D product transactions, and armed fights happened from time to time, and from time to time, some people went home and were robbed by others with knives.

Even the patrolling police are reluctant to come to such places at night. After all, the government pays their wages, but their lives are their own.

If all the police are conscientious, I don’t know how many superheroes will be laid off immediately, especially the big bat next to Marvel, who is definitely the first in the wave of laid-off people.

And the grove that Nansen mentioned is an intermediate transition zone in the middle of the chaotic distance from his high school.

So it's no wonder that Nansen's high school has a chaotic learning atmosphere?In this kind of environment, it is probably very difficult not to think about it.

Soon, Skye and Nansen stopped at the side of the road. From a long distance, Nansen saw about a dozen people gathered at the mouth of the small forest.

In addition to the familiar people in Nansen's memory, there are some people he doesn't know. Most of them have various tattoos, and they look cold.

The Amanda that Nansen is familiar with is now bowing beside a young man, pointing to Nansen and saying that it is him.

Then it was very natural to say that it was Nansen who provoked him in various ways, and then returned to the woods and made an appointment.

In order to vividly depict Nansen's brutality, he exposed his empty back molars against Lao Gao's swollen cheeks.

In short, tens of thousands of words can be counted as one sentence, that is: Brother, he bullied me because he definitely didn't want me to do business for you at school.

Not only that, but he also wanted to beat me up in the grove. This is definitely a slap in the face. You beat him up for me. Don't worry about our friendship between classmates. You have to beat me hard, the kind that breaks arms and legs.

It's just that the young man is not so brainless. He fully understands Amanda's temper as his subordinate, so he won't believe his nonsense.

All he cared about was his own business, and apart from that, he wouldn't even frown when Amanda was beaten to death.

Nansen looked at the battle of more than a dozen people in the distance without any fear in his heart. After eating the strengthening fruit, he clearly felt that his current physical fitness was absolutely beyond the charts.

For these ordinary humans, what difference does it make if there are more or less of them?It's nothing more than two more punches.

Relying on the enhanced physical fitness, it is right to be reckless all the way to the end.

As for saying that some of them might carry guns?
Nansen has naturally considered this issue, but even if there is a gun, it is impossible for everyone to carry it, and it is estimated that very few people carry it.

After all, for them, when they usually commit crimes and are caught by the police, having a gun or not having a gun are completely two concepts.

Even if his boss wants to get him, he will be yelled at by those vampires in the name of having a gun on his body.

After all, they are all just 'businessmen'.

And Nansen also has his own secret weapon, that is +10 old half brick.

Now his physical fitness has been greatly strengthened. Although he can't physically resist bullets, he can at least predictively dodge and swing a brick!
Biochemical bricks, just ask if you are afraid or not.

"You are the one who beat up Amanda and Xin Liu, and then you made an appointment to meet here after school in the afternoon. You are quite courageous." The young man said.

The low tone sounded very fierce, and the people around him also took out their weapons in coordination, but they were all knives and steel pipes.

At this time, two whistles sounded suddenly, and the young man hurriedly glared at the whistler.

The man shrunk his head and said frightenedly, "I'm sorry, brother, that girl is really beautiful."

It can be seen that this young man still has a little prestige among the crowd, but Skye, who is following Nansen, is very helpless.

Does anyone know how to turn off their charm switch?Waiting online, very anxious.

Nansen could only shrug his shoulders and reply to the young man: "He didn't beat me up when he had nothing to do at school before. I just hit back. I'm actually at a loss for that."

It was very uncomfortable for Nansen to say this. The person Amanda bullied in school before could be said to be him, but it was not him at all.

The young man was slightly surprised after hearing this, and looked at Amanda suspiciously.

Amanda only dared to laugh, he was indeed very domineering at school, but he didn't expect that the once weak chicken would become a fierce tiger.

"Oh, I understand." The young man said such a sentence flutteringly.

Then, in everyone's astonishment, he suddenly jumped up, kicked Amanda beside him to the ground, and then slammed his feet hard, and even vaguely heard the sound of broken ribs.

Immediately, Amanda's miserable howl rang out, but looking at the situation here, even the patrolmen were reluctant to approach easily, let alone ordinary people who came forward bravely.

Skye was puzzled by the young man's actions, while Nansen watched with a smile on his face.

"Are you satisfied with this?" the young man said, his eyes were very fierce, as if Nansen would pounce on him if he said nothing.

But unexpectedly, Nansen just shook his head, and amidst the young man's dissatisfaction, squatted down and turned Amanda forward.

His cries were made even more horrific by crushing broken ribs.

Then there was a loud 'pop', and the other side of Amanda's face swelled up.

"Well, I'm satisfied with that, let me just say, I felt uncomfortable the first time I saw him." Nansen stood up and clapped his hands, as if he was just doing trivial things.

It's much better now, and it looks even more beautiful when symmetrical.

"Remorseful 555 received from Amanda Evans."

These two slaps were actually just Nansen's revenge for "himself". For him, the previous "Nansen" was just a so-called specific system template.

But for that boy, he was really bullied by Amanda in this school for many years, and two slaps were indeed considered light.

Hearing Nansen's words, the young man's face softened a little, and he said, "Since this is the case, you understand. Now that my subordinates have received such harm, the business in the school will be free in a short time.

I hope you will fill this gap, we will provide the goods..."

Before he finished speaking, Nansen interrupted him directly, "Wait!" Cargo?What exactly is the goods, Nansen can understand with his toes.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested, you can choose someone else." Nansen wanted to pull Sky away after finishing speaking.

But the young man directly scolded, "Don't think that you are a mutant, so you can ignore us like this."

That young man who was able to get into this area was not stupid. A young man who was bullied on weekdays suddenly broke out and beat him with his bare hands and came to him as a rescuer.

If you say that this kind of character didn't suddenly awaken and become a mutant, who would believe it?

The people around the young man seemed to have discovered something serious, and immediately took a step back in the opposite direction of Nansen, moving in unison, for fear that they would be caught by Nansen if they took a step too late.

This is basically the status of mutants in society today, and it is not an exaggeration to count them as avoiding snakes and scorpions.

Hearing these words, Nansen turned around slowly, and the young man quickly took out a pistol from his pocket and aimed it at Nansen's head.

There was no pause in his mouth, and he quickly said: "You can follow me, as long as you follow me, I can guarantee that you will not be subject to economic constraints in the future, and we can even make a lot of money.

In addition to these, everyone in the three neighborhoods will give me face. As long as you follow me, you will even have moderate power here. "

Negotiating with a pistol, I have to say that there is still a reason why this young man was able to sneak into the little boss.

But Nansen just shook his head, "I came here today to solve the problems of these years, but you magnified the problems that I didn't realize. Of course I don't agree."

Hearing what Nansen said, the young man couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. He can still be so stubborn when he is pointed at by a pistol. This kind of mutant's ability is either very powerful, or he is mentally retarded.

The young man knew that his behavior was very risky, but if he could attract this mutant, his status in the gang would definitely be improved to a great extent. Great benefit.

It's just that now he's panicking inside, the pistol doesn't bring him any sense of security at all, and he knows that he seems to have really touched a tiger.

So he hurriedly said: "Please really stop thinking about it again, don't you think about money and power?"

A slight ripple appeared in Nansen's heart, money, that's really a good thing, forget about power, what power can he bring to himself?
The leader of the gangsters in the three blocks?Sounds like a real deal.

So Nansen took a deep look at her chest under Skye's puzzled eyes, and said righteously: "No, I long for Nako!"

 This chapter is 3500+, which is considered a big chapter. When the internship period is over, everything will be fine.

  Let me talk about a little thing. The spirit of the previous chapter was a bit blurred last night, and I didn’t feel very good. I made a small modification, which does not affect the reading. I just want to tell you.

  And, roll around begging for a ticket, begging for support.

  Finally, I wish everyone a good dream!
(End of this chapter)

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