A god-level intensifier of a certain manga

Chapter 113 112. We still need a little help

Chapter 113 112. We still need a little help
PS: The banned chapter has been unblocked. Please take a look again. The update is back to normal. Generally, there will be two updates. If something happens, you will ask for leave. We will add more updates according to the fate. Thank you for your genuine support.

Lingdie looked at Lorelai, and Lorelai looked at Nansen again, her meaning was obvious, everything here was under Nansen's command.

At this time, Jia Siding became more relaxed from the previous urgency, "What's the matter? You should go, but unfortunately, can you go?
So what if Her Lady Queen from Hell's Kitchen is here?It's not about coming back obediently.

It is impossible for you to leave this floor without my order. "

His voice was full of complacency. After all, the three of Nansen are now being pointed at by his subordinates. As long as they are normal people, they will believe that the three of them dare not act rashly.

But Nansen shook his head when he heard this, and suddenly felt that Justin was a real idiot. It was just a dream for this person to try to compete with Tony.

It's no wonder that in the plot Nansen recorded, Sangbian could easily kill the billionaire.

"Lingdie, go forward, anyone who dares to point a gun at us will have their hands chopped off."

As soon as Nansen's words came out, Lingdie took the lead and walked forward, while Nansen and Lorelai walked behind.

The bodyguards immediately looked at each other in blank dismay, but some of them were excited and had already pointed their guns at Lingdie's feet and started shooting.

But a flash of red lighted up in an instant, and before they could react in time, they found that their wrists and arms had been detached.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" and at the same time, some people behind opened fire decisively at the three of them.

But a round shield suddenly appeared around the three of them. Its color was transparent, but it protected the three of them very well.

This was originally Sif's shield, and now it has shown its strength after being high-strength.

After Nansen turned into McRae, it was difficult to use [Clean Ground] in New York. After all, this skill was too easy to expose, so he used the shield instead.

So those bodyguards kept pulling the trigger in the chaos, even if Justin yelled desperately to stop in the room, it had no effect.

At this moment, Lingdie also completely let go of herself, a long sword spread out from the palms of her two hands, this is her ability, she can use the power of thought to make weapons.

Immediately, Nansen clicked with one hand, and an illusory shield appeared outside Lingdie's body. It slowly revolved around Lingdie, and now Lingdie had no worries at all.

She directly charged at the panicked bodyguards, like a dancing elf, and as soon as she raised her knife, there was a group of howling people on the ground, with broken hands.

When everyone was lying on the ground and howling, Nansen asked Justin, who was already pale with fright, "Mr. Hammer, these medical expenses under your command should not be worth mentioning to you." !"

Justin was really scared at this moment. When he walked to the door, he saw a drop lying under his hand, his wrist was cut off, and blood was flowing across the ground.

According to this rhythm, even if this group of people were not killed by Lingdie on the spot, they would inevitably lose too much blood and die later.

Nansen took Lorelai and Lingdie slowly away in the corridor like this, in fact, Nansen was also looking forward to it in his heart.

Although Justin Hammer is a bit of a fool, he has always been a puppet put on the bright side, but this kind of person will never lose his ambition, so Nansen is wondering whether he will stop himself.

He came to Justin with this video, definitely not just to show him again, but also has his own plan on a deeper level.

Finally, when the three of Nansen were about to walk to the elevator, Justin stopped Nansen suddenly, "Sir, wait a moment, I think we need to talk again."

After Nansen heard about it, he looked at him across the long corridor. Justin's face was still pale now, standing among a group of wailing subordinates, he even looked very scared, but he still shouted this sentence after all.

This made Nansen a little more appreciative, but Justin didn't understand that people have ambitions but no ability, they just play with fire and set themselves on fire.

"Then your subordinates?" Nansen asked.

When Justin saw something interesting, he gritted his teeth and said, "All of them were careless, and their wrists were cut off by the tableware."

Hearing this reason, Nansen couldn't help feeling amused. A dozen or so people had their wrists cut off by tableware accidentally. Which tableware is so awesome?Obviously it is a dining saw.

But this was also Justin's attitude. Nansen looked at him jokingly, and the initiative was obviously back in his hands.

Soon everyone continued to talk in another place. As for Justin's subordinates, they were taken to the hospital with their hands in their hands.

The decoration of the new room is not complicated, but it is still above the upper floor, and when you look up, you can see the lights of Wanjia below, and the traffic is busy.

At this moment, Psylocke was arranged outside the room, and only Nansen, Lorelei and Justin were left in the room.

"Mr. Justin, you can call me McClay. You watched the video just now. Do you have anything to say?" Nansen asked first.

Justin thought for a while, and forced himself to calm down. He was still a little scared in his heart, but more excited, "I want to confirm, is the one Tony was injected with a genetic drug?"

When Lorelai made an appointment to arrange a meeting before, she had already revealed her tone. What Lorelai didn't understand before was that since Nansen had perfectly researched this potion, what else did he need Justin to do?
It was completely unnecessary to pull him over for a share of the action.

Hearing that he finally believed it, Nansen said, "Yes, but you didn't seem to believe that much before.

I know that you are imitating Iron Man recently and want to create a war robot, but you also understand that blindly imitating will not lead to a path that suits you after all.

And the technology in my hands can allow you to quickly call the wind and rain in this world, and become a truly hot VIP in the upper class. "

After Justin finished listening, his breathing became short of breath, but at the same time, his brain began to think rapidly, gradually regaining the shrewdness of a businessman.

He didn't suspect that the video material was fake, because it was completely unnecessary, and it involved Tony's identity to fake it, and then deceived himself, offending Stark Industries and Hammer Industries all at once, which was a completely mentally retarded behavior.

So Justin thought for a while and asked, "So what exactly do you need from me?"

Hearing this, Nansen smiled: "Mr. Justin will not be ignorant of his own strength, your contacts and sales are all what we need.

And now, our research and development has encountered a small problem. The yield of genetic medicine is not high, and there is a high possibility that the injector will die.

However, this problem can still be overcome, and we still need a little help here. "

Although Nansen has fully stated the reason for seeking him, Justin still asked a tricky question with a doubt: "Oh? If this is the case, I really want to know why you don't go looking for Stark.

Tony seems to have accepted your experiment, and should have approved your medicine, so why didn't you go to him?I think he would be a better partner than me.

On this point, I hope Mr. McRae can give me a reasonable explanation. "

(End of this chapter)

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