A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 12 12. Don't leave after school

Chapter 12 12. Don't leave after school
Nansen narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Amanda, listening to the booing of the people around him, and the voice of "Little Princess Nancy" resounded one after another for a while.

This kind of thing is a very common topic in middle school, and it is not uncommon in all countries and ages. No matter how the civilization develops, this kind of phenomenon always happens one after another.

But after all, people's minds are always growing, and these students will understand after they arrive at university that it is actually a very naive thing to bully others with some of their own advantages.

Of course, it is more likely that some people are afraid of being expelled from the university!
But when I was still young, this kind of 'childish' thing was the source of happiness for some people in school.

But at this moment, Nansen smiled. His smile was very eye-catching in the eyes of everyone in Amanda, as if he dismissed their mockery.

"Princess Nancy, did you take the wrong medicine today?" A person next to Amanda said, and then stepped forward, relying on the crowd to suppress the situation, and punched Nansen in the stomach.

Belly beating is actually a very good way of attack. On the one hand, it can make the victim very painful, and on the other hand, it is relatively less dangerous.

Although today's Nansen did not take the wrong medicine, he was already very different from the 'Nansen' of the past.

Nansen easily dodged sideways, then pulled his arm, lowered his center of gravity, raised his foot, kicked him directly in the face, and kicked him back again.

In an instant, nosebleeds flew, and howls like killing a pig sounded out!
The whole set of movements Nansen performed smoothly, with many movements and even dazzling, which is quite beautiful.

Of course, Nansen was holding back his strength at the moment, otherwise that person's skull would be cracked by this kick.

Nansen doesn't know how strong he is now, but he should be able to fight the US team [-]-[-].

Well, that's right, it's definitely [-]-[-].

"Received Liu Xin's remorseful 499!"

Nansen now understands that bullying people probably won't get strengthening points, but if someone wants to bully him, but finds that he kicked down the iron plate, the regret will contribute to the thief.

At this moment, Amanda and his group were stunned, and even the people around them who were eating melons were also very surprised.

In the past, a young man who was silent in his heart was almost unable to fight back when he was beaten or scolded. What happened today?
Could this be the reason for the awakening of the mysterious power from the East?
At this moment, those people who were watching the theater and wanted to see Nansen make a fool of themselves, unconsciously had fear in their eyes.

Just like when you find out that a defeated dog who is often bullied suddenly shows his fangs one day, and they are still very sharp, then most people will probably feel shocked and afraid.

Amanda saw that there were still two or three of her companions around her at the moment, and said sternly, "Princess Nancy, don't..."

Before he finished speaking, Nansen came directly in front of him, and came to him with a face-to-face, and then a loud slap was slapped down, and even two back molars jumped out in the air.

"Don't you really think that you talk too much?" Nansen said this sentence lightly, and for a while the master's demeanor was vividly displayed.

"Received Amanda..."

At this time, the sound of class also rang together, and the ringtone of "Dingling" was more like a sweet fairy song at this moment.

The melon-eating people around dispersed like the tide at this moment, and ran straight to their classrooms. It's okay to watch the excitement, and it's okay if it's not a big deal.

But being late is a big problem. After all, no one wants to go to the principal's office for tea and then stay in school for labor punishment.

Amanda's cronies and friends also breathed a sigh of relief, and then according to their usual habits, they said a few cruel words and left.

Unexpectedly, this step was robbed by Nansen, "Oh, by the way, you people don't leave after school in the afternoon, I feel that you may have misunderstood me over the years."

misunderstanding?Ghosts have misunderstood you?

Both parents passed away, and the yellow man was alone. These years, it was soft like a puddle of yellow mud. Who knows why it has become firm today.

This is not scientific!And shouldn't we say this line?
They were still roaring in their hearts, but Nansen had already passed them and walked to his classroom: "Don't try to run after school, or I will hit you once I see you.

Of course, if you are afraid of being beaten after school, you can call more people, the small forest behind the school is nice, we can communicate and study more~"

What a fucking exchange study.

They complained wildly in their hearts, but no one dared to refute, and no one dared to express different opinions.

Nothing more than that, because Amanda, the strongest among them, was still bleeding from the corner of his mouth at the moment, and at the same time, his two back molars were still spinning on the ground.

Finally, the moment the bell rang, Nansen accurately appeared at the door of the class. At this moment, the teacher had already stood on the award podium, looked at Nansen at the door, and waved helplessly for him to sit back.

After that, Nansen returned to the last row of seats. At this moment, he still felt his hands trembling slightly.

It wasn't because of fear, but because he felt full of excitement. Right now, in his backstage, remorse was still pouring in.

"Received Amanda Evans remorse 200, 150, 99..."

"Received Liu Xin's remorse 233, 149..."

"Received the regret of 'Hupenggouyou' 50, 40..."

Nansen looked at the remorse that kept getting money in the backstage, and his heart was about to burst into joy. In just a while, he had already gained more than 3000 reinforcement points.

And there are constantly regrets, this wave is really too profitable.

Nansen sat in his seat and thought, it seems that there is no harm in being bullied like this. He is almost overjoyed, and he has completely lost the calmness and coolness of being a master before.

The happy Nansen decided that for the scum of this society, it is not necessarily a bad thing to let them repent their lives.

Thinking of this, Nansen is still a little excited, the principal should award him some kind of scholarship.

The morning class ended like this. It was very boring to talk about. As a time-traveling visitor, Nansen was not a top-notch student in his previous life, but he was still a college student anyway.

No matter how poor the university in Huaguo is, the college entrance examination is always poor. Everyone who has survived that war should be regarded as a warrior.

In that long battle, Nansen won a ticket to one of the colleges, and he threw his head and blood for it.

I once shouted: No hardship, no tiredness, youth and fearlessness, no hard work, no hard work, is worthless work, so I won it.

It's a pity that when Nansen grew up, he realized that it is better to have a house.

One of my classmates didn't get into the undergraduate course, and with more than [-] suites more than me, I was thrown out of my own class in an instant...

So after the language barrier was eliminated, Nansen didn't dare to say anything else. Based on the knowledge learned by this group of American high school students, it would not be a problem for him to be able to beat ten of them.

The one who fights against the Confucians and also solves calculus equations along the way.

Of course, this is based on the premise of reviewing the textbook for him, the time does not need to be very long, it is enough time for the song "The King of Love Songs".

So in class, Nansen, who has no friends, is left with deep boredom.

Its boring level is close to putting a junior high school student in a primary school classroom.

But this kind of boredom was quickly broken in the afternoon, because this afternoon, a transfer student unexpectedly came to the class!
(End of this chapter)

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